Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Well-known member

He didn't have the guts to take my bet back in July, but he's still spent the past 6 months drooling about how Trump will WIN BIG!

I'd like to make a wager with THall: if Trump wins (at all, let alone "big"), I'll leave TOL. If Trump doesn't win (and of course Trump won't win), THall leaves TOL. No new registration, no sock puppets, just leave. Why? Because I can't stand THall; I think he's a blowhard.

Sounds good and fair to me. How about it? Heck, I'll throw in a donation to the charity of THall's choice on my way out.

Shame he didn't have the spine for it.

I thought maybe he'd make the bet with musterion, but he ignored it:

Trump now has a huge lead in
South Carolina!!! He is going to

All you cry babies out there still
supporting career politician lawyers
are a little slow to catch on,
but your stupidity is entertaining!

Hillary will be POTUS.

Dead serious. Bet me. Name the stakes.

Maybe THall will make the bet with musterion.

Seems like there could be some sort of pool ... How long before THall starts making excuses for Trump not WINNING BIG? Where will he cast the blame?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
leaving aside zoo's obsession with thall and attempts to bait him, i wonder who President Trump will choose as a running mate


New member
leaving aside zoo's obsession with thall and attempts to bait him, i wonder who President Trump will choose as a running mate

I wait to make a bet until he chooses a running mate and the media has had a chance to dredge up as much garbage on him/her as possible.


New member
Yes, let's all so-called Christians vote for a man that:

--- JUST THIS WEEK -- praised Planned Parenthood, and who fishes for applause lines by cussing out his competitors and mocking disabled people, and who can't name a book in the Bible, and who said he doesn't need forgiveness from God, and who brags about sleeping with married women, and who said he'd love to date his own daughter because she has a hot body, and who supported the murder of fully developed infant children, and who blatantly lies and then lies again about lying, and who has encapsulated literally the exact opposite of anything that could remotely be considered a "Christian value," won with the indispensable assistance of Christians.

--- JUST THIS WEEK -- said he likes the Obamacare mandate.

--- Speaking of the country's demise, Trump fans are gleefully ushering in tyranny. I am tired of hearing about their "anger." They claim they are angry at the very thing they now embrace. They aren't angry. They're bored. They're immature. They're infatuated with celebrity and fame and money. They aren't angry.

--- I don't want to hear about second place consolation prizes. If Cruz or Rubio can't win South Carolina, it may be time to panic. I'm sorry, but it's true. Deal with the reality, folks.

--- According to exit polls, Trump fans don't necessarily think he's electable and they don't believe he shares their values, but "they want change." Dear God, we are really doing 2008 all over again. People voting for ambiguous, non-specific change in spite of the avalanche of red flags.

--- Bush should be commended for dropping out. He's an honorable and decent man, although I didn't support him. The others in the bottom tier, should they stay in, will be doing potentially irreparable harm to this country and my children's future. And that is something I will struggle to forgive.

--- Get on your knees and pray for this country tonight. Right now. I feel we are on the cusp of something terrible. Pray we avoid it.

I am so mad at so-called Christians, I'm spitting nails.

You can do your own searching and see if this is true or not.


New member
Seems like there could be some sort of pool ... How long before THall starts making excuses for Trump not WINNING BIG? Where will he cast the blame?

You poor thing, you are so
emotionally invested in your
clueless claims.

I never said I was voting
for Trump, I just said
he was going to win big,
and why that was so.

He has a double digit win
in two states and a delegate
count of 60. His closest competitor
has 11 delegates. You are an idiot.


New member
Rubio can not stop Trump.

There are only two who can.

Cruz and Trump. The only way

For Cruz to stop him is to start

talking about Trump's weakness on

the Bill of Rights, specifically

the 4th, 5th, and 10th Amendments,

and issues like Apple vs. FBI, and

Federal Land grabs.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Trump likes him some softball questions.

And he has a great platitude for any question he is asked, "its great", "it"s wonderful", "you're gonna love it", of course any specifics are to be revealed just as Pelosi's "you have to vote for it before you can see it". America is in trouble whether Hillary or Trump gets in, nobody knows what they will do.


New member
this country went to hell long ago - turned from God and embraced satan

fred phelps was right

Does a christian want a president who acts morally? Yes. Atheists can act morally too. Does a christian want a president who pursues policies that provide a healthy background for Christians to make a difference? Yes. The current president is beholden to groups like LGBT and planned parenthood. Trump may like what PP does not related to abortion but he certainly is against mandating immorality upon Christians through force like obamacare does. Can anyone see that personal immorality is irrelevant compared to what he actually does with presidential power?


Well-known member
Trump is Clinton's stalking horse. The establishment - R and D - are ABC. ANYONE But Cruz. That explains SC. That explains establishment Republicans saying they'd rather see Clinton or Sanders before Cruz.


Well-known member
Does a christian want a president who acts morally? Yes. Atheists can act morally too. Does a christian want a president who pursues policies that provide a healthy background for Christians to make a difference? Yes. The current president is beholden to groups like LGBT and planned parenthood. Trump may like what PP does not related to abortion but he certainly is against mandating immorality upon Christians through force like obamacare does. Can anyone see that personal immorality is irrelevant compared to what he actually does with presidential power?

It's thinking like that which has helped, over decades, get us where we are now. Personal morality will influence how power is used, at any level.

Trump is throwing raw meat to people who have become so angry at the GOP, but that's easiest thing in the world for anyone to do: just figure out what ticks them off, preach against it and promise them better. You don't have to actually believe what you say to get them to follow you. They'll believe what they want to believe, which is that you believe as they do because they're not just angry but desperate and scared.

No one can say for sure If Trump's moral core extends beyond himself. I cannot trust him for the exact same reason I couldn't trust Mitt Romney...he's a liberal running on peak conservative disgust with the GOP, while actual conservative candidates get shivved from all sides.


New member
you got that right -

Bush is a jerk -
and -
his supporters are idiots -

This loser Bush, spent more than $2,000.00 per vote
gained in the primary.

He could have straight up bought more votes with
that money. What a loser.

Who is the non establishment fake conservative
taking money from, look at the facts below.

Ted Cruz
Industry Amount
Real Estate $25,729,192
Securities & Investment $11,794,055
Retired $3,142,703
Lawyers/Law Firms $688,038