Donald Trump will WIN BIG!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
what's the difference?

we're gonna get either a rino or a demo

might as well vote for a wild card

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
said this before and i'll say it again

in the primaries, vote for the best candidate you can find

in the general, vote against the worst candidate running

in this republican primary, my fave (Carson) is dead

looks like my second fave (Cruz) is dead

so i support trump, as the best choice to defeat hillary/bernie

and to stick a fork in the eye of the RNC

patrick jane

It's a dishonest bill! It forces responsible people who have been paying into insurance all of their life to pay much higher premiums to subsidize Jerry the crack head and his old lady.

Good for crackheads and their squeeze and unemployed heroin addicts

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
enough said

He's gone (thank God). Now change your stupid avatar of people that work with openly perverted politicians. You have no confusion over why he had no chance do you? He is the face of everything wrong. His party was given a large majority to stop Obama. Not to work with that devil.