Does God Decieve?


Well-known member
Oh, so it's separation according to you is it? Funny how you think you know what I believe as well although I did think that part of your belief included eternal security? There's many circles who find MAD to be false and even heresy and they often sound just as condemnatory as you.

This has nothing to do with me. Deflection won't help.

You're headed for eternal, terrible separation from God if you continue to reject the cross.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This has nothing to do with me. Deflection won't help.

You're headed for eternal, terrible separation from God if you continue to reject the cross.

Well of course it hasn't as you're not the arbiter of anything. If, however, you're a proponent of OSAS along with MAD then your latter is absolutely irrelevant anyway.

So, you're right, it really has got nothing to do with you.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This has nothing to do with me. Deflection won't help.

You're headed for eternal, terrible separation from God if you continue to reject the cross.

Just for a "laugh" Musterion, if eternal security is indeed part of your belief then I "qualified" for it years ago. I repented and fervently asked the Lord to forgive me of all of my sins. I was sincere, was baptised in water (however important that is) and meant it.

So am I still "saved" even if I disagree with the likes of fundamentalism?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just for a "laugh" Musterion, if eternal security is indeed part of your belief then I "qualified" for it years ago. I repented and fervently asked the Lord to forgive me of all of my sins. I was sincere, was baptised in water (however important that is) and meant it.

So am I still "saved" even if I disagree with the likes of fundamentalism?

Any response?


No, I don't think God decieves, but I'm not sure why He sends delusion to those who already have rejected Him.
Thess. 2:12 “God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false”
This is one of the tactics of Satan the Devil. If he convinces people that God can and does do the things he does, Satan remains a mythical creature while God is guilty of everything people say about Him.

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Well-known member
No, I don't think God decieves, but I'm not sure why He sends delusion to those who already have rejected Him.
Thess. 2:12 “God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false”

Not really a direct answer, but while it is Satan who deceives, God does send delusion (as you have noted) and Isaiah 66:4 even says God will choose the delusions of those who chose evil in the face of God. Our perceptions are so malleable and fallible that it takes very little for man to be deceived. Israel was told that (among other things) their judgment for turning from the Almighty would include running from imaginary pursuers (e.g. Lev 26:17). A paranoia from God. As judgment. But is God deceiving? No. He is merely releasing His hand so that the fear that accompanies unbelief spirals out of control.

As to "why", the answer is judgment. Most - if not all - of the passages that speak of this sort of thing also clearly spell out that this judgment.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i'll tackle it:

not necessarily

and yet you still weren't saved, were you?

Doesn't look as though you were really that serious about "tackling" this at all doser. Tell me, if someone admits that they sin, repents of those sins and asks God to forgive them and invites God into their life then is that person "saved"?


Well-known member
No, I don't think God decieves, but I'm not sure why He sends delusion to those who already have rejected Him.
Thess. 2:12 “God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false”

Kind of self evident when you carry a ID of a persona loyal to the state that owns that straw man, so your the man like David unaware of his own hypocrisy that produced the death of a Living child, your legally dead under jurisdiction of Roman civil law your God and master.
Christ within awaits your awakening from the very delusion you reflect from your consciousness where condemnation rules in self ignorance like David you need to see your the very one you warn about.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I repented and fervently asked the Lord to forgive me of all of my sins. I was sincere, was baptised in water (however important that is) and meant it.

and yet you still weren't saved, were you?

that's a question that deserves a yes or no answer

my answer would be "no, you weren't saved"

i know it, you know it

you know it in your heart

it's a large part of why you're angry at God - you think He owes you something you've earned :nono:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
that's a question that deserves a yes or no answer

my answer would be "no, you weren't saved"

i know it, you know it

you know it in your heart

it's a large part of why you're angry at God - you think He owes you something you've earned :nono:

So, your "tackling" this amounts to you wanting to change my past or something?

I was as sincere in my repentance as I stated in that post. Heartfelt and genuine. Would that earnestness qualify me as "saved"?

That's all that's under question here, not your silly presumptions about something being "earned" et al or "angry at God" etc. Simply wasn't or isn't the case.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So, your "tackling" this amounts to you wanting to change my past or something?

I was as sincere in my repentance as I stated in that post. Heartfelt and genuine. Would that earnestness qualify me as "saved"?

That's all that's under question here, not your silly presumptions about something being "earned" et al. Simply wasn't the case.

and you still haven't answered with a yes or no

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
and you still haven't answered with a yes or no

You're not answering with anything on point at all. Why did you even bother "tackling" this subject if you couldn't answer and only wanted to obfuscate?

I've been directly honest with you and anyone who reads this topic.

If I genuinely sought forgiveness from God for my sins and repented then would I be "saved" or not? Would there be something else I needed to do?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're not answering with anything on point at all.

well, let's see if that's true

you said:
I repented and fervently asked the Lord to forgive me of all of my sins. I was sincere, was baptised in water (however important that is) and meant it.

and i replied:
and yet you still weren't saved, were you?

and your last four responses have been desperate attempts to avoid answering that question

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
well, let's see if that's true

you said:

and i replied:

and your last four responses have been desperate attempts to avoid answering that question

That was supposed to be a question? Sure I was. Otherwise, explain how someone who did all of the aforementioned and with complete sincerity wasn't.