Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?


Well-known member
I have 30 persons on my current ignore list. They comprise those that are eristic enough to vote in the TOL Trinity poll here:

The remainder are those that hide their anti-Trinitarianism until directly questioned and found to be anti-Trinitarians, for example, users God's Truth and marhig. It is best to leave all anti-Trinitarians ignored and not permit these non-Christians opportunities to bring scandal upon that which we hold dear. Our only response to them should be to remind them of their unbelieving status and thusly, their prima facie inability to interpret Scripture wisely, so as to ward off the weaker in the faith that may be led to stumble. I need to take my own advice more often than I do, too. Pray for me that I do so.

For more see:

Please feel free to put me on ignore, if you feel you need to do so because of the way I believe. I have never hidden the fact that I don't believe the trinity. I'm very open about it, I've read my Bible, and to me it is as clear as day that there is only one true God and he is the father and Jesus the Christ has been exhalted by the father over all and he is the son. But the father is still the head of Christ, and I might add that this is in the the Bible.

I personally don't need to ignore anyone, no matter what they are like to me, because I believe that God gives his people a mouth to speak, and I don't have to ignore anyone, I am willing to listen to anyone, but if I feel that it doesn't correspond with the Bible then I don't believe it because I also believe that God has everything in the Bible that he wants in there for us to know. And to me, when Jesus says that God is his God and the apostles call God the God and father of Jesus, including everything else that's in the Bible regarding this, then that's good enough for me.

I don't feel like some of you here, who feel the need to bad mouth others and condemn then to hell because they don't believe in the same way, I believe that the whole purpose of the writings in the Bible and the coming of Christ is to bring us the truth, to show us the way back to God and Jesus Christ's life is the life and he is the only way, and once we have faith, and follow him, God then wants our hearts cleansed. And we receive this by Christ through the spirit, teaching us not only in the scriptures, but also in our hearts how to live before God and to deny sin. And through faith and love, God changes our hearts to be more like his holy son. So that we care for all, so I couldn't ignore anyone, because God loves all of us and he wants us all back, I just don't let anything that I believe will weaken me take me away from God into my heart. Anyone that says that we don't have to deny ourselves and turn from sin, to me, doesn't truly know God, because if they did, then they would know in their hearts that this is exactly what God wants us to do, and Jesus also taught us to do this too.

I believe that God looks at the heart, we may not understand all of the scriptures, but God more than anything wants our heart to be more like his son and filled with his spirit and our minds thinking of him and our hearts loving him always. And to me, this is more important than having a deep understanding of all the scriptures. God has the Bible written in a way that we all should be able to understand how we are to live before him, and only a few are gradually given the understanding to the deeper meanings of the Bible, the more they lay down their lives and give their heart to God the more opens their eyes and ears.

I truly hope that all get into heaven, as I believe that our Lord Jesus came and spread the gospel with the hope of this. Speaking everything the father gave him through the spirit hoping we would open our hearts and receive the word of God.

God doesn't give understanding to those who think that they are above others and look down on them, Gods gives understanding to those who are humble and love him from the heart and care about others regardless. And if we have the heart of Christ, then that's what we'll be like. Hoping for everyone to know God, and hoping for everyone get to heaven.

1 Timothy 3

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


Please feel free to put me on ignore, if you feel you need to do so because of the way I believe. I have never hidden the fact that I don't believe the trinity. I'm very open about it, I've read my Bible, and to me it is as clear as day that there is only one true God and he is the father and Jesus the Christ has been exhalted by the father over all and he is the son. But the father is still the head of Christ, and I might add that this is in the the Bible.

I personally don't need to ignore anyone, no matter what they are like to me, because I believe that God gives his people a mouth to speak, and I don't have to ignore anyone, I am willing to listen to anyone, but if I feel that it doesn't correspond with the Bible then I don't believe it because I also believe that God has everything in the Bible that he wants in there for us to know. And to me, when Jesus says that God is his God and the apostles call God the God and father of Jesus, including everything else that's in the Bible regarding this, then that's good enough for me.

I don't feel like some of you here, who feel the need to bad mouth others and condemn then to hell because they don't believe in the same way, I believe that the whole purpose of the writings in the Bible and the coming of Christ is to bring us the truth, to show us the way back to God and Jesus Christ's life is the life and he is the only way, and once we have faith, and follow him, God then wants our hearts cleansed. And we receive this by Christ through the spirit, teaching us not only in the scriptures, but also in our hearts how to live before God and to deny sin. And through faith and love, God changes our hearts to be more like his holy son. So that we care for all, so I couldn't ignore anyone, because God loves all of us and he wants us all back, I just don't let anything that I believe will weaken me take me away from God into my heart. Anyone that says that we don't have to deny ourselves and turn from sin, to me, doesn't truly know God, because if they did, then they would know in their hearts that this is exactly what God wants us to do, and Jesus also taught us to do this too.

I believe that God looks at the heart, we may not understand all of the scriptures, but God more than anything wants our heart to be more like his son and filled with his spirit and our minds thinking of him and our hearts loving him always. And to me, this is more important than having a deep understanding of all the scriptures. God has the Bible written in a way that we all should be able to understand how we are to live before him, and only a few are gradually given the understanding to the deeper meanings of the Bible, the more they lay down their lives and give their heart to God the more opens their eyes and ears.

I truly hope that all get into heaven, as I believe that our Lord Jesus came and spread the gospel with the hope of this. Speaking everything the father gave him through the spirit hoping we would open our hearts and receive the word of God.

God doesn't give understanding to those who think that they are above others and look down on them, Gods gives understanding to those who are humble and love him from the heart and care about others regardless. And if we have the heart of Christ, then that's what we'll be like. Hoping for everyone to know God, and hoping for everyone get to heaven.

1 Timothy 3

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Christ consciousness is another gospel

Ask Mr. Religion

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Christ consciousness is another gospel
More pointedly, that the anti-Trinitarian may sincerely believe the intellectual model of Our Lord created in the idol factory of their minds, while wrapping it all up in lachrymose testimony seasoned with Scripture not understood, in no way grants these unbelievers entrance into the community of saints.

The gift is valued according to the altar on which it is presented. For His chosen ones, Our Lord offered Himself through the eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:14), that is to say, He offered His fully human nature on the altar of His fully divine nature. His divine nature being eternal, Our Lord's offering possesses an eternal quality. Hence, although Jesus Christ did not sacrifice Himself eternally, He nevertheless offered an eternal sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. No one but the fully God and fully man, the Person Jesus Christ, can accomplish what God the Father required for our sins.



New member
Did you see AMR's post on the Athanasian Creed?.

Whether you "like" it or not, it's a historic creed, based and founded in Scripture and most Christian churches of various denominations consider it as part of their statement of faith.

You seem to be outside of historic Christianity, insisting that the doctrine of the Trinity is not provable by Scripture. So be it. Don't expect AMR to continue spoon feeding you. He has shown greater courtesy than I would have.

Haven't looked at AMR's post on the Athanasian Creed. Did you just expect me to stumble onto it accidentally out of the trillion words available on the internet?

I will tell you what is more historic than the Athansian Creed. Genesis, Exodus.... through Jude and Revelation. John and Paul didn't need a creed, neither did any of the early church. Scripture trumps creed. It is written, that man shall live by every word of God, and that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and I consider it blasphemous to place man-made creeds equal or above the rank of holy scripture.

As such, even to the extent that I might agree with the statements in a creed, I will refuse to pledge allegiance to any creed. Even if I were to agree totally with such a writing, it is possible that both the creed and myself might be mistaken even if we both are in agreement. By the same principle that Jesus gave of "swear not" I find it sufficient to state that my faith is based in scripture alone.

You want to talk about the Athanasian Creed? So be it. I just looked it up through Wikipedia. I read the English translation, if you consider that sufficient.

There are two parts with which I hold reservation, even disagreement because I believe the scripture. Quoting them both together,

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons; nor dividing the Essence...

First, it is not necessary to hold the catholic faith in order to be saved. The thief on the cross is a prime example. Luke 23:43. It should go without saying that the thief on the cross was not a holder of the catholic faith. If such a thing were true, then rather than the rest of the Athanasian Creed we should use Peter's words as the definition of the catholic faith,

Acts 16:30-31 KJV
(30) And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
(31) And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

If you say one must believe a catholic faith in order to be saved, then that catholic faith must be none other than "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" or perhaps we could also consider Christ's words "... and endure to the end" (see Matt 24:13).

Second, the scripture itself confounds the persons. The Old Testament makes no mention of "the Father" as being as a separate person save in one passage in Psalms, a poetic reference of prophecy. The other reference to God being called "Father" is a direct prophecy that he should be the that we now know was named Jesus. Most of the locations where God is mentioned in the Old Testament I have seen (Trinitarian) people point to and assume it means "God the Father" but with just a little bit of scripture comparison, those instances keep pointing back to be the one who called himself Jesus. Keep the "essence" undivided as you will, but the persons naturally get a bit confounded.

As for the rest... by itself is not too bad. Other than my general distaste for huge long wordy statements that vaunt their own words in the place of where we have clear and simple scripture already. With that much ink they could have written out half first chapter of the gospel of John plus 1 Timothy 3:16 and 1 John 5:7, even thrown in Isaiah 9:6 for completeness. And that would do a far better job of stating what God has said about who He is.

AMR and greater courtesy in the same sentence? That's an oxymoron.

"Outside of historic Christianity?" I am not Roman Catholic, nor Greek Orthodox, but neither are you and AMR I suppose. Is the doctrine of Trinity provable by scripture? That depends on what your definition of Trinity is. The Bible doesn't define such a doctrine, and that's the catch. If you make a reasonable definition, I suppose you could then prove it. How am I supposed to know what any particular person's definition is? I've researched this before and found there are many different definitions.

If you make absurd definitions like James White, who says that there is "One God" in the same way that there is "One Man" and "One Angel" and "One Cat" and "One Rock" with many individuals within that "One" of each, then that becomes patently absurd and against the scripture. Before I ever voted in that poll I asked for definitions, and I was told that James White was a fair example. There is no other honest vote on that poll (in response to that question) than to say that Trinity was neither biblical nor taught in scripture.

1. If it was biblical, meaning drawn from the Bible and not the other way around, one wouldn't need a Creed or a private definition to define it. You'd just point to the passage and ask "believest thou this?"

2. If it was taught in scripture, it would also be defined in scripture, and one would be able to point to the chapter where Jesus or the apostle taught the doctrine. You know, like the way Paul defined the resurrection of the dead as the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15.

If you (or anyone) uses a model to help your understanding of the nature of God, to understand how God himself walked the earth and spoke with us and bled for us on a cross, I have no objection to that. You could call it whatever you like, pick whatever name you want. But at the point that you start to declare other believers in Christ as enemies because they do not see your model the way you do, or because their model has a difference from yours, at that point you yourself come into danger of judgment, for is it not also written,

Matthew 18:5-6 KJV
(5) And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
(6) But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Do you want to know the real definition of Christian?
It has nothing to do with the Athansian creed. Here's what Jesus said. Would this be authoritative enough, or do you prefer the definitions of creeds instead?

John 13:34-35 KJV
(34) A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
(35) By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

God's Truth

New member
No, it's annoying to deal with 'denialists'. We have truth, and you are in denial of the truth just as any other anti-Trinitarian. It's like debating with people who deny gravity- people often get frustrated before they realize it's a lost cause :rolleyes:

You all are denying what I say too, and I do not slander and insult as they do.


Well-known member
More pointedly, that the anti-Trinitarian may sincerely believe the intellectual model of Our Lord created in the idol factory of their minds, while wrapping it all up in lachrymose testimony seasoned with Scripture not understood, in no way grants these unbelievers entrance into the community of saints.

The gift is valued according to the altar on which it is presented. For His chosen ones, Our Lord offered Himself through the eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:14), that is to say, He offered His fully human nature on the altar of His fully divine nature. His divine nature being eternal, Our Lord's offering possesses an eternal quality. Hence, although Jesus Christ did not sacrifice Himself eternally, He nevertheless offered an eternal sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. No one but the fully God and fully man, the Person Jesus Christ, can accomplish what God the Father required for our sins.


Again, you say those who don't believe in the trinity don't belong to God or his community, where does it say this is the Bible? One verse will do?I keep asking, but you don't show me? I've never ever seen anything like that. It says in the Bible that we are saved by the grace of God through faith. And that eternal life is knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he has sent. Nowhere does it say that we have to believe in the trinity to be saved, if it does show me where?

That's open to everyone else who believes like this too, maybe they can show me where it says in the Bible, that we have to believe in the trinity to be saved?

I have shown you scripture after scripture where it shows that God is the God of Jesus and the head of Christ yet you can't show me one place where it says we are saved by believing in the trinity, yet you and others with no scriptural back up turn round condemn people, may God forgive you for doing this!

Hardness isn't of God, if you don't agree with people then fair enough, but to condemn them is another matter. Just because people know the ins and out of the Bible doesn't mean that they belong to God, it's their faith and their heart condition that counts not their knowledge of Hebrew, Greek and knowing every scripture. If a heart is hard towards others, then God can't work in there, remember that whilst you condemn others, God is judging you! I love God with all my heart, I believe totally in Christ and follow him and I know God is with me, because he's changing my heart to be more like his son without God I'd be all for my flesh.

I've seen people here say that they don't have to do anything, that we can sin and that we don't have to obey Jesus or God, and that Jesus's has done the obeying for them and now God doesn't see their sins, this is a false gospel yet there aren't many who say anything against this?

This is Satan fooling them, yet you don't say anything? Unless you believe that too? Only Satan would teach that we can sin and not obey and we're still alright before God. Yet you're so against those who don't believe in the trinity that you put them on ignore. But seeing as you think so highly of yourself before God, seeing yourself in a position to condemn others, you don't put this right? But you would accept them because they are Trinitarians, yet their heart could be worse than those who don't believe in the trinity?

It's is wrong before the living God to believe that we can sin and not obey God and Christ, to obey God is to follow his commandments and the commandments of Jesus Christ. And none of them are that we are to believe in the trinity or that are to believe that Jesus is God!

To turn from sin and obey God and Christ is an absolute essential, and is a core teaching in the gospel, as is faith, love and forgiveness. It's if we are failing to do these things that we are separated from God. Not all those who don't believe in the trinity!

Revelation 22

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

Lazy afternoon

God does not predestine anyone to Heaven or to hell

What He has done is predestined what the saved will inherit and what the lost will receive..

However God has had to decide whether one has been found worthy of each destination.

The fact is that the righteous are rewarded with children of faith, likewise the wicked receive their reward also.

History shows this to be true simply by examining the peoples of the earth, just how they have been blessed or cursed in the past due to their own actions.

Of course many will only receive their reward at their resurrection.

It can not be said that God hates some people above other people, for man chooses his own path in either seeking after God and choosing His ways or shunning Him.

The influence of the righteous upon others is most crucial.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
God does not predestine anyone to Heaven or to hell

What He has done is predestined what the saved will inherit and what the lost will receive..

However God has had to decide whether one has been found worthy of each destination.

The fact is that the righteous are rewarded with children of faith, likewise the wicked receive their reward also.

History shows this to be true simply by examining the peoples of the earth, just how they have been blessed or cursed in the past due to their own actions.

Of course many will only receive their reward at their resurrection.

It can not be said that God hates some people above other people, for man chooses his own path in either seeking after God and choosing His ways or shunning Him.

The influence of the righteous upon others is most crucial.


As usual, you're confused. None are WORTHY of eternal life in and of themselves. They must hear the Gospel and place all their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, be indwelt, sealed, and baptized (not by water) by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ. At which point they receive the righteousness of Christ and the promise of eternal life.


What do you mean?

Those who are truly Christ conscious, walk in the spirit, do the will of God, turn from sin and obey him!

Look it up. Its a popular new age term back in my old days when jehovah witness was invented. Its the root of your beliefs invented by men. Your beliefs are based off that. Don't be surprise when your church say, "meet your Ascended Master Lord Maitreya".
I learned where your scam came from a long time ago. You probably believe that Michael is Jesus and soul sleep

Robert Pate

Well-known member
More pointedly, that the anti-Trinitarian may sincerely believe the intellectual model of Our Lord created in the idol factory of their minds, while wrapping it all up in lachrymose testimony seasoned with Scripture not understood, in no way grants these unbelievers entrance into the community of saints.

The gift is valued according to the altar on which it is presented. For His chosen ones, Our Lord offered Himself through the eternal Spirit (Heb. 9:14), that is to say, He offered His fully human nature on the altar of His fully divine nature. His divine nature being eternal, Our Lord's offering possesses an eternal quality. Hence, although Jesus Christ did not sacrifice Himself eternally, He nevertheless offered an eternal sacrifice to satisfy divine justice. No one but the fully God and fully man, the Person Jesus Christ, can accomplish what God the Father required for our sins.


And the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No, it's annoying to deal with 'denialists'. We have truth, and you are in denial of the truth just as any other anti-Trinitarian. It's like debating with people who deny gravity- people often get frustrated before they realize it's a lost cause :rolleyes:

You have "some truth." You believe in the Trinity, however, in other TRUTHS, you fall short.


New member
Look it up. Its a popular new age term back in my old days when jehovah witness was invented. Its the root of your beliefs invented by men. Your beliefs are based off that. Don't be surprise when your church say, "meet your Ascended Master Lord Maitreya".
I learned where your scam came from a long time ago. You probably believe that Michael is Jesus and soul sleep
You seem to be conflating things that don't necessarily correlate one with another.

The Christ consciousness, though not a common term among "christians", is not a new aged anything. In fact, it is a very old understanding or way of describing. As is the trinity understanding or perspective.


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You seem to be conflating things that don't necessarily correlate one with another.

The Christ consciousness, though not a common term among "christians", is not a new aged anything. In fact, it is a very old understanding or way of describing. As is the trinity understanding or perspective.


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When I was a teen, Benjamin Creme put out a full page news paper ad introducing your christ. Now I can see where JW tried to christianize this new age hype. Watchtowers are full if it

The Christ is a planetary avatar, Sai Baba is a cosmic avatar. He is a Spiritual Regent, sent into the world by the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, on Shamballa. A regent "stands in" for the king. Similarly, a Spiritual Regent "stands in" for God, for the Logos, Whose reflection Sanat Kumara is. Sai Baba embodies the energy of Love at a cosmic level (the Christ embodies this energy at the planetary level) and His work, in part, is to prepare humanity for the work of the Christ. By awakening the love principle in humanity, Sai Baba will prepare people for the Initiatory work of the Christ. As the Hierophant, the Initiator, at the first two planetary initiations, the Christ will lead humanity gradually out of the strictly human kingdom into the Hierarchy, the Kingdom of Souls, or the Kingdom of God. That is His major work in the coming age of Aquarius. These two Great Ones work together in daily contact, complete harmony and shared purpose in the evolution of mankind. -*Benjamin Creme


New member
When I was a teen, Benjamin Creme put out a full page news paper ad introducing your christ. Now I can see where JW tried to christianize this new age hype. Watchtowers are full if it

The Christ is a planetary avatar, Sai Baba is a cosmic avatar. He is a Spiritual Regent, sent into the world by the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, on Shamballa. A regent "stands in" for the king. Similarly, a Spiritual Regent "stands in" for God, for the Logos, Whose reflection Sanat Kumara is. Sai Baba embodies the energy of Love at a cosmic level (the Christ embodies this energy at the planetary level) and His work, in part, is to prepare humanity for the work of the Christ. By awakening the love principle in humanity, Sai Baba will prepare people for the Initiatory work of the Christ. As the Hierophant, the Initiator, at the first two planetary initiations, the Christ will lead humanity gradually out of the strictly human kingdom into the Hierarchy, the Kingdom of Souls, or the Kingdom of God. That is His major work in the coming age of Aquarius. These two Great Ones work together in daily contact, complete harmony and shared purpose in the evolution of mankind. -*Benjamin Creme
I know nothing of this Benjamin Creme, and was speaking about the validity of the term Christ consciousness.

I stand behind what I said and do not limit said term to the description of any other, but define it as I understand it, which is to say; without what you seem to attribute to it.


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I know nothing of this Benjamin Creme, and was speaking about the validity of the term Christ consciousness.

I stand behind what I said and do not limit said term to the description of any other, but define it as I understand it, which is to say; without what you seem to attribute to it.


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk
I'm talking about what's really behind your other gospel. New age is really old age. Nothing new. Your man made theology is just a cover up to hide a bunch of old lies. This is old news
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When I was a teen, Benjamin Creme put out a full page news paper ad introducing your christ. Now I can see where JW tried to christianize this new age hype. Watchtowers are full if it

The Christ is a planetary avatar, Sai Baba is a cosmic avatar. He is a Spiritual Regent, sent into the world by the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, on Shamballa. A regent "stands in" for the king. Similarly, a Spiritual Regent "stands in" for God, for the Logos, Whose reflection Sanat Kumara is. Sai Baba embodies the energy of Love at a cosmic level (the Christ embodies this energy at the planetary level) and His work, in part, is to prepare humanity for the work of the Christ. By awakening the love principle in humanity, Sai Baba will prepare people for the Initiatory work of the Christ. As the Hierophant, the Initiator, at the first two planetary initiations, the Christ will lead humanity gradually out of the strictly human kingdom into the Hierarchy, the Kingdom of Souls, or the Kingdom of God. That is His major work in the coming age of Aquarius. These two Great Ones work together in daily contact, complete harmony and shared purpose in the evolution of mankind. -*Benjamin Creme

That "BOZO" Creme, claimed he KNEW the Anti-Christ personally and that this supposed anti-Christ would appear on all of the T.V. sets in the entire world many years ago, in the 90s. Needless to say, it didn't happen. He's a Charlton.


New member
I'm talkjng about what's really behind your other gospel. New age is really old age. Nothing new. Your man made theology is just a cover up to hide a bunch of old lies. This is old news
What?! What kind of nonsensical rambling are you attempting to pass off as truth? I haven't even spoken of the gospel explicitly as I understand it here.

You are assuming things, bordering on flat out lying about me personally. I don't recall doing this to you at all. What is your motivation for this knowing misdirection? I take little offence, yet still feel that you need to justify your claims about me personally.


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What?! What kind of nonsensical rambling are you attempting to pass off as truth? I haven't even spoken of the gospel explicitly as I understand it here.

You are assuming things, bordering on flat out lying about me personally. I don't recall doing this to you at all. What is your motivation for this knowing misdirection? I take little offence, yet still feel that you need to justify your claims about me personally.


Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk
The JW falsely reworded everything in thier NWT bible so you'll have to blame them for their nonsense


You have "some truth." You believe in the Trinity, however, in other TRUTHS, you fall short.

Calvinism is the Gospel, hombre. It is the Christianity which everyone in the Bible believed, from Abraham to Paul :thumb:

Accordingly, Calvinism holds to all the traditional standards, including water baptism, communion, and elder council.
What say MAD, though, which rejects them all :rolleyes: