Does Calvinism limit God?


New member
Originally posted by Swordsman

Well, it doesn't really matter because he never did lie. But if you want to deny the Deity of Christ and His nature then you can say he had the ability to sin.

But because he is divine means His perfection sustains all sin from even entering His being.

But, I know. This is just mere speculation on both our parts. Personally, I believe, even though He was in flesh, He was still Sovereign and Perfect. Satan even tried tempting Him, but we all know those attempts were thwarted by Christ.

well, Jesus both did die and did not die. :D

i do not deny the Deity of Christ or his nature but include that he had a human nature so in theory, he had the physical ability to tell a lie. however, the divine nature of his would never have allowed him to do such a thing.

so, he could both tell a lie, and not tell a lie :D

i agree with the rest of your post.


Jesus also directed EVIL SPIRITS not to TELL THE TRUTH about himself to others...

Mark 3
10 For he had healed many; insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues.
11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.
12 And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.

These "spirits" declared that Jesus was the Son of God and He told them to shut up!

These "unclean spirits" CONFESSED JESUS AS LORD...

yet they KNEW they would be tortured nevertheless...

how bizarre is that???
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+OL remote satellite affiliate
  • Z Man – I did not say you said what smaller said, nor did I say that smaller said what you said, I said you AND smaller both (indiscriminately) said those things to me and godrulz and we are both open theists. I did not stipulate which of you said what on purpose because the last thing I want to do is invoke more of this back and forth personalized slam fest. I’d rather it stop and we gladly embrace the opportunity of doing serious intelligent bible study over this issue. That is why I am (still) here.

    If you had a choice, would you rather actually deal with the bible issues before us, or continue focusing on the personal subjective issues of strife and ill will? I wish you would take my criticisms toward you in a good way, because I do not mean them otherwise. I plainly watch you void scripture of meaning and then replace that meaning with nothing, so I am constrained by my faith in God’s word to hold you accountable for so doing. If we misunderstand, then such is life, if we disagree then such is life, if there is purposeful misunderstanding, then such is life. My railing against you on that issue is for demonstratively caring and godly reasons and in hopes of you becoming responsive instead of the opposite.

    But so far you have not responded very positively to an appeal to scripture,

    Jonah 3:10 subsection b still awaits your response
    along with “the potter and the clay”
    and the “voiding of God’s word” condemnations for examples.

    None the less, do right and risk the consequences.

    I sincerely hope for better. As for smaller, he seems like a lost cause, i.e. God can make Himself to have never existed which is a denial of the God of the bible being the one and only eternal God and many other crazy ideas he propagates i.e. universalism, divine sin/evil etc. But then again, just as God redemptively wills that all be saved, so am I hopeful that all turn and obey the will of God for themselves there’s still time to do so.
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+OL remote satellite affiliate
Food for thought

Food for thought

God is Truth and Swordsman and godrulz – I think it is important if we consider that Jesus is our mediator who knows and understands the trials of the human life having been tempted in every way as we are!

If God could not do any wrong, if He could not possibly sin, then such a demonstration of defeating temptation would be hollow and as godrulz said, “a mute point”. But scripture teaches us to have confidence in God “because” of Jesus reigning victorious over sin and temptation (among other demonstrations of His faithfulness).

The impeccability of God is a very interesting issue, and I realize that was far from a comprehensive treatment, but, it may lend well towards a better understanding. Also, an interesting note was Jesus’ prayer to the Father about His will and the Father’s will, that not Jesus’ will be done, but the Father’s will be done! God’s will is never contradictory right(?), yet, in some way, it must not have been in perfect symmetry otherwise what Jesus said would make no sense at all.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
  • Smaller – You seem to want to imply that Jesus charged them to lie which is not remotely true.

    If you didn’t occasionally and carefully espouse known and variably accepted doctrines, you would be dismissed as crazy, mostly because of how ,,, crazy you are.

    I think that Jesus could have bound them early (=serious punishment) as He did the particular angles who left their domain prior to the flood, so in effect, Jesus was simply saying, either comply with His more precise restrictions or suffer more consequences. I don’t see that as being bizarre as much as consistent with evil beings, that although they know God, they suppress their understanding in (ungodly) unrighteousness. One day every knee will bow and tongue confess, yet such homage or confession will be nothing more than the fact of acknowledging who God is, so what you said is really not that bizarre, but rather biblically consistent.

    Also “lying” in and of itself is not a sin nor wickedness. Same with killing, it is wrong to murder (shed innocent blood) but it is right to righteously execute, i.e. kill the murderer. God deceived the deceiver (Satan) at the cross and beat him at his own game (deceit) “by responding against evil” which is “always” a good thing to do.

    :doh: Oh, no, I forgot, I’m dealing with smaller, so there is no possible way anything I just said will be responded to in a reasonable and appropriate fashion.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by smaller

godrulz, GOD DIRECTED LYING in the O.T.

so STOP lying about it.

Reference again (where)? Your translation or interpretation is probably lacking.


Is the KJV acceptable source material???

1 Kings 22:22
And the LORD said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so.

1 Kings 22:23
Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.

2 Chronicles 18:21
And he said, I will go out, and be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And the Lord said, Thou shalt entice him, and thou shalt also prevail: go out, and do even so.

2 Chronicles 18:22
Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil against thee.

1 Samuel 16:16
Let our lord now command thy servants, which are before thee, to seek out a man, who is a cunning player on an harp: and it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well.

Ecclesiastes 11
5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.


Where did this quote come from 1way??? I do not recall seeing it.

Smaller – You seem to want to imply that Jesus charged them to lie which is not remotely true.

If you didn’t occasionally and carefully espouse known and variably accepted doctrines, you would be dismissed as crazy, mostly because of how ,,, crazy you are.

I think that Jesus could have bound them early (=serious punishment) as He did the particular angles who left their domain prior to the flood, so in effect, Jesus was simply saying, either comply with His more precise restrictions or suffer more consequences. I don’t see that as being bizarre as much as consistent with evil beings, that although they know God, they suppress their understanding in (ungodly) unrighteousness. One day every knee will bow and tongue confess, yet such homage or confession will be nothing more than the fact of acknowledging who God is, so what you said is really not that bizarre, but rather biblically consistent.

Also “lying” in and of itself is not a sin nor wickedness. Same with killing, it is wrong to murder (shed innocent blood) but it is right to righteously execute, i.e. kill the murderer. God deceived the deceiver (Satan) at the cross and beat him at his own game (deceit) “by responding against evil” which is “always” a good thing to do.

Oh, no, I forgot, I’m dealing with smaller, so there is no possible way anything I just said will be responded to in a reasonable and appropriate fashion.

So now we have not only RIGHTEOUS MURDER but RIGHTEOUS LYING....


You might accept the text that NO ONE can say JESUS IS LORD except by THE HOLY SPIRIT. 1 Cor. 12:3

SO if you really believed the BOLD above then you must believe that HIS SPIRIT will be given for the "confession" and WITHDRAWN for the "execution?"


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If God PERMITS Satan, demons, or man to lie, that does not make God a liar. He allows sinful murders every day. That does not mean that God is a culpable murderer. The soul that sins is the one that will die (Ezek.). The revelation of God is one of holiness and righteousness. He does not lie or murder (capital punishment is consistent with His love, truth, justice).

If my children lie or steal, they suffer the consequences. Parents do not go to jail.

God was the perfect parent to Israel. Israel was responsible for her rebellion. God is not culpable for the actions of free moral agents.

I Kings 22 The 400 prophets spoke with a lying spirit to deceive, and to lead Ahab to disaster in battle and to his death. Micaiah spoke the truth. The Lord had apparently PERMITTED (not caused) a 'lying spirit' (i.e. a DEMON) to speak through the 400 prophets as a means of justly bringing Ahab to his death. Read the context, rather than making a proof-text that you use to contradict the explicit revelation of God's holiness.


Ah, godrulz, still making "excuses" for God.
If God PERMITS Satan, demons, or man to lie, that does not make God a liar.

You might note they were COMMANDED by God to LIE. "go out and DO even so."

I personally have no problem with God who made ALL, including LYING spirits and DIRECTING them. ALL THINGS serve God because HE IS GREATER.

In effect these things are MERE TOOLS to God that we try to judge with our limited understandings.
He allows sinful murders every day. That does not mean that God is a culpable murderer.

God, by ALLOWANCE or NEGLECT or what is called in the "realm" of discussion the act of OMISSION or COMMISSION. He is DIRECTLY IMPLICATED in either case and as such He is also CULPABLE.

Because of His Overwhelming GREATNESS above ALL THINGS there is NO CULPABILITY, but this is only PROVED by Him by the times that He has set for His Proof and His Prevailing. He did not send His Son in the flesh on the FIRST DAY eh? He will not sum up the exercise with humanity til the appropriate time.
The soul that sins is the one that will die (Ezek.).

I agree. And SIN is of THE DEVIL. The devil and his messengers will bear the FULL BRUNT of God's Wrath on ALL MATTERS of sin, evil, and death.
The revelation of God is one of holiness and righteousness. He does not lie or murder (capital punishment is consistent with His love, truth, justice).

Oh come on now godrulz. You have FOUR PROOF TEXTS staring your lies down right now. Why do you DENY THE WORD???? Why do you DENIGRATE God's Power to USE SUCH THINGS???

That's right. It is your "schooled pride."
If my children lie or steal, they suffer the consequences. Parents do not go to jail.

Your parents probably told you there was a Santa Claus and an Easter Bunny as well. Was this a BAD LIE??? Did they also tell you other little "white lies???"
God was the perfect parent to Israel.

Not using your doctrines. He will end up BURNING most of them forever. His Own Children. (Deut. 14:1)

Yet God Himself says the thought of making Children pass through FIRE never even entered His Mind.

So again we have some conflicts and some classic "tension" eh?
Israel was responsible for her rebellion. God is not culpable for the actions of free moral agents.


So what does MAN have to do with THIS???

The ridiculousness of your position is this: SAVE YOURSELF FROM GOD!

Yeah, right. Like men could fight God. Shaking head again...
I Kings 22 The 400 prophets spoke with a lying spirit to deceive, and to lead Ahab to disaster in battle and to his death. Micaiah spoke the truth. The Lord had apparently PERMITTED (not caused) a 'lying spirit' (i.e. a DEMON) to speak through the 400 prophets as a means of justly bringing Ahab to his death. Read the context, rather than making a proof-text that you use to contradict the explicit revelation of God's holiness.

Nice try on the REWRITE there godrulz. I think we covered this one already. Go forth and do so is a command, not "permission."

This just shows to what extents people will twist to avoid placing God ABOVE ALL THINGS.

enjoy your dilema's



New member
Re: Food for thought

Re: Food for thought

Originally posted by 1Way

God is Truth and Swordsman and godrulz – I think it is important if we consider that Jesus is our mediator who knows and understands the trials of the human life having been tempted in every way as we are!

If God could not do any wrong, if He could not possibly sin, then such a demonstration of defeating temptation would be hollow and as godrulz said, “a mute point”. But scripture teaches us to have confidence in God “because” of Jesus reigning victorious over sin and temptation (among other demonstrations of His faithfulness).

The impeccability of God is a very interesting issue, and I realize that was far from a comprehensive treatment, but, it may lend well towards a better understanding. Also, an interesting note was Jesus’ prayer to the Father about His will and the Father’s will, that not Jesus’ will be done, but the Father’s will be done! God’s will is never contradictory right(?), yet, in some way, it must not have been in perfect symmetry otherwise what Jesus said would make no sense at all.

i do believe that Jesus was tempted in every way we are. however, because he was divine, he did not give into the temptations. was he tempted? yes. so then he knows how we struggle, just as hebrews says.

as for the different wills, i believe that Jesus was really feeling the results of being human at that point. there was a part of him that didn't want to die, that wanted just to say "heck with it". he was being tempted to the extreme because he really could have said "heck with it". he had the power and i believe that this is why he said "not my will (including the human nature/desire) but your will (divine and perfect) be done."

that's how i read it anyways.


+OL remote satellite affiliate
smaller - For you, a demonstration of the worst sort of unrighteousness is actually righteousness, thus good is bad and so on. But for God, these things are diametric opposites.

Ps 52:3 You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah

Pr 14:19 The evil will bow before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Notice the wicked, not the universally reconciled (thus righteous) will bow before the good ... at the gates of the righteous. God plainly teaches that the truth is ultimately undeniable, but God does not represent simple knowledge as being a righteous nor godly thing of faith in God, the wicked “know” God, but they oppose and do not accept that reality in righteousness Rom 1:18-20. So it is true that God is the only reason people know God, but they do not hold to that truth in a godly nor righteous way.

Look smaller, God is about to write about you and your blaspheming God’s goodness and righteousness.

Isa 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Am 5:15 Hate evil, love good; Establish justice in the gate. It may be that the LORD God of hosts Will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.

Ro 12:9 [Let] love [be] without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

You blaspheme God by charging Him with good godly righteous murder and now evil lying. You reject the doctrine of godliness which has no iniquity. So you violate at the most basic understandings of God and the bible, which unfortunately, we have grown to accept this sort of behavior from the likes of yourself and other such closed theists. I think a 10 year old public schooled kid could represent God better than you do.

The KJV and God doing (Heb. ra) evil is a bad translation, the same word also means bad, or ruin, or calamity, etc. The same word is used of a cow (or some such animal) having a blemish that is ill marked, it can not mean a moral wrong in that case, and the same is true of God since there is no iniquity within God

Job 34:10 "Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God [to do] wickedness, And [from] the Almighty to [commit] iniquity. 11 For He repays man according to his work, And makes man to find a reward according to his way. 12 Surely God will never do wickedly, Nor will the Almighty pervert justice.

Wow, notice the synergism involved between God reacting according to man’s work and ways.

De 32:4 [He is] the Rock, His work [is] perfect; For all His ways [are] justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright [is] He.

2Ch 19:7 "Now therefore, let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take care and do it, for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, no partiality, nor taking of bribes."

Ps 92:15 To declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

Ro 9:14 What shall we say then? [Is there] unrighteousness with God? Certainly not!

Smaller stumbles at the terrible confusion and hideous complexity of getting the following opposites correct.

Good verses bad

Sinful evil verse godly righteousness

These are just too confounding for a smaller to grasp.

You are :kookoo:
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+OL remote satellite affiliate
God is Truth – I agree. For example, you could ace any exam and defeat any temptation, if it was impossible for you to do wrong. But if Jesus could not possibly go wrong and thus Jesus and man was in that way completely different, then His overcoming temptation would have been very different than our experience, yet God says that His temptations was like “ours”.

Our view (however in the minority) allows Jesus’ words to have a serious and heart felt ring of meaningful truth like when He said, not my will but yours be done. We can understand that tension and anguish, but the closed theist can not accept a God who changes (His will). Also, if Jesus had no choice but to give His life for us, He could not possibly had failed, then we’d have to through out

Joh 10:18 "No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father."

Same with the application of the following as it pertains to Jesus at the cross.

Joh 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

These teachings are built upon voluntary sacrifices for others. If Jesus had no choice but to die for us, then it was not voluntary, it was mandatory or forced, thus it was not “loving in the greatest” sense and John 10.18 is simply not true.


Peace 1way
smaller - For you, a demonstration of the worst sort of unrighteousness is actually righteousness, thus good is bad and so on. But for God, these things are diametric opposites.

Your rewrite does not equate to my position 1way.

One would have to be an ABSOLUTE BLINDMAN to not recognize the OBVIOUS CONFLICTS in the text.

Lying is merely ONE good example.

So what are the conclusions to make from these CONTRADICTIONS is the real question.

Do we HIDE OURSELVES from these things OR HARMONIZE these things in some manner.

Try as I might, I cannot do what YOU DO and only look at ONE SIDE. In order for GOD'S WORD TO BE TRUE I must accept IT ALL.

Contradictions present a LOGIC DILEMA eh?

And YOU, in the denial of these things and the condemnation of others for pointing it out represent a BLIND AND WORTHLESS faith, to me anyway.
Ps 52:3 You love evil more than good, Lying rather than speaking righteousness. Selah

Pr 14:19 The evil will bow before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

Notice the wicked, not the universally reconciled (thus righteous) will bow before the good ... at the gates of the righteous. God plainly teaches that the truth is ultimately undeniable, but God does not represent simple knowledge as being a righteous nor godly thing of faith in God, the wicked “know” God, but they oppose and do not accept that reality in righteousness Rom 1:18-20. So it is true that God is the only reason people know God, but they do not hold to that truth in a godly nor righteous way.

For the first part 1way I believe the "wicked" and the "unbeliever" is the sin indwelling and evil present that is WITHIN ALL PEOPLE.

Whether or not some person "acknowledges God" does not INVALIDATE GOD OR GOD'S WORK OR PURPOSES IN JESUS CHRIST....get it???

We also (should) know that if anyone does not believe the "god" of this world has BLINDED THEM.

Are you into condemning BLIND PEOPLE? Yes, you are.

We also (should) know that JESUS AND THE FATHER JUDGES THEM NOT.

I have no problem walking in this TRUTH because IT IS TRUE.
Look smaller, God is about to write about you and your blaspheming God’s goodness and righteousness.

Oh please. You are not "God's spokesman of damnation" OK. I get this nonsense all the time from you guys.

It's either "condemn everyone else like me or YOU are condemned as well."

This is not an intelligent form of faith to me, but the sign of a slave of darkness.

I do abhor what is evil. You should SENSE THIS when I condemn you as you condemn nearly all others.
You blaspheme God by charging Him with good godly righteous murder and now evil lying.

Look pal. There is no DENIAL that God MURDERED AND LIED.

So when you GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND perhaps we can actually examine the issues therein.

I find some interesting JUSTIFICATION for God's doing so BUT THESE REASONS are far from THE DENIAL that you FALSELY PROMOTE.
You reject the doctrine of godliness which has no iniquity. So you violate at the most basic understandings of God and the bible, which unfortunately, we have grown to accept this sort of behavior from the likes of yourself and other such closed theists. I think a 10 year old public schooled kid could represent God better than you do.

All the ranting in the world will not CHANGE THE FACTS 1way. Your "god" needs your excuses.

At least mine let's me READ and COMPREHEND.

Your "god" on the other hand really has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS OWN WORD eh???
The KJV and God doing (Heb. ra) evil is a bad translation

Oh please. The TEXT IS CLEAR on the issue. God CONTROLS THE spirits. You do not. I know this bothers you.

Here is an even simpler test. Did God ALLOW satan to "do those bad things" to Job???? Yes or No?
the same word also means bad, or ruin, or calamity, etc. The same word is used of a cow (or some such animal) having a blemish that is ill marked, it can not mean a moral wrong in that case, and the same is true of God since there is no iniquity within God

I never said there was INIQUITY in God you idiot. His "creation" however BY DEFINITION will be LESS THAN HIM and by virtue of this LESSER position we will be LESS THAN HIS TOTAL PERFECTION.

Do you get this? Or am I still talking to a blind deaf man?
Job 34:10 "Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding: Far be it from God [to do] wickedness, And [from] the Almighty to [commit] iniquity. 11 For He repays man according to his work, And makes man to find a reward according to his way. 12 Surely God will never do wickedly, Nor will the Almighty pervert justice.

You see this is one of the observations 1way. God can and does use ALL THINGS for GOOD. ALL THINGS include by definition SIN, EVIL, AND DEATH.

Your difficulty with this is that your "god" cannot get OVER on these things. Therefore you must make EXCUSES for your "god."
Wow, notice the synergism involved between God reacting according to man’s work and ways.

Look at the blindman, groping to justify his "god."
De 32:4 [He is] the Rock, His work [is] perfect; For all His ways [are] justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright [is] He.

2Ch 19:7 "Now therefore, let the fear of the LORD be upon you; take care and do it, for there is no iniquity with the LORD our God, no partiality, nor taking of bribes."

Ps 92:15 To declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.

Ro 9:14 What shall we say then? [Is there] unrighteousness with God? Certainly not!

It is always interesting how we will both agree with The Word. I simply disagree with your LIMITS upon it. God's Word is MUCH MORE powerful than you "allow." That is why I say you must IGNORE the lying, murdering portions to keep your "god" within the stream of thoughts that run through your head on these matters. That is why I say you have carved out a "god" in your head that DOES NOT EXIST.
Smaller stumbles at the terrible confusion and hideous complexity of getting the following opposites correct.

I ACCEPT that there are conflicts and CONTRADICTIONS. I also UNDERSTAND why they are there and do not have to DENY that they are there and blame these things on BAD TRANSLATIONS.

To me some of the newer translations are MUCH WORSE than the KJV. In fact it is getting to the point where each "denomination" is about to release their own respective "versions."
Good verses bad

Sinful evil verse godly righteousness

These are just too confounding for a smaller to grasp.

You are

The only thing that is clear at this point 1way is that you cannot read or comprehend the fact that GOD DIRECTED LYING.

Your record is skipping....."God cannot lie" "God cannot lie" "God cannot lie"

Yet He directed and commmanded LIES.

go figure....




+OL remote satellite affiliate
smaller - Your god (=smaller) has blinded yourself with a blindness to the things of God. However, God has not blinded me to Himself, but instead has revealed Himself to me in tremendous ways such that I have full confidence in my faith in Him. Sorry to see the trouble you’re in, maybe the scales of ignorance and unbelief will fall someday and you’ll realize that you can and should worship God in truth and in spirit. But, until then, your ways of diversion and subversive violence are not acceptable.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Smaller denies the unique Deity of Christ which leads to compounding errors and deception. Jesus reveals the Father and is a key to knowing the heart and ways of God with humanity.


New member
Originally posted by 1Way

God is Truth – I agree. For example, you could ace any exam and defeat any temptation, if it was impossible for you to do wrong. But if Jesus could not possibly go wrong and thus Jesus and man was in that way completely different, then His overcoming temptation would have been very different than our experience, yet God says that His temptations was like “ours”.

Our view (however in the minority) allows Jesus’ words to have a serious and heart felt ring of meaningful truth like when He said, not my will but yours be done. We can understand that tension and anguish, but the closed theist can not accept a God who changes (His will). Also, if Jesus had no choice but to give His life for us, He could not possibly had failed, then we’d have to through out

Joh 10:18 "No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father."

Same with the application of the following as it pertains to Jesus at the cross.

Joh 15:13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

These teachings are built upon voluntary sacrifices for others. If Jesus had no choice but to die for us, then it was not voluntary, it was mandatory or forced, thus it was not “loving in the greatest” sense and John 10.18 is simply not true.

i agree. Jesus had the choice before him to either redeem mankind or to let them perish. if there was no way he could possibly fail, why didn't Satan try so hard to get him to give up? Satan's not that big a fool. he won't try something he knows could possibly never happen.


Godrulz, you have been blowing that LIARS TRUMPET now for quite awhile. It is YOUR PHONEY BALONEY pony that you ride when you get trapped in a corner with your PHONEY BALONEY doctrines.

You cannot CONFRONT your obvious DEFICIENCIES in the God DIRECTING LIES scenario, so you CHANGE HORSES and

FALL under condemnation.

Of course I saw you there under the condemnation tree the moment we exchanged words.

You and 1say...same figs...

ARE YOU AND 1SAY saying THE WORD is a LIE????


I just wanna see you both type a lie or two more...about THE WORD...just to SHOW YOURSELVES....




+OL remote satellite affiliate
I already answered the small, lying is not necessarily a moral wrong, same with a righteous killing of an evil murderer, it is right to kill but wrong to murder. But since smallishness violates the truth of the meaning of (righteous) killing and (evil) murder, I don’t expect him to handle any lesser truth with more personal integrity, because smallishness is a willful moron. God did not cause murder nor morally wrong behavior, so stop trying to justify your own constant examples of immorality and strife.