Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
If you can show us Jesus says we have to believe in the trinity to be saved, show us.

Otherwise your word are just empty claim and spreading false gospel.

I know you cannot show us because it is not there. this is for Lon too..

Believing the Jesus Christ who God sent is are believing your own Jesus Christ and not the Jesus Christ presented in the bible....your Christ is FALSE


Well-known member
Believing the Jesus Christ who God sent is are believing your own Jesus Christ and not the Jesus Christ presented in the bible....your Christ is FALSE

You are on the right track, but you may not know it yet.

You are one step from realizing that Jesus Christ is not God, but rather the son of God.

Believing the Jesus Christ who God sent

What did you write?

a. the God that God sent

b. the Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ sent

c. the Jesus Christ who God sent

d. the God that Jesus Christ sent

e. the one third of the trinity that the other two thirds sent

"c" is correct.

You have correctly separated the two into distinct entities.

You did not say God who God sent. Why is that?

Because nowhere does scripture actually say, "God sent God"

Or that God died for our sins.

What a blessed day for you!


Well-known member
Pretty much why the scripture is in plain language...all it requires is FAITH.

Then why do you not believe Peter's testimony regarding who Jesus Christ is in Acts 2:22?

You have not replied to my post 385.

Why is that?

Why don't you believe Acts 2:22?

Don't you believe that Peter knows what he is talking about?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
You are on the right track, but you may not know it yet.

You are one step from realizing that Jesus Christ is not God, but rather the son of God.

What did you write?

a. the God that God sent

b. the Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ sent

c. the Jesus Christ who God sent

d. the God that Jesus Christ sent

e. the one third of the trinity that the other two thirds sent

"c" is correct.

You have correctly separated the two into distinct entities.

You did not say God who God sent. Why is that?

Because nowhere does scripture actually say, "God sent God"

Or that God died for our sins.

What a blessed day for you!

Your problem is you are up against revelation, that you suppose that the Holy Spirit is a mere entity shows just how far off you are from being saved.


Well-known member
Your problem is you are up against revelation, that you suppose that the Holy Spirit is a mere entity shows just how far off you are from being saved.

So you are saying that God did not send Jesus Christ as you wrote?

You are correct that God sent Jesus Christ.

Not only did God send him, God gave His only begotten son. John 3:16

God did not give himself, but He gave of Himself, He gave His son.

Not only did God send Jesus Christ and gave him, He also highly exalted him. Philippians 2:9-10

Jesus did not exalt himself, God exalted him.

So simple.

Maybe that is why so many miss it.

Maybe they expect that God's word is deep and mysterious and complicated and heady full of intellectual riddles.

When the truth is, truth in its basic form, is very, very simple.

God sent His son.

God gave His son.

God highly exalted His son.

Two separate and distinct entities.

God is God

Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ

God is spirit, John 4:24

Jesus is a man, Acts 2:22, I Timothy 2:5

Since the scripture does not teach a trinity, there is no need to believe it whatsoever. The trinity impedes and limits a believer's growth and maturing process.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Jesus Christ was born into the womb of a virgin, He was conceived of God and begotten of God therefore He is God.

Whereas God is our Father by adoption through Christ, He is Father to Christ in reality.

You never will be saved until the day dawns when you understand there is nothing you can do to help yourself, you accept that you are without help, without hope and lost in this need for God to be merciful to you.


Well-known member
Jesus Christ was born into the womb of a virgin, He was conceived of God and begotten of God therefore He is God.

Whereas God is our Father by adoption through Christ, He is Father to Christ in reality.


Welcome to the truth!

"He was conceived of God and begotten of God"

God precedes Jesus Christ!

"He [God] is Father to Christ in reality"

That is exactly correct!

God is the predecessor, the Father of Jesus Christ!

That is why scriptures tell us over and over again that Jesus is the son of God!

You are learning quickly!
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Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber

Welcome to the truth!

"He was conceived of God and begotten of God"

God precedes Jesus Christ!

"He [God] is Father to Christ in reality"

That is exactly correct!

God is the predecessor, the Father of Jesus Christ!

That is why scriptures tell us over and over again that Jesus is the son of God!

You are learning quickly!

The human intellect is too puny to understand the great truths of the bible. We need for God to shed light on His word, we will never understand it unless He does.

It was according to Christ's human form that He was born into the world...the bible shows us that before He was in His human form He was in the form of God.

He was in the beginning with God and He was God.

Your arguments are can't just believe half the bible.


Well-known member
The human intellect is too puny to understand the great truths of the bible. We need for God to shed light on His word, we will never understand it unless He does.

It was according to Christ's human form that He was born into the world...the bible shows us that before He was in His human form He was in the form of God.

He was in the beginning with God and He was God.

Your arguments are can't just believe half the bible.

Speak for yourself.

God designed the human brain to learn and retain and understand and profit by loving God by obeying scripture, the keeping of His commandments.

Do you not understand not even one of God's commandments?

Are they so above your intellect that you are incapable of believing God's word at all?

Is scripture so above your intellect that you cannot understand a single precept of God's word?

Then how would you possibly know that your theology is based on scripture at all?

What is the point of scripture if we cannot understand it?

What is difficult to understand about God creating the heaven and the earth? Genesis 1:1

What is difficult about understanding John 3:16?

What is difficult about understanding Genesis 15:1?

What is so mind boggling about understanding Genesis 39:3?

or Psalms 27:1?

The simplicity of truth escapes theologians.

God is the Father of Jesus Christ.

that is basically what you stated!

What is difficult about understanding that?

God is Jesus' Father and Mary was his mother.

Does the concept of conception beyond your understanding?

It is not above mine.

God sent Jesus Christ. That is simple to understand.

Jesus Christ sent the apostle Paul to the Gentiles.

Acts 22:21

And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.

God sent Moses

Acts 7:34

I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.

Cornelius was told by the angel to send men to Joppa and Cornelius did so.

Acts 10:5

And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:

God sent Jesus Christ.

God sent Moses

Cornelius sent men to Joppa.

Being sent is not an indicator that someone is God.

God did not send Himself.

He sent Moses, He sent Jesus Christ....


Active member
The human intellect is too puny to understand the great truths of the bible. We need for God to shed light on His word, we will never understand it unless He does.

That is correct, why do we put God in a man made box with man made definitions that have to be speculated on just to fit that definition?

Jesus is the son of God and the temple of God. God dwells in him. Jesus listens to God and does what he says.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
..."that we may not be Protestant schismatics."
Catechism Text
818 cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers....​
Serpentdove was Catholic?


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Speak for yourself.

God designed the human brain to learn and retain and understand and profit by loving God by obeying scripture, the keeping of His commandments.

Do you not understand not even one of God's commandments?

Are they so above your intellect that you are incapable of believing God's word at all?

Is scripture so above your intellect that you cannot understand a single precept of God's word?

Then how would you possibly know that your theology is based on scripture at all?

What is the point of scripture if we cannot understand it?

What is difficult to understand about God creating the heaven and the earth? Genesis 1:1

What is difficult about understanding John 3:16?

What is difficult about understanding Genesis 15:1?

What is so mind boggling about understanding Genesis 39:3?

or Psalms 27:1?

The simplicity of truth escapes theologians.

God is the Father of Jesus Christ.

that is basically what you stated!

What is difficult about understanding that?

God is Jesus' Father and Mary was his mother.

Does the concept of conception beyond your understanding?

It is not above mine.

God sent Jesus Christ. That is simple to understand.

Jesus Christ sent the apostle Paul to the Gentiles.

Acts 22:21

And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.

God sent Moses

Acts 7:34

I have seen, I have seen the affliction of my people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt.

Cornelius was told by the angel to send men to Joppa and Cornelius did so.

Acts 10:5

And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:

God sent Jesus Christ.

God sent Moses

Cornelius sent men to Joppa.

Being sent is not an indicator that someone is God.

God did not send Himself.

He sent Moses, He sent Jesus Christ....

Your mistakes are glaring to the renewed mind, as are the mistakes of all cultists.

You fail to apprehend of first importance that whatever God made man to be, having wisdom and knowledge etc, all this is, so far as spiritual matters completely have been annulled and negated by the fall.

Man is now not what he once was, nor can what we have in the natural be improved or brought back to it's former must be set aside. This Christ did on the cross.

In the natural we have nothing with which to apprehend God, our spirit is dead, slain in trespasses and sin. Man is hopelessly lost.

His only hope is that God will have mercy upon him.

The natural man recieveth not the things of God neither can he for they are foolishness to him.

You indeed count it foolish that the church ha always received Christ as God in the flesh.

All those scriptures you quote are direct revelations...YOU must have a direct revelation.

You ask is it difficult to believe that God created the world, but you refuse to accept that Jesus Christ is that Creator God , "He was in the world and the world was made by Him but the world knew Him not"

You are of the world then.


New member
Catechism Text
818 cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation] and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church accepts them with respect and affection as brothers....​

Yes, they can't be charged with heresy, but they are still guilty of schism (CCC, par. 2089).


Well-known member
Believing the Jesus Christ who God sent is are believing your own Jesus Christ and not the Jesus Christ presented in the bible....your Christ is FALSE

If you can show us Jesus says we have to believe in the trinity to be saved, show us.

Otherwise your word are just empty claim and spreading false gospel.

I know you cannot show us because it is not there. this is for Lon too..
As I've said, I have you on ignore. If Totton hadn't posted this, I wouldn't have seen it. I am serious when I tell you, you are on ignore. I only make exceptions in threads where it is important that dialogue takes place such as this one.

I said that it is grievous to God to declare Him less than He claims to be and asked how one who demotes Jesus from John 20:28 can honor Him and give Him Lordship over their lives. It was a question about your relationship with the living God and asking you 'Who indwells you?'

These are reflective questions that you and God alone have to settle. Debating them does no good. We just have to present the view we believe God has given and use scriptures to show the truth of them. I've done that and asked the question: 'Can you be a Christian without giving Christ His rightful glory?' That is what this thread is asking. I rephrased it and asked it again.

Asked another way: Is Christ, God of your life?

I believe the Arian and Unitarian say 'No,' and that answer, I believe, answers the question of this thread.


The theological understanding of the Trinity has always been difficult and highly problematic.

"Arianism" was a movement within the early Christian Church that interpreted Christ as the literal "Son of God'' and was denounced by the Council of Nicene in 325 AD.

Accepting the "Arianism" interpretation would mean that Christians would now believe in lesser deity, created by the God worshiped by the Jews.

Even today the average Christian would define Christ as the "Son of God" and would be hard pressed to explain why He, indeed, was never created by God.

Although most Christians believe in the Trinity, the nature of the relationship between God the Father and God the Son is poorly articulated.
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New member
Yes it is. If you believe in any way, the deity of our Lord, but you deny the Trinity, then your confused. Accept it.


You believe that Jesus is our Creator in the flesh? Really? Our Creator is 1.

I see you are confused about what deity is and what the Trinity is.

You probably will never get over your confusion until you stand in front of the Throne and see God sitting on the Throne and Jesus sitting at His right hand.