ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?


New member
Well, what I couldn't see is what they were claiming. Then again, I never see any "there" there with their claims. I figured you were responding to what they claiming, but instead of telling me that, you tell me I'm stuck.

That's like telling me I should study up on the law and the "new covenant" ....I'd be left wondering why they cited the verse they did to prove something.

But, thanks for trying.

Lol - in other words - you're stuck :chuckle:


Well-known member
Lol - in other words - you're stuck :chuckle:

Nope, I just pull my boots from the muck and the mud and go merrily on my way. I already waste way too much time on God's Untruth and trying to figure out her silly "secrets". I'll leave those up to you since you seem to have so much time and energy on your hands. Go get 'er, Danoh.


New member
repent for the kingdom is at hand ?

and your point is ?

The point is that the if the Gospel of grace started with Paul NONE of the folks that were saved before Paul could have gotten saved UNLESS a second gospel is fabricated just for that purpose.

There is only ONE Gospel that ends in salvation ( GRACE ) in scripture and Jesus' blood did not just save those at that time it reached backward and forward in time so NO ONE that has, was , or will ever be saved is saved unless they have been saved by the blood of Jesus.


New member
Nope, I just pull my boots from the muck and the mud and go merrily on my way. I already waste way too much time on God's Untruth and trying to figure out her silly "secrets". I'll leave those up to you since you seem to have so much time and energy on your hands. Go get 'er, Danoh.


Geez, Louise are you ever sensitive; lighten up woman - thou art LOOSED! :D

Besides, ya got yer high-fives from those that commend themselves among themselves - what else do ya want? :chuckle:


New member
The point is that the if the Gospel of grace started with Paul NONE of the folks that were saved before Paul could have gotten saved UNLESS a second gospel is fabricated just for that purpose.

There is only ONE Gospel that ends in salvation ( GRACE ) in scripture and Jesus' blood did not just save those at that time it reached backward and forward in time so NO ONE that has, was , or will ever be saved is saved unless they have been saved by the blood of Jesus.

I'm sure that makes sense to you from where you think you are looking at things from - so be it. :D


Well-known member

Geez, Louise are you ever sensitive; lighten up woman - thou art LOOSED! :D

Besides, ya got yer high-fives from those that commend themselves among themselves - what else do ya want? :chuckle:

Lord have mercy...just when I think there might be a chance for you to put off that old man I've been watching of late. :sigh:


New member
I'm sure that makes sense to you from where you think you are looking at things from - so be it. :D

Danoh, I see exactly what I posted in scripture. Jesus is seen in the OT, and He has always been. I believe Genesis 3 pretty much show God's plan when He says Satan will bruise His heel but He will crush Satan's head.

Have a blessed night.


New member
Lord have mercy...just when I think there might be a chance for you to put off that old man I've been watching of late. :sigh:

Grow up already - I - WAS - RIBBING - YOU.

So much for your "things that differ" meter.

You well ought to know by now when I am merely ribbing someone and when I am being as direct as YE never have a problem with being with others, and or high fiving one another about :doh:

Grow up, already. Sheesh.

Heck - high five one another into growing up already :D

"And now for a news flash - that last sentence there, was a ribbing."


Because neither I, nor YOU are..the issue - duh - uh.


New member
Danoh, I see exactly what I posted in scripture. Jesus is seen in the OT, and He has always been. I believe Genesis 3 pretty much show God's plan when He says Satan will bruise His heel but He will crush Satan's head.

Have a blessed night.

You have just proven the obvious but to you - that you read INTO a thing.

I was referring to your reading things INTO the Scripture.

Lol, you then read INTO my post itself, what you have just posted :chuckle:

Think on that a sec.

At least that long...

john w

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That post is where I said Jesus is above all.
Yes, and you said NO to his post of the scripture that shows that you have an incomplete understanding of everything.

So why don't you believe Jesus is above all?
Your typical childish questions.

Tell me why you do not believe having all authority and power means Jesus is in charge?
You do not understand all of the various aspects of the kingdom(s) of God.
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