Do the Angels in Heaven Have a FREE WILL?

Robert Pate

Well-known member

Why would any angel want to rebel in the first place? What were they unhappy about? What wasn't perfect?

I believe that some of the angels were upset because God was going to create a man that would be superior to them. And would someday judge them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I believe that some of the angels were upset because God was going to create a man that would be superior to them. And would someday judge them.

Still doesn't add up. If everything was perfect and the angels knew this already then why would they be upset with anything God decided? They were in His presence after all? Yet that wasn't good enough?


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Still doesn't add up. If everything was perfect and the angels knew this already then why would they be upset with anything God decided? They were in His presence after all? Yet that wasn't good enough?


Same senario with Adam. He was living in paradise, but he wanted more.


Well-known member

Why would any angel want to rebel in the first place? What were they unhappy about? What wasn't perfect?

I contend that they were probably not created in heaven but in sheol,
that they did not experience the GLORY of GOD, only HIS claims to be our creator GOD,
that they themselves were not created as perfect (complete, finished), but with a free will and the ability and opportunity to choose to be able to become perfectly, eternally righteous and holy by accepting HIS claims to deity and HIS promises of salvation to be found in HIS Son, OR to use their free will to choose to become perfectly and eternally evil by rejecting HIS deity by putting their faith in the idea that HE was a liar and a false god and his promises mere manipulations to con folk into worshipping him. Free will means HE could prove nothing of HIS glory or power as that would coerce us to follow HIM and a free will cannot be coerced and remain free.

The demonic didn't rebel against perfection but against what they saw to be a false claim to perfection, the claim to be our creator GOD putting HIMself above them which they could not countenance. So sure were they that they were the epitome of existence that HIS claim had to be a lie that though they knew if HE was ever proven to be our GOD, they would end in hell they still chose to chance hell rather than to ever have to be married to HIM in heaven for eternity, alas.


Well-known member
Still doesn't add up. If everything was perfect and the angels knew this already then why would they be upset with anything God decided? They were in His presence after all? Yet that wasn't good enough?

They entered HIS presence in heaven and went to work for HIM as HIS angels, (angel is a job description, not a racial description) only AFTER they made their choice to accept HIS deity and became elect and AFTER they did not rebel against the judgement of the demonic as some of the other elect did, becoming sinful and needing the promise of salvation to be fulfilled in them by Christ.

AFTER proving their holy righteousness by their free will, they came into heaven as HIS messengers.