Direct assault on Satan (Evil's.<(I)> Naughty List)


New member
That's a method of the greater whole.

The answer is to bring the law to bear against them.

I was going to put this in my previous comment, but decided to wait.

The Bible shows us that when the law (which can only condemn, it cannot give life) is brought against the sinner, the sinner becomes broken. When the penalty or punishment is death, the bible records that 50% of those who are executed come to repentance.

When we say that the Old Testament is useless, and that the Law shouldn't be used, we unknowingly undermine the entire gospel message.

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I am in total agreement on this point.

Where I believe we disagree is the classification and terminology. Works, as I have said, should coexist and be in tandem with faith. Works are not "I must be good to be saved." Works are the product of faith. One who has true faith will have works that bear witness to that faith. Works are not "following the law." Works would include following moral laws and those established by God. Works strengthen faith, and faith strengthens works.


New member
Why did Jesus have to save us? Can't we fulfil the Old Covenant within our own flesh?

# The Question does not denote my opinion.

He did what we could not, which is satisfy the human aspect of the covenant. Due to our weakness from sin, humanity was unable to maintain our end. Christ came and fulfilled the covenant for us.

(I assumed that the question was just that: a question)


He did what we could not, which is satisfy the human aspect of the covenant. Due to our weakness from sin, humanity was unable to maintain our end. Christ came and fulfilled the covenant for us.

(I assumed that the question was just that: a question)

Absolutely... no rhetorical questions here...

Hmmmm... This leaves one more question... According to (John 15:12)... and the big spoiler that Jesus commanded nothing else, in relation to the "New"... but oldest Covenant (1 John 2:7)... What single command did God tie to the New Covenant?


New member

Absolutely... no rhetorical questions here...

Hmmmm... This leaves one more question... According to (John 15:12)... and the big spoiler that Jesus commanded nothing else, in relation to the "New"... but oldest Covenant (1 John 2:7)... What single command did God tie to the New Covenant?

Jesus said to love one's neighbor.

However, this is not the only command He gave. It is the only one referenced as a "commandment."

Let us not forget in John's Gospel when Christ said "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no inheritance with me." This is not a command, yet it is essential to "do" if one believes in Christ. The act of being told what to "do" is a command. To "do" is an action. An action is a "work."

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Jesus said to love one's neighbor.

However, this is not the only command He gave. It is the only one referenced as a "commandment."

Let us not forget in John's Gospel when Christ said "unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you have no inheritance with me." This is not a command, yet it is essential to "do" if one believes in Christ. The act of being told what to "do" is a command. To "do" is an action. An action is a "work."

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Oh... You noted my discussion with GT... Let's side track... and come back to this point again.

John 6:63

Who's Flesh "Profits" nothing.

Jesus' or Ours?

And please answer this as well...

What is the first name of The King of kings?

Ahhhh.. let's throw in one more...

What was the work of Jesus?

I'll throw in a hint for this one... (John 16:6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)


New member
Oh... You noted my discussion with GT... Let's side track... and come back to this point again.

John 6:63

Who's Flesh "Profits" nothing.

Jesus' or Ours?

And please answer this as well...

What is the first name of The King of kings?

Our flesh profits nothing.

Technically, "Jesus," "Emmanuel," all first names. "Christ" is a name. As it Hosanna. However, they also have denotations prior to Christ's birth.

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Our flesh profits nothing.

Technically, "Jesus," "Emmanuel," all first names. "Christ" is a name. As it Hosanna. However, they also have denotations prior to Christ's birth.

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Now... if the King of Kings made a Commandment... could we call it a "Royal Decree" ?

And... how important would the "Royal Decree" be?

Please search James ... chapter 2... tell me if you can find the King's Royal Decree.
Last edited:


Jesus is not the highest name in scripture Mr Modelist.


Modelism denies the relationship of The Father to the Son... it further denies the WORK of the Son and our Marriage to The Son... (Ephesians 5:30)

I do not... but... go on and wag your tongue... full of deceit... every time you say such.

Philippians 2:6,7,8,9 but... especially Philippians 2:6, 9

And... super especially...

Philippians 2:10-11

10 sthat at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and tthat every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

[MENTION=10015]Lazy afternoon[/MENTION]

Sincerely... it's okay! It's true... Behold.. The Prince of Peace and King of Kings... He can dwell in Y-O-U.

I'll quote a post for you.... brb

Of Course.

According to Philippians 2:9... Jesus is the Name above all names. This would compliment Isaiah 9:6. And... it does so quite well.

This makes it easy to know with biblical assurance that Jesus is Avi-'ad... as Isaiah says.

And... according to 1 John 4:2 -(side track 1 John 4:2 can be misinterpreted... easily... by people that don't believe that Jesus is God... it is literally saying that to deny that "God"... expressed with the Name above all names... came in "flesh". Once the flesh thing is said... Romans 8:3 must be noted... "likeness" is not "sinful flesh"... lest we accidentally suggest God had ever sinned... is a very bad idea. end of sidetrack)- and 2 John 1:7 ... it's a pretty bad idea to suggest that Avi-'ad didn't walk amongst us in flesh.

This makes a solid case to say... in answer to your question...

Is the Father the only true God?

NO! To say there is "Only" the "Father" would be to deny the "Mystery" of 1 Timothy 3:16 and Colossians 2:9 .

In other words.. we would unknowingly be discarding our hope and salvation, by denying that the Father and the Son are indeed ONE... but at the same time... to deny that the Son is the presence of Avi-''ad married to humanity.


Son of God (1 John 4:15)
Son of Man (Matthew 9:6)

Any tampering with this truth is "divorcing" ourselves from the "BrideGroom". (Ephesians 5:30)

Also... to deny that the Father and Son experienced a deep relationship that was genuine... is again a trashing of God's Revelation of Love towards us. (Galatians 4:6 + Romans 8:9 + Philippians 1:19)

I would be glad to express the Holy Spirit as well... but I wanted to focus on your question.... though... Galatians 4:6 would be a good Segway.


What a dumb answer.

If you knew Jesus, you would know His Fathers name is greater than Jesus.


I wasn't done editing... ; )

Jesus is not the highest name in scripture Mr Modelist.


Modelism denies the relationship of The Father to the Son... it further denies the WORK of the Son and our Marriage to The Son... (Ephesians 5:30)

I do not... but... go on and wag your tongue... full of deceit... every time you say such.

Philippians 2:6,7,8,9 but... especially Philippians 2:6, 9

And... super especially...

Philippians 2:10-11

10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and tthat every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

[MENTION=10015]Lazy afternoon[/MENTION]

Sincerely... it's okay! It's true... Behold.. The Prince of Peace and King of Kings... He can dwell in Y-O-U.

I'll quote a post for you.... brb

[MENTION=4465]Bright Raven[/MENTION] was kind enough to allow me to sharpen my scriptural iron by answering an excellent question he had asked.

I had asked if I could attempt to answer the question... and the following dialogue followed.

Of Course.

Evil.eye.<(I)> said:
According to Philippians 2:9... Jesus is the Name above all names. This would compliment Isaiah 9:6. And... it does so quite well.

This makes it easy to know with biblical assurance that Jesus is Avi-'ad... as Isaiah says.

And... according to 1 John 4:2 -(side track 1 John 4:2 can be misinterpreted... easily... by people that don't believe that Jesus is God... it is literally saying that to deny that "God"... expressed with the Name above all names... came in "flesh". Once the flesh thing is said... Romans 8:3 must be noted... "likeness" is not "sinful flesh"... lest we accidentally suggest God had ever sinned... is a very bad idea. end of sidetrack)- and 2 John 1:7 ... it's a pretty bad idea to suggest that Avi-'ad didn't walk amongst us in flesh.

This makes a solid case to say... in answer to your question...

Is the Father the only true God?

Evil.eye.<(I)> said:
NO! To say there is "Only" the "Father" would be to deny the "Mystery" of 1 Timothy 3:16 and Colossians 2:9 .

In other words.. we would unknowingly be discarding our hope and salvation, by denying that the Father and the Son are indeed ONE... but at the same time... to deny that the Son is the presence of Avi-''ad married to humanity.


Son of God (1 John 4:15)
Son of Man (Matthew 9:6)

Any tampering with this truth is "divorcing" ourselves from the "BrideGroom". (Ephesians 5:30)

Also... to deny that the Father and Son experienced a deep relationship that was genuine... is again a trashing of God's Revelation of Love towards us. (Galatians 4:6 + Romans 8:9 + Philippians 1:19)

I would be glad to express the Holy Spirit as well... but I wanted to focus on your question.... though... Galatians 4:6 would be a good Segway.


Well-known member
What a dumb answer.

If you knew Jesus, you would know His Fathers name is greater than Jesus.


Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

If the Father's name is YHVH
and it is the greatest name
and if the Father has given Jesus the name that is above every name
then the Father gave to Jesus the name YHVH.