Destroying Islam


New member
There's nothing a woman can do that a man can't do better.

Who is the best scientist, or artist, philosopher, or mathematician? Who invented these things? Who built, ruled, and progressed the world?

Even St. Augustine flat out stated that the only purpose of women is to give birth- and look at the atrocity that's become: birth control being the outright answer for female autonomy.

That's what it boiled down to. A sham.

But the world forgets these things- they make up their own reality and shun the real one. This is what happened in Eden, hombre- man takes a bite out of what he knows is wrong but what the woman demands.

Men have been captivated into a lie that women are equal, stripped of their own accomplishment so that they are just as, or even more entitled, to them than they. They have been made fools out of, and that is what a feminized man is- a fool.

But yeah, preach that PC, buddy, and I'll stick to ~reality~ :)
I presume you wear the trousers (pants) in your household... or maybe that's the problem, you don't? :think:


I presume you wear the trousers in your household... or maybe that's the problem, you don't? :think:

Foolish talk.
That's how men deny reality, learned from women ultimately- if you paid attention when women start acting as children :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's nothing a woman can do that a man can't do better.

Who is the best scientist, or artist, philosopher, or mathematician? Who invented these things? Who built, ruled, and progressed the world?

Even St. Augustine flat out stated that the only purpose of women is to give birth- and look at the atrocity that's become: birth control being the outright answer for female autonomy.

That's what it boiled down to. A sham.

But the world forgets these things- they make up their own reality and shun the real one. This is what happened in Eden, hombre- man takes a bite out of what he knows is wrong but what the woman demands.

Men have been captivated into a lie that women are equal, stripped of their own accomplishment so that they are just as, or even more entitled, to them than they. They have been made fools out of, and that is what a feminized man is.

But yeah, preach that PC, buddy, and I'll stick to ~reality~ :)

Please take your patriarchal beard and misogynistic claptrap someplace else...


patrick jane

A question to those who think using nukes would somehow destroy Islam.


Aside from the moral implications and suicidal nature of such a course of action for now then just break this down for me. How does nuking a country(ies) destroy an entire religion?

You can't exactly give a warning before an attack because that would defeat your entire objective. You'd need to strike so your 'enemy' doesn't have a chance to leave the target area otherwise what are you nuking, an unoccupied piece of land? So for the premise to be effective you're targeting not only extremists but peaceable people, women and children.

The "enemy" is hardly contained in one convenient location but worldwide so how exactly does this work and pan out? NATO would never sanction such an act so how does using the most devastating weapon at disposal actually eradicate it?

If anyone can give a detailed, reasoned and logical explanation as to how the above would work then please chime in. (Nick M, this rules out you from the get go).

We can get the bulk of the bad actors, then the fear of nukes would calm them down forever. Look at Japan, we had to spank them. Twice


Which is still way more than you. Not interested in your asinine condescension of women, so kindly bog off and go on your misogynistic rants elsewhere you gormless little crank.

Thanks in advance...

And I'm not interested in your Stockholm Syndrome.

Prove me wrong :idunno:

If it's so 'asinine', then feel free to show how it's invalid.

Continue to prove that your notion is a sham. Men always have and always will be superior, that's why equality is enforced in law right down to the numbers- enforcing an illusion :rolleyes:

patrick jane

So, you can't actually answer as to how it would work then?
We will identify Extremist controlled areas and movements and use smaller specialty nukes to level large but not too large areas. Keep the collateral damage as small as possible. In countries where they are all Extremist controlled, we nuke the whole country. We won't mess around in the end. Once it all gets started, the US and Israel will destroy Islam