DACA - Dreamers



"According to the New York Times, Mulvaney took "a hard line on spending during President Obama’s term, vowing not to raise the nation’s debt limit and embracing the term 'Shutdown Caucus' because of his willingness to shut the government down instead." In 2015, Mulvaney voted against a government-funding resolution, which would have prevented a government shutdown, in part because it included funding for Planned Parenthood. Explaining his vote, Mulvaney said, "This is not about women's health. It’s about trafficking in pieces of dead children." After his appointment as head of the OMB in 2017, he reiterated his conditional position of support for a shutdown."


Apparently Mick Mulvaney, had no problem in his opposition to raising the federal debt limit and shutting down the federal government during the Obama Administration, as a member of the "'Shutdown Caucus" back in 2013.

Fast forward 5 years and Mulvaney not only supported the addition of $1.5 trillion of unnecessary debt to the nation's deficit, but also berates others for having the audacity to follow in his own footsteps - how conservative of him!

patrick jane

Apparently Mick Mulvaney, had no problem in his opposition to raising the federal debt limit and shutting down the federal government during the Obama Administration, as a member of the "'Shutdown Caucus" back in 2013.

Fast forward 5 years and Mulvaney not only supported the addition of $1.5 trillion of unnecessary debt to the nation's deficit, but also berates others for having the audacity to follow in his own footsteps - how conservative of him!
You've been duped again, it gets old doesn't it?

[h=3]Trump budget director says Obama 'weaponized' shutdown and this ...[/h]
[FONT=&quot]Mulvaney said “the Obama administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013” for political purposes by closing popular attractions like national parks. He claimed the Trump administration isn’t planning to do the same. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“We're going to manage the shutdown differently. We're not going to weaponize it," the budget director told reporters at the White House. "We’re not going to try and hurt people, especially people who work for the federal government." [/FONT]



You've been duped again, it gets old doesn't it?
[FONT="]Mulvaney said “the Obama administration weaponized the shutdown in 2013” for political purposes by closing popular attractions like national parks. He claimed the Trump administration isn’t planning to do the same. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#2B2C30][FONT="]“We're going to manage the shutdown differently. We're not going to weaponize it," the budget director told reporters at the White House. "We’re not going to try and hurt people, especially people who work for the federal government." [/FONT]
The Trump Administration couldn't organize its way out of a wet paper bag - but its reassuring to know that those long lines of tourists waiting to get into federal parks in the middle of January won't be disappointed!

patrick jane

The Trump Administration couldn't organize its way out of a wet paper bag - but its reassuring to know that those long lines of tourists waiting to get into federal parks in the middle of January won't be disappointed!
Right, warm weather states don't have any parks. Your a regular raconteur.


Ironically, Norway was one of those ****hole countries during the years that so many of them came to America. Poor and poorly-educated, the "Norskies" were treated badly, discriminated against, and mostly relegated to poverty and hard labor.

Nevertheless, they overcame these hardships, and their descendants are taking part in the American Dream.
America has more billionaires per capita than anybody I think. It's not because billionaires move here, as you're partially demonstrating.
At the end of the Mexican War, President Polk was interested in annexing Mexico. That fell through, mainly because the prospect of that many free states entering the Union alarmed the slave states.
'Hadn't heard that. Interesting. :think:
What a difference that would have made for the people of Mexico, who likely would have prospered as the inhabitants of the annexed areas of the Southwest prospered.
The southern border of Mexico is no more than a third as long as the current southern US border. 'Wall would cost 1/3 . . . not that we'd still want or need one. :)

The Barbarian

By the time the deadline had passed without a deal and exhausted senators returned home to bed, #TrumpShutdown was fast becoming the top trending item on Twitter worldwide.

In an early indication of who was being held responsible for the impasse in Washington, at least among users of the social networking site early on Saturday, that hashtag beat competitors including #DemocratShutdown and #GOPShutdown.

“This will be called the #TrumpShutdown,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer tweeted after government funding expired. “There is no one who deserves the blame for the position we find ourselves in more than President (Donald) Trump.”

Many who shared the hashtag decried a lack of leadership from the Republican president, in sharp contrast to his self-crafted image as a dealmaker who would make Washington work.

As both parties exchanged online blows, some of Trump’s supporters, including White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, sought to push the hashtag #SchumerShutdown.


"It's not Donald Trump's fault; he only controls both houses of Congress! The mean democrats won't give him everything he wants! Whaaaaaaa!"

Americans aren't buying it. Trump's spiel was that he was a deal-maker who could get things done. All he's managed so far is to give himself a whopping tax cut, and shut down the government.

That's not what people were expecting. So they're blaming him.

Go figure.

The Barbarian

Trump’s approval has moved from 37 percent to 40.1 percent. To be clear: this is still a very bad approval rating, particularly for a president who’s only been in office one year. Per FiveThirtyEight’s historical data, Trump’s number is in fact the worst of any president at this point in his term whom we have polling for. And the magnitude of the recent upward trend is small (just about 3 points).

But of course, any improvement for Trump is good news for him and Republicans as the 2018 midterms approach, and the president and his team hoped it would improve even more.

This is the political backdrop, then, for the government shutdown, and which Trump surely hopes will be resolved before his State of the Union speech in ten days, on January 30.

And again, the blame game both sides are playing has major implications for how things will turn out here. Neither side outright wanted this shutdown, and both fear that it might go badly for them. Whichever party starts to get hammered in the polls — like Republicans did in 2013 — will be more likely to cave.


As in the last shutdown, the public blames both sides (properly, I think), but also blames Trump and the republicans more than they blame the democrats:

By a 20-point margin, more Americans blame President Trump and Republicans rather than Democrats for a potential government shutdown, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

A 48 percent plurality says Trump and congressional Republicans are mainly responsible for the situation resulting from disagreements over immigration laws and border security, while 28 percent fault Democrats. A sizable 18 percent volunteer that both parties are equally responsible. Political independents drive the lopsided margin of blame, saying by 46 to 25 percent margin that Republicans and Trump are responsible for the situation.


Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) on Saturday blasted President Trump as an unreliable negotiating partner, fuming that working with him is “like negotiating with Jell-O" after a failure to secure a deal to avert a government shutdown.

“I told the president we Democrats were willing to fund the military at the highest levels in history, far above even his budget request,” said Schumer, who said he also offered to put Trump’s request for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border “on the table” at a White House meeting on Friday.

Schumer said Trump agreed to try for a four- or five-day government stopgap spending measure to give him and congressional leaders just enough time to reach a deal.

But then, Schumer said, the president changed his mind.

“Several hours later he called back. He said, ‘So, I hear we have a three-week deal.’ I said, 'No, Mr. President, no one is even talking about a three-week deal,' ” Schumer recounted.



Well-known member
What a pleasant, non-confrontational name for children of illegals. Don't hurt the dreamers, they have a dream. It's amnesty, pure and simple, put into place by Obummer under executive order, because that was the only way he could get it through. The temporary order is about to expire. What about our own citizens who are under served and struggling?

Will we give amnesty to all people under 18 just because they set foot in America? The demonrats only see votes

The native tribes know all about illegal immigrants, so maybe its just reaping what was sowed! enjoy.

patrick jane

It's comical to hear these liberals on cable news. Every dreamer works hard everyday or they're in college. They all contribute and start companies and build America. They are better than you and me and deserve to be treated "special".


New member
The dreamers need to start dreaming about developing some "Wall climbing skills" the clock is ticking and their hopes are about to evaporate....



It's comical to hear these liberals on cable news. Every dreamer works hard everyday or they're in college. They all contribute and start companies and build America. They are better than you and me and deserve to be treated "special".
The dreamers need to start dreaming about developing some "Wall climbing skills" the clock is ticking and their hopes are about to evaporate....

If "The Donald's" support for Judge Roy Moore couldn't get him elected in Alabama, the reddest of red states, what's going to happen when the Republicans start mass deportations of "Dreamers" during an election year - given that the polls show that over 80% of Americans already favor retaining DACA?


New member
It's comical to hear these liberals on cable news. Every dreamer works hard everyday or they're in college. They all contribute and start companies and build America. They are better than you and me and deserve to be treated "special".

Dreamers didn't always work hard as they were all brought here as children



I get it, NOW they do though, right? I'm familiar with how they got here. No fault of their own and I agree that they can be citizens, but they shouldn't be able to bring the whole familia to the USA with Chain Migration.
Trump and his supporters want to adopt a Canadian style immigration system - but are first in line to dismiss any discussion of the Canadian approach to gun control or universal healthcare!

patrick jane

Many liberals don't care about drugs and criminals coming through our border, no matter how many citizens die from overdoses or become victims of rape, theft, violence and murder. They tell themselves it's Trump's personal Wall (MSM tells them to tell themselves that). The Wall is for Trump, not for the American peoples' safety and security. They only see the Wall as a way to beat Trump since they are scrounging for any victory they can get.


Hall of Fame
Dreamers didn't always work hard as they were all brought here as children

Yep. As children, their choice was made by their parent(s), similar to the way mother's decide whether or not to protect the lives of their unborn children by allowing them to live. There is no good reason to punish the innocent.