DACA - Dreamers


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What a pleasant, non-confrontational name for children of illegals. Don't hurt the dreamers, they have a dream. It's amnesty, pure and simple, put into place by Obummer under executive order, because that was the only way he could get it through. The temporary order is about to expire. What about our own citizens who are under served and struggling?

Will we give amnesty to all people under 18 just because they set foot in America? The demonrats only see votes

While i agree some parts of the DACA need to be ended (teens coming on their own etc..), i disagree with kids who have been here a while and don't even remember mexico, who have been schooled here, being deported, (those who were brought here by those illegally entering (parents grandparents, etc)

Those who broke no law should not be punished. Wisdom wouldnt include shipping someone who grew up here off to another country because their parents broke the law.

patrick jane

While i agree some parts of the DACA need to be ended (teens coming on their own etc..), i disagree with kids who have been here a while and dont even remember mexico, who have been schooled here, being deported, (those who were brought here by those illegally entering (parents grandparents, etc)

those who broke no law should not be punished.
I agree. I think Trump does too.


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Hall of Fame
I wouldnt, many are runaway teens. They have no right to be here and no one brought them as a child.

I was talking about those who were brought here as children. If there are DACA recipients that don't fall in that category then they'd need to be reviewed separately.


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Hall of Fame
I was talking about those who were brought here as children. If there are DACA recipients that don't fall in that category then they'd need to be reviewed separately.

There are different categories, you might want to read it. It includes kids and teens claiming they are feeling different areas in mexico and central america, etc.

Someone wanting here because they like it better, needs to apply for citizenship/be heavily vetted. Migration and illegal migration arent the same things.

I do not support illegal immigration- meaning i do not support mexicans dying in boxcars in wal mart parking lots and or them paying huge monies to mules so they can cut a liberals grass this weekend or be forced to service a pimp.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Reagan is spinning in his grave. Reagan was no racist. He wasn't a crook who would defraud thousands of people. He repented of his earlier sexual behavior and lived a decent life thereafter.

Looks as if you bought into the "Far-left-wing Kool-Aid." Good for you, a host of several other DEMS have made that same mistake, as well.

The Barbarian

Guess what. He flip-flopped again...

“I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue,” one longtime immigration foe said Thursday morning.

The tweet came after news of President Donald Trump’s tentative deal to work on restoring the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program while delaying funding for his proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mark Krikorian, leader of an anti-immigrant think tank that Trump cited during his 2016 campaign, appeared appalled by Trump’s confirmation after a dinner with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) that he is working on a plan to restore the program.

Early Thursday morning, Krikorian said a ritual burning of “Make America Great Again” campaign merchandise would be a “brilliant idea” if Trump followed through with a deal with Democrats, which Krikorian called “a betrayal.”

Krikorian doubled down on that idea as Trump appeared to confirm that he had indeed done so.


patrick jane

And you know what? He knows most of the people who voted for him are too dumb to realize what he's done, and will still support him anyway.
What has he done? What's been finalized? Don't be a Fake News Jackass Liberal (I know it's hard). Do you really think his supporters want the dreamers deported? Immigration reforms are needed, through Congress, not Trump.
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