TDS = Trump Derangement Syndrome :rotfl: Do you think that by posting scriptures it bolsters your hatred of Trump? You have hate in your heart dano.
Believe it or not, I actually admire the guy on some traits and am presently rereading his first book.
You're simply that inept due your extremist - "all or nothing."
Reminds me of some other extremist some years back.
When I related I greatly admired Capone's obvious organizational genius, said extremist immediately took issue with me for admiring anything about that criminal.
You're doing the exact extreme of that.
Fact is, despite how reprehensible I have found Trump is, there are various traits I admire in the guy.
In short, get a grey clue, Mr too often either extreme black, or extreme white.
Nevertheless, Romans 5:8, PJ.