Creation vs. Evolution

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Michael, I never said anything about Mother Nature. That was you. The rest I have no problem with. Though you still have no idea what science does.

Dear noguru,

What you don't seem to get is that science does nothing. It's just an interpretation and study of it. God is doing it ALL. Does someone have to kick you in the butt?? Science is simply an agreement of what God does do. And I'm glad you don't believe in Mother Nature as so many do, because God sends those tornadoes and hurricanes, and lightning, and thunder, and rain, snow, etc. He's in charge of more than you might know, noguru, including science and 'evolution'. I have an idea what science does. It screws with the fact of the Creation. That's what it does. Not ALL science though. I do believe in a lot of science and chemistry. Hydrogen is fun to play with. So is Helium.

Much Love For You In Christ, noguru,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

What you don't seem to get is that science does nothing. It's just an interpretation and study of it. God is doing it ALL. Does someone have to kick you in the butt?? Science is simply an agreement of what God does do. And I'm glad you don't believe in Mother Nature as so many do, because God sends those tornadoes and hurricanes, and lightning, and thunder, and rain, snow, etc. He's in charge of more than you might know, noguru, including science and 'evolution'. I have an idea what science does. It screws with the fact of the Creation. That's what it does. Not ALL science though. I do believe in a lot of science and chemistry. Hydrogen is fun to play with. So is Helium.

Much Love For You In Christ, noguru,


Again Michael, you are being very presumptuous. If you think I do not understand what you wrote in the bold part.

But you are wrong about one thing. Science does not screw with the fact of creation. It can only discover "how" it was done.


Again Michael, you are being very presumptuous. If you think I do not understand what you wrote in the bold part.

But you are wrong about one thing. Science does not screw with the fact of creation. It can only discover "how" it was done.

Well, noguru, I agree with you wholeheartedly. But I am not talking only to you about my beliefs. You have atheist friend's that I am talking to and they don't believe in the Creation, as you and I do. That is the difference here. I'm not against you. I know you are a good Christian already, just like I said. I know you believe in Jesus, just like I said. We really have no qualms as long as you give the Miracle of Creation as God's Doing!

God Bless Your Heart, Mind And Soul,





Well-known member
Well, noguru, I agree with you wholeheartedly. But I am not talking only to you about my beliefs. You have atheist friend's that I am talking to and they don't believe in the Creation, as you and I do. That is the difference here. I'm not against you. I know you are a good Christian already, just like I said. I know you believe in Jesus, just like I said. We really have no qualms as long as you give the Miracle of Creation as God's Doing!

God Bless Your Heart, Mind And Soul,




Michael, I have lots of friends from various theological and political camps. In my opinion it makes life more interesting and allows me to see a broader field.

But if you really want to make a compelling argument you ought to be a little more rigorous and careful in your research.


Dear noguru,

I'm glad for the friends you have. It can make life more interesting, but you could also fall prey to lies instead of truth. That's all that I worry about for you, besides where your soul is going when you make that journey. My compelling argument is that I don't have to mess with it all because I don't need to do any more research. God has done it for me. I know a lot of what the future holds, and it is good, and I am very happy in life, and feel so blessed. Even if my genome is in my mitochondria or whatever. God takes care of all of that for me. I just put my faith and knowledge in Him. And He does the same for me. I think I already make a very compelling argument for that which I care about most. Thanks for your care and concern, and for your reply!!

Much Love Coming Your Way From Him and me,



O.K. noguru, I'm very glad you were not offended. I know you like to keep different company with others than Christians. Jesus did the same with taxmen and prostitutes, or whatever.

God's Best For You,



Dear noguru,

Have you read my book yet? It would be surprisingly helpful at this juncture in your life. Heck, if you have time to read all of the atheist's posts, you should squeeze my book in. lt is short and won't take much time. Couple hours total. It's pretty gripping reading I've been told. Keeps you interested. Let me know if you check it out.

Warmest Regards,



Dear noguru,

What I mean is the atheists you surround yourself with. Hope they learn from you!!

In Christ's Love and Kindness,



Dear noguru and Hedshaker,

Have either of you read my FREE book yet?? I am already waiting for you to answer, noguru. All you have to do is go to my website:

and left-click on 'Book Copy' and then left-click on 'SKU-text.pdf' and the Title Page of my book will come up. Then just use your up and down cursor arrows to read through the book. I do hope you will check it out. Maybe it'd make quite a change in your live's. Let me know.

In God's Name and Love,



Note to noguru and Hedshaker,

You have to left-click on Website Dashborad to get to 'Book Copy'. Just to let you know. I haven't been clear enough I guess. Let me know what you think about my book. Certainly you can find time to read the last chapter at least. That's where all the meat and potatoes are. Fact is though, you should read the whole book. It's really easy!!

Much Love Coming Your Way,



Dear noguru,

That's the last time I will mention how to get my book on this thread. I didn't know it bugged you that much, but I can tone it down. Where did gcthomas and Alwight go to? I miss you all believe it or not.




New member
Dear noguru,

What I mean is the atheists you surround yourself with. Hope they learn from you!!

In Christ's Love and Kindness,


I'm here, Michael, lurking.

I'm also sure that Christians and atheists learn from each other, since the religion or its absence is just one part of a person's makeup and there is much in common. More than you suspect, I believe.


Dear gcthomas,

Great to hear from you again, bro'!! Guess what gc? I got a new computer. It's a Gateway (E-machines brand) with 6GB of something (RAM or ROM)and 400GB of 'storage'? It uses Windows 8, so I don't know how to work it really well yet. As the months go by, maybe I shall become half-adept on how to use 1/2 of it. There's so much that is different on it. I used to have Windows XP5. It only cost $323 with tax. I spent more than that trying to keep my last computer going.

I know everyone is different, but I didn't know that atheists learn from Christians. Or Christians from atheists. I just thought there was a big WALL up between them both. I just grieve for my atheist friends, because I want them to make it to heaven and spend time with them too. I also miss Alwight. Let him know if you contact him again. He's a good egg. Oh, now I'm getting hungry. I had homemade gyros for dinner tonight. Even made my secret sauce for them. They are delicious, but too big to eat two, for most people. Otherwise, I would have had seconds. No one knows how I make my sauce and I'm okay with that except I'm gonna have to tell somebody so they know how to make them if something happens to me. GCthomas, I have this strong feeling that Jesus is going to return soon. I know you don't want to believe me, but that is not a prerequisite. Just keep it in mind. Don't let the devil talk you out of being saved. Call on Jesus then and maybe that will help. I worry about you guys and girls. Even though I am sometimes a staunch foe, it doesn't mean I don't love you and care for you all. Well, will close for now and hopefully chat with you soon.

Much Love From God and Jesus,



New member
Much Love From God and Jesus,

How sick is that, pretending to be talking for some deity, which probably doesn't exist, and a long dead human. :jawdrop:


New member
Much Love From God and Jesus,

How sick is that, pretending to be talking for some deity, which probably doesn't exist, and a long dead human. :jawdrop:

There is plenty enough rudeness on TOL already, so rudeness is unnecessary, except for those who bring it upon themselves. Please, try to be courtious about others beliefs, unless your role here is to mock. Mocking is easy, understanding takes effort.

Michael is indeed a sick individual, but not remotely in the way you imagine.


Well-known member
Dear noguru,

That's the last time I will mention how to get my book on this thread. I didn't know it bugged you that much, but I can tone it down. Where did gcthomas and Alwight go to? I miss you all believe it or not.



OK, Michael that is much appreciated. I have to admit that you have grown on me, since I first started reading your posts. You have grown on me like a fungus. I'm just kidding about the last part.

Peace Brother


New member
There is plenty enough rudeness on TOL already, so rudeness is unnecessary, except for those who bring it upon themselves. Please, try to be courtious about others beliefs, unless your role here is to mock. Mocking is easy, understanding takes effort.

Michael is indeed a sick individual, but not remotely in the way you imagine.

I have every right to state my point of view, just as you do, if you don't like what I have to say, don't bother to read my posts!!


New member
I have every right to state my point of view, just as you do,

I'm sure you could point to where I said you didn't? I didn't mention points of view, I only recommeded that on joining a new community courtesy wouldn't go amiss until your managed to identify who deserved it.

if you don't like what I have to say, don't bother to read my posts!!

I agree with your assessment as to Michael's apparent delusions, and have discussed that with him before you joined in. I don't have a problem with your point of view. Unless it is an opinion without evidence, such as telling him he is a "sick" individual. He is mistaken, I'm sure, but sick? Do you really have the evidence to claim he is mentally sick?

You claim to be agnostic, so act like one. So, how about being less belief-oriented about individuals before the evidence is in?
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