Creation vs. Evolution

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Eclectic Theosophist
Diving into non-duality......

Diving into non-duality......

What is a "spiritual universe" . . . exactly?

'Spirit' is the substance of which all creation is born from and subsists in, a living energy and consciousness which includes all existence within dimension and without dimension :) - This living energy-consciousness includes 'no-thing' (the incorporeal) and 'every-thing'(corporeal existence/forms).

From a metaphysical perspective as I've shared earlier here...all there is is 'creation' while 'evolution' is just creation in motion. All existing 'potentials' and 'actuals' are forever existing within 'Creation',....and unfolding themselves by way of the laws of expression.

Life IS. - what we see as a play of energy, mind, spirit, consciousness, creation's dance. ( Shiva drumming the worlds into and out of existence, thru endless cycles of birth, disintegration, rebirth). Here the Hindu view correlates with conventional science and cosmology, from a 'spirit-energy' base and context.

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Infinite Spirit is the Living-energy-consciousness which pervades the Universe apart from which nothing could exist, so that all movements of cause-effect are a phenomena that arises in this great Sea of Consciousness. Existence itself, cognizant as the 'Self'(awareness) is its own evidence, which is the primal 'science', since all 'knowing' and 'knowledge' originates within this pure awareness. All that is....exists and appears within this context. Outside of consciousness, nothing exists, even though we may consider a extraordinary state prior to ordinary consciousness, which the great sages refer to as 'Parabrahman' or 'The Absolute' which is beyond knowledge altogether, but the source of all knowing. When the mind dives into its heart-source, the ordinary ego dissolves, and there is only the one universal Supreme consciousness. "I" am that, while the 'mind' takes itself to be a 'personality', 'body' or 'ego-construct' which is but an 'illusion' or 'assumption' superimposed upon awareness.

Non-duality (there is only One all-pervading consciousness)

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Well-known member
'Spirit' is the substance of which all creation is born from and subsists in, a living energy and consciousness which includes all existence within dimension and without dimension :) - This living energy-consciousness includes 'no-thing' (the incorporeal) and 'every-thing'(corporeal existence/forms).

From a metaphysical perspective as I've shared earlier here...all there is is 'creation' while 'evolution' is just creation in motion. All existing 'potentials' and 'actuals' are forever existing within 'Creation',....and unfolding themselves by way of the laws of expression.

Life IS. - what we see as a play of energy, mind, spirit, consciousness, creation's dance. ( Shiva drumming the worlds into and out of existence, thru endless cycles of birth, disintegration, rebirth). Here the Hindu view correlates with conventional science and cosmology, from a 'spirit-energy' base and context.

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Infinite Spirit is the Living-energy-consciousness which pervades the Universe apart from which nothing could exist, so that all movements of cause-effect are a phenomena that arises in this great Sea of Consciousness. Existence itself, cognizant as the 'Self'(awareness) is its own evidence, which is the primal 'science', since all 'knowing' and 'knowledge' originates within this pure awareness. All that is....exists and appears within this context. Outside of consciousness, nothing exists, even though we may consider a extraordinary state prior to ordinary consciousness, which the great sages refer to as 'Parabrahman' or 'The Absolute' which is beyond knowledge altogether, but the source of all knowing. When the mind dives into its heart-source, the ordinary ego dissolves, and there is only the one universal Supreme consciousness. "I" am that, while the 'mind' takes itself to be a 'personality', 'body' or 'ego-construct' which is but an 'illusion' or 'assumption' superimposed upon the pure awareness that I really AM.

Non-duality (there is only One all-pervading consciousness)


We are spirits dancing in the flesh.


Hi Jukia,

Yes, again to go into specifics I have on the earthquakes are that the greatest one will happen in Phoenix in the same hour that the Lord God raises His two witnesses or prophets. It will be larger than any earthquake since man has been on earth. After that, a very large earthquake, a super-quake shall hit Hollywood, but the one in Phoenix will be greater. And after the quake in Hollywood/L.A., there shall be a great flood there. People will have to help each other out the best they can. Other cities may not be able to reach the cities involved, so there will be no outside help. There will be no electricity, running water, gas, A/C, heat, shortage of food and supplies, no fuel for cars, etc., no airport, no television or computers. Life will be very basic. It won't be pretty.

Thanks for your question.

God Be With You,



Dear Alwight,

Now see, there is something I learned about atheists. I thought you believed in Darwin, and you're saying you don't believe in anything and take each day as it comes. That you put no belief in anyone and certainly not a God. Am I wrong to think this way and why?

God Be With You,



Dear hedshaker,

Don't be too tough on Ben. How can anyone be sure of what they don't know? You do that already. BTW, I would say those earthquakes shall happen within the next 1 to 3 years. Prob. 1 to 2. I've known about the Phoenix earthquake since 1988, when an angel told me. The L.A. earthquake I've know since 1976. So it's not like some time hasn't passed. That's why it will only be a couple years. I had to have time to tell others. You're just one of the last I've told it to. Thank God for the Internet, or you'd never have had a warning. Good to chat again.

God Bless You,



Dear gcthomas,

The reason we believe the way we do is from historical writings passed down by our ancestors and fathers which tell of a God and Jesus, and Jesus' testimony alone that He did exist as a person, and a 'prophet', Him saying He was the Son of God and saying there was a God. We believe in Adam and Eve by the writings kept from generation to generation as truth. We do not have a Darwin that was born 5,000 years ago and who left writings. We go by what our fathers have believed in also and by the evidence we see of that you can not explain that there is not a God, or that there is a God, but how can such a complex Creation and Universe just make itself that wonderful and near-perfect without a superior being having done it?

That is where we wonder. Good to chat with you again.

God Bless You,



Dear noguru,

Well, I would say that the best evidence we have of a spiritual universe is kept written in a book called the Bible, the best seller of ALL times, and many other sacred writings. Must be a reason for that. And it explains how the Universe and all the was Created came to be. Isn't that enough or do you want more?

Much Love,



Dear hedshaker,

Someday you will come to realize, in spite of yourself, that there really is no 'Mother Nature' but that it is actually God doing the rain, lightning, thunder, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, what a variety, eh?

You think they just all exist as happening without a God doing it??

Much Love to You,



Dear Dave3712,

The same God who controls the 'Mother Nature' here does so on each of the other planets, including Jupiter and Venus. They don't just happen as forever being that way.

God's Best,



Dear Dave3712,

So now, instead of a God, we have a god named Schechinah, the 'spirit'. What are you trying to say here. That's it's another spirit besides God. The spirit is a spirit, whether you want to call it God or God.

God Be With You,



Dear Dave3712,

Well, you finally hit the nail on the head. God creates good and He creates evil. Everything that has been created or is created is by Him. YOU GOT IT!!! I'm proud of you!!

God's Highest Honors to You,



Dear freelight,

My favorite searcher. Yes, you have managed to pin it down to the fact that there is a reason for all that is and that it is the Creator or Shiva and One all-pervading Consciousness, which we Christians call God. Hindus may have another name for Him/It. Much Love To You. You know, we have a book called the Bible that is a best-seller for a good's the truth!

Many Blessings To You From Above!!



New member
Dear hedshaker,

Someday you will come to realize, in spite of yourself, that there really is no 'Mother Nature' but that it is actually God doing the rain, lightning, thunder, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, what a variety, eh?

Don't be ridiculous, how can a blind process like nature have a mother? Aren't your usual fairy tales enough for you?

Mother nature indeed :juggle:


New member
Dear gcthomas,

The reason we believe the way we do is from historical writings passed down by our ancestors and fathers which tell of a God and Jesus, and Jesus' testimony alone that He did exist as a person, and a 'prophet', Him saying He was the Son of God and saying there was a God. We believe in Adam and Eve by the writings kept from generation to generation as truth. We do not have a Darwin that was born 5,000 years ago and who left writings. We go by what our fathers have believed in also and by the evidence we see of that you can not explain that there is not a God, or that there is a God, but how can such a complex Creation and Universe just make itself that wonderful and near-perfect without a superior being having done it?

That is where we wonder. Good to chat with you again.

God Bless You,


We have ancient writings predating the christian ones that tell of different things and that are not compatable with christianity. Why believe one ancient text over another one?


New member
Out side of new age pagan flim flam the term "Mother Nature" is no more than an old saying of endearment that has no meaning in reality.


Dear hedshaker,

How can a 'blind' nature be? When a tornado touches one house and leaves the next untouched? When it rains on one side of the street and not the other? When it tells the deciduous trees it's time to change their leaves color? When it leaves a bone-dry, atheist Africa without rain, but keeps the believers usually with the best weather and good crops? You can't think it's all just magical or just happens when it wants to.

Being Kind, and May God Be With You,



Dear hedshaker,

That's good and cool. Because there is no Mother Nature. It is God doing it all. Missed chatting with you. I guess we are destined to dispute?? Or perhaps maybe someday, to agree?

Much Love and God's Best!!



New member
Dear hedshaker,

How can a 'blind' nature be? When a tornado touches one house and leaves the next untouched? When it rains on one side of the street and not the other? When it tells the deciduous trees it's time to change their leaves color? When it leaves a bone-dry, atheist Africa without rain, but keeps the believers usually with the best weather and good crops? You can't think it's all just magical or just happens when it wants to.

Being Kind, and May God Be With You,


So your god decides which house to destroy? Which small child to get cancer? Which old person to get Alzheimer's?

And trees change color based on chemistry and physics.

As far as Africa goes I believe there are many, many Christians there. Do the droughts only happen in the non-Christian areas? Are the Christian areas all green and lush?

Michael, go back on your meds. We will all be happier.


New member
Dear Alwight,

Now see, there is something I learned about atheists. I thought you believed in Darwin, and you're saying you don't believe in anything and take each day as it comes. That you put no belief in anyone and certainly not a God. Am I wrong to think this way and why?

God Be With You,

I don't "believe in" Darwin I simply accept that what he has theorised is the best natural explanation for life being as it is, that we have. A magical god perhaps could have "poofed" things the way they, but then why make it look as though there is a good natural explanation and that things did evolve from previous forms?

Reality seems to suggest to me at least that there is no benign omnipotent heavenly father figure but that won't stop some people from thinking there is anyway it seems.
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