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Huh? *wipes specs*
Why..... so you are.......... it's just that you spout such similar junk...... very confusing.
That's right.......... you're the Protestant Christian who thinks that he can decide who is or is not a Christian. Yep. Got it.
And, what are you doing, here, if not "deciding who" (namely, 7djengo7) is a Christian?
I'm the Deist who thinks you're a right wing extremist....... that's the trouble with you tribalists, you all wear the same colours.
I do not call anybody "Deist", inasmuch as "Deist" is, so far as I can tell, meaningless. So, of course, you won't find me saying, "eider is a Deist", or "You are a Deist". What I know is that you're not a Christian--that you're a non-Christian--and that you're an errorist (and a rather run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter errorist, at that).