Oh, I'm sure I'll definitely try to keep as much distance from y'all as I can! Nazi leftards are vicious, violent people--especially when triggered by being confronted with individualist dissent against the collectivist falsehood and nonsense you are in the habit of parroting. They support (and some of them engage in) the murder of babies, so, of course, what would keep such angry, ends-justify-the-means brutes from calling for/enacting such bloodlust against dissenters whom they wish silenced? You'd better believe it I wouldn't want to be in the same room with any of you brave, brave heroes! Not unarmed, at least. No way, Jose! I'd definitely be afraid to turn my back to you, until I was a very safe distance away!
I take exception to your disgusting insults to people with whom you disagree, you hypocrite! Your arrogant demands that I wear a stupid mask against my will, for instance! Insolence of insolence!
In a text-based forum about ideology, who cares whether or not somebody is physically stronger than you, or than the mob you'd like to form against him? In a forum, your penchant for being a keyboard warrior regarding just how tough you'd be physically, in person, is hilarious in the face of how much of an intellectual pantywaist, a mental pygmy, you consistently demonstrate yourself to be in your posts.
That's your typical Nazi leftard way: endeavor to create situations in which those who would express dissent from you may be brought to feel physically intimidated, so as to try to shut us up. Try to shut people up by physical force, or the threat thereof--so that they might become "fawning chickens" in your physically-threatening presence, and they'll stop verbalizing their dissent from your insane, evil Nazi leftard ravings. Mentally, at least, you're definitely jackboot-thug material, eider! No doubt about it!