Could Dogs detect Covid-19?


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Bullies generally are scared children deep inside.


eider keeps mentioning how he'd like to get me in the same room with himself and who knows how many other of his/your fellow Nazi leftards, so that he can physically bully me into no longer expressing my dissent from y'all's evil stupidities. So, you just called eider a scared child. Bravo!:)


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Do you own your own home?


Ask him how much he can bench press, and how tall he is, so that you can estimate what kind of physical force you'd need to beat him up if he were in the same room with you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How is this latest post from you one bit different from any of your other posts on TOL? Answer: it's not essentially different at all. Like all your other posts, this latest of your posts is just one more substance-less emotional outburst from you. It's cosmetically different, of course, for the better, by comparison with many of your other posts, because it takes up so much less space than they. Cosmetically, your best posts, by far, were the ones in which you did nothing but quoteth from my posts, in a quote box, and typed no text in the body of your post, save for a single, solitary period. Again, substance-wise: no difference.:toad:

Brevity is his friend, silence his strength :)


Well-known member


Oh, I'm sure I'll definitely try to keep as much distance from y'all as I can! Nazi leftards are vicious, violent people--especially when triggered by being confronted with individualist dissent against the collectivist falsehood and nonsense you are in the habit of parroting. They support (and some of them engage in) the murder of babies, so, of course, what would keep such angry, ends-justify-the-means brutes from calling for/enacting such bloodlust against dissenters whom they wish silenced? You'd better believe it I wouldn't want to be in the same room with any of you brave, brave heroes! Not unarmed, at least. No way, Jose! I'd definitely be afraid to turn my back to you, until I was a very safe distance away!
I take exception to your disgusting insults to people with whom you disagree, you hypocrite! Your arrogant demands that I wear a stupid mask against my will, for instance! Insolence of insolence!

In a text-based forum about ideology, who cares whether or not somebody is physically stronger than you, or than the mob you'd like to form against him? In a forum, your penchant for being a keyboard warrior regarding just how tough you'd be physically, in person, is hilarious in the face of how much of an intellectual pantywaist, a mental pygmy, you consistently demonstrate yourself to be in your posts.

That's your typical Nazi leftard way: endeavor to create situations in which those who would express dissent from you may be brought to feel physically intimidated, so as to try to shut us up. Try to shut people up by physical force, or the threat thereof--so that they might become "fawning chickens" in your physically-threatening presence, and they'll stop verbalizing their dissent from your insane, evil Nazi leftard ravings. Mentally, at least, you're definitely jackboot-thug material, eider! No doubt about it!

Oh no. We wouldn't need to use force or even the threat of force. We'd just look you in the eye, is all.


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Oh no. We wouldn't need to use force or even the threat of force. We'd just look you in the eye, is all.


Um...OK? Do you do that often--get someone into the same room with you, with whom you've had disagreements over the internet, and just look him/her in the eye? What (if anything) do you imagine would be your objective in doing that?:rotfl:


Well-known member

Um...OK? Do you do that often--get someone into the same room with you, with whom you've had disagreements over the internet, and just look him/her in the eye? What (if anything) do you imagine would be your objective in doing that?:rotfl:

The idea of never having to see your posts again calls out to me, appeals to me....... bye bye djengo.....


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infect your neighbor by not wearing a mask

Go buy a house that has a bathroom with a shower, so as to prevent anyone else from buying it, or moving into it. By doing that, you'll be protecting other people from any injury or death they might otherwise have incurred by slipping in that shower, had they come to live in that house instead of you. It's common sense that you owe as much duty to your fellow man to do that as anybody has to wear one of your stupid, useless Nazi leftard MAGA (Masking All Gullible Apes) masks.

That you refuse to do this shows that you have no compassion for the safety, health, and wellbeing of anybody who happens to come to dwell in that house that you are making available to them by not buying it, yourself. Why do you want people to run the risk of suffering injury or death from slipping in the shower in the house you refuse to buy in order to protect them, you heartless pig?


Well-known member
Go buy a house that has a bathroom with a shower, so as to prevent anyone else from buying it, or moving into it. By doing that, you'll be protecting other people from any injury or death they might otherwise have incurred by slipping in that shower, had they come to live in that house instead of you. It's common sense that you owe as much duty to your fellow man to do that as anybody has to wear one of your stupid, useless Nazi leftard MAGA (Masking All Gullible Apes) masks.

That you refuse to do this shows that you have no compassion for the safety, health, and wellbeing of anybody who happens to come to dwell in that house that you are making available to them by not buying it, yourself. Why do you want people to run the risk of suffering injury or death from slipping in the shower in the house you refuse to buy in order to protect them, you heartless pig?

Weird. Really weird.


Well-known member
chair ..... hope you are well! :)
We hear on BBC News this morning that the President of the Royal Society has said that masks should be worn by everybody in any public location, and that masks can protect both wearer and those nearby. All this time, and Western countries have been (mostly) snorting at Asian communities who have been doing exactly this.

We'll all be wearing masks soon, I suspect. :


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your argument was so illogical that I shrug my shoulders and say "weird".

LOL @ calling an argument you don't like, "illogical", while refusing to stick around to try to explain why you call it "illogical".

It's funny that you think it is impossible for someone to die, or be injured, by slipping in the shower in a house not owned by you.

MAGA (Masking All Gullible Apes)