While a few hundred thousand (about 0,003% of earth population) died because of coronavirus and about 3 millions (about 0.03%) were infected by it, not less than 97% of humans on earth were convinced via 'all' sorts of media (claimed being of opposing independent camps) that they live a pandemic.
It happens I am among the remaining 3%because I didn't hear any system (local or foreign) warning me of a pandemic (or even epidemic) when the toll of deaths was much higher, up to 10 times if not 100 in rare years, because of the cold virus which, naturally, hits once or twice almost yearly and in new disguise.
So I leave, as an intellectual exercise (for your own knowledge only), the reason(s) for which many millions (perhaps billions, if not trillions) of dollars were invested by all world's systems thru various international organizations (starting from WHO) to convince the world's peoples that their planet earth lives indeed a severe pandemic.
That's 9,000,000 known infected and 470,000 known dead right now. If you look at the numbers for specific countries, or for NYC if you like, you might understand that this is a real threat. Then again- reality doesn't sit well with some people.