ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
I think I'd see a very quiet mouse of you then. You're a virtual tough-guy. :chuckle:
Remember what I said about being a jerk? You're doing it again.
I think I'd see a very quiet mouse of you then. You're a virtual tough-guy. :chuckle:
But you're a Nazi leftard, so you've no sense of compassion. You are in favor of, and a slobbering cheerleader for, the predations (what you call "this lockdown") that have been enacted by the socialist tyrants you worship, against the liberty and property of those over whom your idols have been tyrannizing. You're "sense of compassion" is a joke, you vicious hypocrite. Of course, you rightly call the victims of what you call "this lockdown", "victims". But, all along, you're here on TOL shamelessly snarling out your advocacy for their victimization, and for their victimizers. You just zone out to folk who aren't viciously hypocritical, Nazi leftards like yourself.
You call Arthur Brain a Nazi Leftard? You're probably too daft to realise that is a contradiction in terms.
I don't think your lockdown was enacted by socialists...... who rules your country?
I'd love to see you talking like that to folks if you were in the same room with them......... I think I'd see a very quiet mouse of you then. You're a virtual tough-guy. :chuckle:
Fair enough. My mention of Christians was/is because I (mostly) respond to Christians here.
,,,,,, a friend who you used to work with..... do you or did you work in a branch of medicine or social services?
I can imagine how severe the lockdown has been upon people who were already lonely. Am AA woman of 25 was on telly explaining how staying clear of alcohol was/is almost impossible under these circumstances. 40 years ago I trained with the Samaritans and I can imagine what a tough time they have been engaged in during recent months. People in bedsit-land haven't been able to see their lovers. Families separated. It goes on.
I used to work for a domiciliary care company, mainly on the admin side but I also did home visits as well.
Alcohol intake has upped a lot during this. All of my friends have been drinking more than usual and to be honest, so have I. It's having an impact on everyone this situation. Some of the older regulars from my local are going stir crazy because they live alone and the pub was as much a meeting place to socialise as somewhere to drink. My friend who I was chatting with yesterday knows of people who have killed themselves which is horrible. She's sorely missing her family as are so many others and the impact on mental health is having far reaching consequences.
I used to work for a domiciliary care company, mainly on the admin side but I also did home visits as well.
Alcohol intake has upped a lot during this. All of my friends have been drinking more than usual and to be honest, so have I. It's having an impact on everyone this situation. Some of the older regulars from my local are going stir crazy because they live alone and the pub was as much a meeting place to socialise as somewhere to drink. My friend who I was chatting with yesterday knows of people who have killed themselves which is horrible. She's sorely missing her family as are so many others and the impact on mental health is having far reaching consequences.
I did wonder....... You're very patient with folks. True.
Yes, this has been the most strange time in our lives, for some very lonely, for some very desperate, for some quite terrifying, and for those whose finances were trashed up .... I can only imagine. Yet all my close friends have sailed through the lockdown and all. One mate runs s little estate agency but he is registered and so he could apply for grants and aids, and because he runs a property services section he got masses of work for himself, his daughter and son in law, carrying out sparkle cleans each night at the university labs, on a very high rate. If he fell over he'd find a sovereign!
It's been ok for myself and wife, two months in lockdown together made it the best two months of my life. But she's somethin' else.
You should have read one line more.
You call Arthur Brain a Nazi Leftard?
You're probably too daft to realise that is a contradiction in terms.
I don't think your lockdown was enacted by socialists...... who rules your country?
I'd love to see you talking like that to folks if you were in the same room with them......…
I think I'd see a very quiet mouse of you then. You're a virtual tough-guy. :chuckle:
You should have read one line more. Or is 7 words your limit? America Is Giving Up on the Pandemic
Businesses are reopening. Protests are erupting nationwide. But the virus isn’t done with us.[/SIZE]
Wow, the trains just don't run where you live do they? What a wingnut.
Yeah, I've called Arthur Brain a Nazi leftard, and that more than once, I think.
Here is the only contradiction involved in what I have stated: By stating the truth that Arthur Brain is a Nazi leftard, I have been contradicting the falsehood that Arthur Brain is not a Nazi leftard.
The Constitution of the United States of America rules my country.
Only an abject fool could say what you just said: "I don't think your lockdown was enacted by socialists". The tyrannical predations against my country that you are, here, calling "your lockdown" were certainly not enacted by the United States Constitution.
To WHAT "folks"? To your kind of "folks"--the kind who despise truth and logic, and would love nothing better than to use violent, brute force to try to silence opposition, of course. In other words, Nazi leftards.
And, to HOW MANY "folks"? Why, at least however many Nazi leftards as you imagine would be tactically necessary to silence me, of course.
Of course you'd love to "see a very quiet mouse of [me]"; no surprise there, since you, being one more Nazi leftard, vehemently despise and oppose freedom of speech for those of us who oppose the irrational stupidity that is your Nazi leftard worldview.
No. They run on railways. I don't live on railways. Do you live on railways?
They were enacted by your president who's the head of a republican administration. Not that he had much choice in the matter.
Are you kidding? I want this kind of bat crazy aired in full public view dude!
You got no worries about me wanting to censor or silence you, it's morbidly entertaining if nothing else...
Uh, Djengo, if anybody really wanted to silence you or others on the far right then why would they join a forum where you have freedom to air your opinions and engage with you?
It's mind meltingly bonkers to even suggest this garbage. I've been on here for years and enjoy the cut and thrust of debate along with having made friends since my tenure here. I don't want people silenced, at all. The only times I've even reported folk on here is for outright trolling, threats and inappropriate comments about family and the like. A handful in fourteen years.
That isn't what eider was implying at all and the irrationality is all yours once again. I fully support freedom of speech including your own. You can call people "Nazi leftards" all you want as far as I'm concerned. It's bat crazy an all but I still support your right to make a clown of yourself.![]()