Coronavirus slowing down.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... The US fatality total has climbed to 53.300 now...

It has. The total deaths count in the US as of yesterday was 54,364 in a total population of 328.2 million, which gives a deaths per 1M ratio of 164.

Meanwhile, in your country, which you never wish to discuss, the numbers are horrendously worse

The total deaths count in the UK as of yesterday was 20,319 in a total population of 66.65 million, which gives a deaths per 1M ratio of 299.

How about it eider ?

Got any snarky comments to make about that?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It has. The total deaths count in the US as of yesterday was 54,364 in a total population of 328.2 million, which gives a deaths per 1M ratio of 164.

Meanwhile, in your country, which you never wish to discuss, the numbers are horrendously worse

The total deaths count in the UK as of yesterday was 20,319 in a total population of 66.65 million, which gives a deaths per 1M ratio of 299.

How about it eider ?

Got any snarky comments to make about that?

Worth remembering as well that 54% of the US cases are in the Metro NYC area - if you adjust the data to exclude that anamolous area, the rest of the country's stats are basically cut in half.

In other words, excluding Metro NYC, the US as a whole has about as many deaths as all of the UK,

and has a
deaths per 1M ratio of 75 - one quarter that of the UK

and roughly the same as Germany
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User Name

Greatest poster ever

On the face of it little has shut down. But data suggests the vast majority of the population have taken to voluntary social distancing, which is the crux of Sweden's strategy to slow the spread of the virus.

Usage of public transport has dropped significantly, large numbers are working from home, and most refrained from travelling over the Easter weekend. The government has also banned gatherings of more than 50 people and visits to elderly care homes.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What I expect is for you to reply with retarded comments, and you never disappoint. Yesterday was our highest one-day count yet for new coronavirus cases in the US. RH scale has yet to "plateau" as of today, to say nothing of April 6th when this thread was started.


A far cry from Trump's "We've got everything under control" garbage. Oh, and he's not likely to disappoint you anytime soon either on a side note...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How will things look on 13th May?

If I was going to extrapolate from the last three days' data, I'd say by 5/13 we'll be miles below the horizontal axis, which means all those dead people coming back to life and a daily reduction of total cases to zero and beyond :)

meanwhile, you guys look like you're in a pickle, with no end in sight

better stay hiding under your bed, Chicken Little - for you brits (and the fools in Metro NYC) it looks like the sky really IS falling :(

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How will things look on 13th May?

The UK total death count doubled from April 12 to April 25

Assuming a continuation of that pattern, the UK total death count will reach roughly 50,000 by May 13

God help you silly fools
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Looking at the trends by country and taking a WAG, I'd say the UK will surpass France in 4 days and Spain a day or two after that. And then Italy three or four days later.

So, 2nd place in a week and a half. :second:

Arthur Brain

Go ahead, retards - blame that on Trump

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Two days does not make a trend, but the last two days of data from the UK is good. I would be ecstatic to be proved wrong in my predictions.

Continuing good news from Spain and Italy, jumbled data from France - probably good. Typical Frenchies. :french:

And a three day "trend" for the US that's good.

And not a trend. Not yet.

And India is coming online. :(

1st case on March 2
31 on March 7
88 on March 14
304 on March 21
879 on March 28
3260 on April 4
7189 on April 11
13,381 on April 18
19,519 on April 25

India, for those who don't know, has a population 4 times as large as the US, with more than two thirds living in poverty, on less than $2 a day.

Starvation is so prevalent that the deaths of 4500 children a day is considered acceptable.

The Chinese Virus has the potential to do damage in India unimaginable in the West

What is really worrisome about the data from India is that the slope of the total deaths curve is significantly greater than the slope of either of the total cases or active cases curves, indicating that their health care system is already failing.
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Well-known member
Looking at the trends by country and taking a WAG, I'd say the UK will surpass France in 4 days and Spain a day or two after that. And then Italy three or four days later.

So, 2nd place in a week and a half. :second:

Arthur Brain

Go ahead, retards - blame that on Trump

I wasn't aware that death from disease was an international sport. What league is it?


Well-known member
The plain fact is that Donald Trump is the wrong president to have during this crisis. Hiding behind "well, you're a foreigner" doesn't change that. Nor do the failings of other countries. Nor does pretending that NYC is not part of the US change anything. He is the wrong guy for the job.


Coronavirus slowing down

The leadership of both the UK and the USA gambled with the lives of their citizens and lost!

What is particularly interesting is that Italy imposed a travel ban from China on January 31st and America on February 3rd - both were done at a relatively early date but then it was assumed that this alone would serve as an effective "firewall" to protect their nations!

For Italy it was already too late, and for the United States COVID-19 was allowed to enter through America's "back door" by not restricting flights from Italy to New York's JFK International!

What's of particular interest is that Germany (March 17th) and South Korea, the 2 nations that appear to have been the most successful in combating the pandemic, didn't impose travel bans from China until much later - and technically South Korea has never imposed a travel ban on China!

What these 2 nations did accomplish was not to rely on travel bans, by assuming that the pandemic had already arrived and being quick to introduce a comprehensive testing program that provided their health authorities with a far better understanding of where and how to combat the pandemic while still in its early stages!

Germany has invested in a healthcare system that was far better equipped to handle a surge of new patients than its UK and American counterparts, while South Korea was able to reduce the rate of COVID-19 cases so that its medical infrastructure wasn't overwhelmed - as was the case in Italy and New York City!

DOCTORS per 1000
Germany 4,2

South Korea 2.4

United Kingdom 2.8

United States 2.6

Germany 13.2

South Korea 7.0

United Kingdom 8.3

United States 7.6

Germany 8.3

South Korea 11.5

United Kingdom 2.8

United States 2.9

************************************************** ********************
Germany $5986

South Korea $3192

United Kingdom $4070

United States $10586

Given what America currently spends for healthcare on a per capita basis, one questions as to where the money went and as to why it was never reinvested in creating more doctors, nurses/midwives and/or hospital beds!

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The plain fact is that Donald Trump is the wrong president to have during this crisis. Hiding behind "well, you're a foreigner" doesn't change that. Nor do the failings of other countries. Nor does pretending that NYC is not part of the US change anything. He is the wrong guy for the job.

Is Merkel the "wrong guy for the job"?