Coronavirus slowing down.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Out of all the world leaders, Donald Trump stands out for his poor leadership and lack of basic intelligence.

because that's the constant drumbeat of news from the MSM

It is disastrous for the entire free world.

That's silly

Can you explain why, for example, your foolish perception of my leader, a perception that you base on the lies fed you by the MSM, is disastrous for Israel? India? Iceland?

If you want to rate all the world leaders, go ahead.

The story of the China Virus in America is two very different stories. One story is that of Metro NYC, which (like Italy) ignored the warnings in February and paid the price. That story has stats that are off the charts, it is a story of dismal failure.

The other story, the story of the rest of the country, is a story of cautious adaptation which has resulted in numbers either slightly better than Germany's (total cases/1M pop) or slightly worse (Deaths/1M pop).

And the story of the failure of Metro NYC is the story of criminally negligent liberal leadership who were more interested in attacking our national leader in a time of impending crisis than in preparing the people they were supposed to lead.

He is the wrong guy for the job.

so don't vote for him in November :idunno:


The story of the China Virus in America is two very different stories. One story is that of Metro NYC, which (like Italy) ignored the warnings in February and paid the price. That story has stats that are off the charts, it is a story of dismal failure.

... And the story of the failure of Metro NYC is the story of criminally negligent liberal leadership who were more interested in attacking our national leader in a time of impending crisis than in preparing the people they were supposed to lead.
How do the Trump supporters explain that while both the President and New York Governor Cuomo provide daily briefings, the public approval ratings of the former have dropped to the low 40's while those of the later are in the 70's?

As for the "criminally negligent liberal leadership" of both the Mayor and Governor of New York, they aren't responsible for the lack of testing nor do they have the authority to ban incoming in-flights from Italy, or any other country, landing in their jurisdictions - that resides with the President!
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Well-known member
because that's the constant drumbeat of news from the MSM

No, it's because of the constant drumbeat of nonsense out of his mouth and twitter.

That's silly

Can you explain why, for example, your foolish perception of my leader, a perception that you base on the lies fed you by the MSM, is disastrous for Israel? India? Iceland?
Let's put it this way: If China and Russia had his types for leaders, the free world would be in a better position.

The story of the China Virus in America is two very different stories. One story is that of Metro NYC, which (like Italy) ignored the warnings in February and paid the price. That story has stats that are off the charts, it is a story of dismal failure.

The other story, the story of the rest of the country, is a story of cautious adaptation which has resulted in numbers either slightly better than Germany's (total cases/1M pop) or slightly worse (Deaths/1M pop).

And the story of the failure of Metro NYC is the story of criminally negligent liberal leadership who were more interested in attacking our national leader in a time of impending crisis than in preparing the people they were supposed to lead.

That is a very simplified version of reality. NYC was very vulnerable from the start. Crowded, and very dependent on public transportation. The rest of the US is doing better, but not great. Nothing to be so proud of.

so don't vote for him in November :idunno:

I haven't voted in US elections in many years.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The leadership of ... the USA gambled with the lives of their citizens and lost ...

Well, the leadership of Metro NYC did, because it was more important for them to attack our national leader than to prepare the populations they were responsible for.

The rest of the country's doing ok, about as well as Germany.

Thanks for your concern, Canadian.


Well, the leadership of Metro NYC did, because it was more important for them to attack our national leader than to prepare the populations they were responsible for.

The rest of the country's doing ok, about as well as Germany.

Thanks for your concern, Canadian.
Trump has FOXNEWS, but his daily, unfiltered briefings have given the American public a long hard look at both Trump and Cuomo which has provided them with enough exposure to come to their own conclusions as to where they will place their trust!

The rest of the country may appear to be progressing better, as compared to NYC, but with less than 2% of the nation tested, the severity of the pandemic can't be judged just by the number of individuals exhibiting flu-like symptoms!

Nobody has any idea as to what % of population is "asymptomatic" carriers who will continue to spread the virus but will never show the signs!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As for the "criminally negligent liberal leadership" of both the Mayor and Governor of New York, they ....

... they are responsible for the failure to take the same effective precautions that the rest of the state took, that the rest of the country took.

My county in upstate NY, right across the border from your former capitol, has 60 confirmed cases, 0 deaths.

Because we're not led by irresponsible liberal idiots, locally.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wonder why nobody's talking about Belgium - they're an absolute mess - worse than Italy or Spain by far

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, it's because of the constant drumbeat of nonsense out of his mouth and twitter.

he's his own worst enemy in that regard, we agree

i don't twit - I see it referred to often on the retarded leftist groups I troll on FB and it only confirms my belief that twitter is for retards

Let's put it this way: If China and Russia had his types for leaders, the free world would be in a better position.

Russia is free - did you miss the memo? Everybody else got the memo at the end of 91.

And China's a heckuva lot better than it used to be.

That is a very simplified version of reality. NYC was very vulnerable from the start. Crowded, and very dependent on public transportation.

I watched it through February in disbelief, in real time, on facebook and twitter as the recommendations kept changing - no gatherings of more than 100 people, no gatherings of more than 50 people, then twenty, then ten - these were recommendations coming out of Albany that deBlasio was passing along and then ignoring, in public. And all the while on social media a constant drumbeat of Trump bashing, a constant drumbeat of mostly millenials claiming to be young and healthy and determined to ignore the recommendations and go out clubbing and calling anyone who dared warn them about the risk they were posing to others with "ok boomer".

Chinese new year? Forget about Trump's racist warnings! Come to the parade!

DeBlasio, Councilman Stein, others I've forgotten - they were more determined to thumb their noses at Trump then to heed the precautions as the rest of the state, the rest of the country, was doing.

And Cuomo, endlessly dithering about the recommendations, determined to resist suggestions about making them mandatory until it was too late.

The rest of the US is doing better, but not great. Nothing to be so proud of.

As well as Germany. And Merkel is lauded for her leadership.

I haven't voted in US elections in many years.

and I haven't voted in Israeli elections for at least that long ;)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Dual. We moved here back in 1985. From Chicago.

Been through Chitown, never on the ground - not a big city kinda guy.

Israel sounds cool, if my lotto numbers ever hit it'll be up there on the list of places to visit

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The plain fact is that Donald Trump is the wrong president to have during this crisis.

He's the guy we got, and he's getting the kind of results that are earning praise for Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau

And he's doing a better job than Hillary would have, I'm certain.

And Joe "Alzheimers" Biden?

Are you kidding me?

Biden flips on China travel ban

Robert Romano
Guest Columnist Updated: April 8, 2020, 10:25 a.m.

Former Vice President Joe Biden now says he supports travel bans to contain the Chinese coronavirus after all – after he previously called the China travel ban issued by President Donald Trump in late January “xenophobia.”
Deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield told CNN on April 3 that Biden “supports travel bans that are guided by medical experts, advocated by public health officials and backed by a full strategy,” adding, “Science supported this ban, therefore he did too.”
Was that before or after looking at a poll that said Trump would do a better job dealing with this crisis than Biden? Asking for the potentially hundreds of thousands of American lives President Trump saved by acting decisively in the early days of this pandemic at a time Biden was hysterically complaining about “reactionary” travel restrictions.
And why wasn’t Biden the first one explaining his new position on this issue? Why tell us now? And why pretend he was in favor of it all along when he never supported it at the time? Why not just admit he was wrong?
Biden not only didn’t support the ban, he explicitly opposed it, repeatedly saying it was unscientific, even though it turns out it ultimately was backed up by the science. Which, you don’t need a medical degree to understand. It’s just common sense. Travel restrictions are just another form of social distancing from those traveling from the hotspot at the time, which was China, to prevent the American people from coming into contact with others who had been exposed to the virus, just as not going to work if you’re sick might.
On Jan. 27, Biden wrote an op-ed published in USA Today, perhaps anticipating the upcoming travel ban and blasted President Trump’s calls in 2014 for travel restrictions during the Ebola outbreak as “reactionary.”
Biden wrote, “I remember how Trump sought to stoke fear and stigma during the 2014 Ebola epidemic. He called President Barack Obama a ‘dope’ and ‘incompetent’ and railed against the evidence-based response our administration put in place – which quelled the crisis and saved hundreds of thousands of lives – in favor of reactionary travel bans that would only have made things worse.”
On Jan. 31, President Trump issued the travel restrictions from China. One day after the travel restrictions were put into place, Biden said in Iowa, “We have, right now, a crisis with the coronavirus… This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia – and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.”
Biden added, repeating a line from his USA Today oped: “Diseases have no borders, they have no borders.”
On March 12, the very same day President Trump implemented further travel restrictions on Europe, leaving little doubt about his thoughts on the travel ban, Biden said, “Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world may slow it but as we’ve seen will not stop it. And travel restrictions based on favoritism and politics, rather than risk, will be counterproductive.”
That might’ve been the first crack in Biden’s façade, when he first acknowledged that travel restrictions might slow the virus down. Still, he didn’t support the policy. As it turns out, slowing the virus down was exactly what President Trump’s policy did – buying valuable time for the U.S. to put in place mitigation and race to bring desperately sought medical supplies to areas of the country now experiencing surges of new cases and hospitalizations.
The same day, Biden Tweeted similarly, “A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it…”
Is that so, Joe? Then why are the doctors telling those who are sick to stay inside? Why are patients at hospitals kept in separate rooms behind glass?

You know who wouldn’t stop the virus? Joe Biden, that’s who. We know Biden wouldn’t have done the travel ban in late January, because he told us every chance he got."
Robert Romano

You know who wouldn’t stop the virus? Joe Biden, that’s who. We know Biden wouldn’t have done the travel ban in late January, because he told us every chance he got. He called it “reactionary,” “hysterical,” “xenophobic,” and “counterproductive.” All he has done up to this point is mock and deride President Trump’s efforts.
In fact, until Bedingfield told CNN that Biden now supported the travel restrictions, nobody in the world ever knew Biden had changed his position. Bedingfield said Biden’s “reference to xenophobia was about Trump’s long record of scapegoating others at a time when the virus was emerging from China,” but not a reference to the travel ban. Uh-huh.
Finally, on April 5, Biden completed his about-face on the issue on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos, who must have simply forgotten to roll the video tape of Biden blasting the travel ban. Biden said, “[Trump] indicated that I complimented him on dealing with China. Well you know 45 nations had already moved to keep – to block China’s personnel from being able to come to the United States before the president moved. So it’s about pace, it’s about the urgency and I don’t think there’s been enough of it.”
