And that is supposed to address the argument made to you? As usual you ignore all the fallacies your side uses and all evidence against your position that shows how irrational and murderous it is.
My side? Irrational and murderous?
What side is that?
This kind of junk (above) is why I don't take you seriously, ffreeloader.
We in the UK, as a fairly well united people, are committed to hold out and persevere with social distancing, isolation and lockdown for as long as our government's medical and science officers ask for this. It doesn't matter what political party rules just now...... its all apolitical.
And you are accusing the people of my country of being irrational and murderous?
I know what the people here would think of you.......... yep. I do.
the UK imports 48% of it's food
but eider doesn't understand what that means
Don't tell lies about me, doser. If you cannot think of anything genuine to write, don't make stuff up. It's so childish.....
Honestly..... as if you care a fig what our people get to eat.
An air-control specialist mate of mine has just joined a huge farming initiative in East Kent UK......... many crops can now be produced with layering, or vertical farming. It seems that we are gearing up for more home grown foods now........ And we are allowing Latvian and other Eastern European folks who specialise in crop picking to return here.
It's like having a discussion with an infant.
Ah........ well, that doser, for you, would be one huge stretch of your abilities.
Let me try and teach you something..... .
Our very first aim in the UK is to 'Stay at Home', keep social distance of 2 meters, lock-down and stick-together.
When and if we can reduce this pandemic then we'll need to meet with the next of a long line of objectives which we must gain.
But we won't take notice of folks who despise us (like you do) shouting heckling and screaming to throw us off.
If you and ffreeloader are right then you'll see us all starving.
If you and ffreeloader are wrong then we'll be around. ..........!
Now which of those do you think will happen, eh? Write it down for future reference, please.
By the way......... On the 13th your country had lost 20,000 lives to this pandemic.
Yesterday the 24th your country had lost over 50,000 lives to this pandemic.
Open up your country too soon and the losses could be horrific.
Shakes head at the total acceptance of fake news.
Doctors in this country are being put under pressure to fill out all death certificates with "coronavirus" as cause of death. A full 1/3 of deaths attributed to "coronavirus" in NYC are people who died without a test done on them to see if they actually had the coronavirus. Hospitals are being paid big money per patient to treat "coronavirus" even when no testing is done. Emergency rooms are empty around the country. Doctors and nurses are being laid off and can't find jobs because of the lack of patients. How do I know this? This happened to a cousin of my wife. Her cousin, a RN, has called around the country looking for work, and is unable to find a job as hospitals around the nation are all pretty much experiencing the same things. Lack of patients. In her area the hospital she worked for started out with 55 nurses. They are currently down to 5. One RN per floor as the number of patients is so low it only requires one RN per floor. However, if you search the mockingbird media sources you will find no mention of this. They refuse to publish it even though the medical system is collapsing from lack of patients. Cuomo in NY was pleading for more ventilators to meet the need of the "flood" of patients. Turns out NYC has an abundance of ventilators. Someone started looking and found a warehouse with 10000 of them. Yet did you read about that in the news? Nope.
Ah........ well, that doser, for you, would be one huge stretch of your abilities.
demonstrate with an infantile response
thank you
Shakes head at the total acceptance of fake news.
Doctors in this country are being put under pressure to fill out all death certificates with "coronavirus" as cause of death. A full 1/3 of deaths attributed to "coronavirus" in NYC are people who died without a test done on them to see if they actually had the coronavirus. Hospitals are being paid big money per patient to treat "coronavirus" even when no testing is done. Emergency rooms are empty around the country. Doctors and nurses are being laid off and can't find jobs because of the lack of patients. How do I know this? This happened to a cousin of my wife. Her cousin, a RN, has called around the country looking for work, and is unable to find a job as hospitals around the nation are all pretty much experiencing the same things. Lack of patients. In her area the hospital she worked for started out with 55 nurses. They are currently down to 5. One RN per floor as the number of patients is so low it only requires one RN per floor. However, if you search the mockingbird media sources you will find no mention of this. They refuse to publish it even though the medical system is collapsing from lack of patients. Cuomo in NY was pleading for more ventilators to meet the need of the "flood" of patients. Turns out NYC has an abundance of ventilators. Someone started looking and found a warehouse with 10000 of them. Yet did you read about that in the news? Nope.
You'll support your President, won't you?
... in a national emergency I'm supporting the PM totally.
Brent's pushing 33
While you're thinking, The US fatality total has climbed to 53.300 now and the graph is climbing again.:think:
While you're thinking, The US fatality total has climbed to 53.300 now and the graph is climbing again.
How will things look on 13th May?
And if you end lockdown......... really, the World is watching and worrying about you all.
Many will be praying for you.
the rest of the US is doing better than you guys or Germany
Well this is surprising as it looks like its flattening out and we may soon be over the 'hump' with this thing.
Well this is surprising as it looks like its flattening out and we may soon be over the 'hump' with this thing.
UN's too retarded to understand how to read a graph or what to expect
... the graph is climbing again.