Cookie boycott


Well-known member
As a Brit, I never understood the term 'homosexual agenda'. I hear it used often by Americans yet the term simply doesn't exist over here. What exactly is their agenda supposed to be?
Some Christians see any behavior, idea, or goal that runs contrary to their own as an "attack" on their Christianity. So that when gays seek equal rights for themselves, these Christians view this as a deliberate attack on them, because of course they want gays to be discriminated against in every way possible. They believe homosexuality is a sin, and should therefor be shunned and punished by society. They want the same for atheists, religious non-Christians, and pretty much anyone else who doesn't follow their religious beliefs. So they imagine themselves to be under "attack" by gays, atheists, science, "secularists", and "liberals", and pretty much anyone else who doesn't believe as they do.

These people are extremists, so there is only "with us" or, "against us" in their world view.

The Barbarian

The problem is political correctness gone barking mad. For many people today, if an organization even tolerates the slightest deviation from their personal values, they assume the organization is directly operated by Satan (or "the 1%") for the purpose of destroying innocent people.

Both the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts, regardless of their respective stands on controversial issues, are still good organizations, doing great good for American youth.

I'm a little tired of the worst among us, trying to make the world perfectly like them.

The Barbarian

Girls can join the Blue Birds (Camp Fire Girls).

Um... yeah...

Camp Fire USA, originally Camp Fire Girls of America, is a nationwide American youth organization that began in 1910.[1] The organization has been co-ed since 1975[1] and welcomes youth from pre-kindergarten through age 21. Camp Fire was the first nonsectarian, multicultural organization for girls in America.

You sure that's what you'd recommend?


New member
Some Christians see any behavior, idea, or goal that runs contrary to their own as an "attack" on their Christianity. So that when gays seek equal rights for themselves, these Christians view this as a deliberate attack on them, because of course they want gays to be discriminated against in every way possible. They believe homosexuality is a sin, and should therefor be shunned and punished by society. They want the same for atheists, religious non-Christians, and pretty much anyone else who doesn't follow their religious beliefs. So they imagine themselves to be under "attack" by gays, atheists, science, "secularists", and "liberals", and pretty much anyone else who doesn't believe as they do.

These people are extremists, so there is only "with us" or, "against us" in their world view.

Thanks for explaining, there is still a lot of American quirks I have to learn haha. Seems weird for the, think they are under threat in America of all countries


Well-known member
Thanks for explaining, there is still a lot of American quirks I have to learn haha. Seems weird for the, think they are under threat in America of all countries
It's not just us. Religious extremism seems to be on the rise all around the world. My guess is that it's a reaction to a global cultural fear brought on by modernization. People who view their lives through rigid religious paradigms are finding those views being questioned by the natural skepticism of both the scientific process, and by the revelation of the concept of relativity.

People generally react badly to the kind of 'cognitive dissonance' that occurs inside them when their philosophical paradigms are called into question involuntarily. I'm sure you must be seeing it in your country, too.


New member
It's not just us. Religious extremism seems to be on the rise all around the world. My guess is that it's a reaction to a global cultural fear brought on by modernization. People who view their lives through rigid religious paradigms are finding those views being questioned by the natural skepticism of both the scientific process, and by the revelation of the concept of relativity.

People generally react badly to the kind of 'cognitive dissonance' that occurs inside them when their philosophical paradigms are called into question involuntarily. I'm sure you must be seeing it in your country, too.

good analysis, that makes a lot of sense to me. I'm not sure we are going to see it in Britain as I think we have already gone through that. Homosexuality is pretty much a none issue in British politics and accepted by almost everyone


Well-known member
good analysis, that makes a lot of sense to me. I'm not sure we are going to see it in Britain as I think we have already gone through that. Homosexuality is pretty much a none issue in British politics and accepted by almost everyone
Well, you're an 'older' national entity. We're still a bunch of angry adolescents, here. :maxi:


New member
Well, you're an 'older' national entity. We're still a bunch of angry adolescents, here. :maxi:

I do think that America bears some similarities to Victorian Britain. In Europe society was changed drastically by suffering through two world wars, which did not have as much impact on America as they did here


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
As a Brit, I never understood the term 'homosexual agenda'. I hear it used often by Americans yet the term simply doesn't exist over here. What exactly is their agenda supposed to be?
PureX is full of bologna, by the way. He's an anti-theistic antagonist toward Christians and makes claims without foundation.

The homosexual agenda is this: to make homosexuality accepted by all people, in all places. And to bring more into the "fold." One of the tactics they use is claiming that certain historic icons were homosexual.

King cobra

[Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over ‘Radical Homosexual Agenda’] "Ventura (CBS) — A Ventura County Girl Scout is at the center of a national controversy after she released a video calling for a boycott of the group’s popular cookies over what she calls a “radical homosexual agenda”.

The girl — who has only been identified as 14-year-old “Taylor” — cited the recent decision by Girl Scout officials to allow a 7-year-old “transgender” boy to join a Colorado-based troop last fall...

A statement on the group’s website called for the Girl Scouts of USA to “eliminate sex education from Girl Scout permission and curricula”.

The group also is calling for the organization to cut ties with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for its “friendship” with Planned Parenthood “and its worldwide agenda of explicit sexual education for young children”.

A flier promoted on [the] website alleged new CEO Anna Maria Chavez to be a member of a “pro-abortion feminist coalition” and suggested former CEO Kathy Cloninger never retracted her stated goal of partnering with Planned Parenthood to provide “good” and “information-based” sex education.

Girl Scout officials have denied that cookie proceeds support any agenda but instead help to fund local troop activities." Story

Will you buy Girl Scout cookies? :chew: Deut 22:5 :vomit:

I went to the website you mentioned ( and found a couple of flyers which are available for printing. They contain repulsive information so it is recommended that they be given only to the parents/leaders...not young girls.

I’ll drop a few flyers with the leaders (and possibly some standersby) the next time I see the kids outside a grocery store. Then I’ll buy my badly needed cookies from the bakery.


Well-known member
I do think that America bears some similarities to Victorian Britain. In Europe society was changed drastically by suffering through two world wars, which did not have as much impact on America as they did here
I don't know. I'm not sure that enduring wars would necessarily make a society more tolerant. It might just as easily make a society more rigid. But you could be right.

Maybe it has more to do with the long history that people in your part of the world live with every day. You go to pubs that have been around for hundreds of years. You have families that go back many generations living in the same village through all that time. There must be a sense of continuity in these things that we wouldn't experience, here in the U.S.,. And through that continuity, one might learn that what seems to be new or threatening at the moment, isn't really so new or as great a threat as we imagine, nor worth getting all upset over. One thing the experience of time teaches us is that nothing is new, and that what seems like such a major issue in the moment, soon fades into relative insignificance through the fog of time.


New member
PureX is full of bologna, by the way. He's an anti-theistic antagonist toward Christians and makes claims without foundation.

The homosexual agenda is this: to make homosexuality accepted by all people, in all places. And to bring more into the "fold." One of the tactics they use is claiming that certain historic icons were homosexual.

I don't get the fuss, surely advancing equality and civil rights is a good thing.

what exactly is the 'fold'?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I don't get the fuss, surely advancing equality and civil rights is a good thing.
Not when people are trying to get others to tolerate and accept perversity.

what exactly is the 'fold'?
I meant they are trying to make more homosexuals. Some by trying to seduce straight people and others by molesting kids.


Well-known member
Years ago, I was living in the inner-city of Chicago, when car alarms first came on the market. And I found it interesting that the first people in the neighborhood to buy the new car alarms were the hoods and bangers that routinely stole and stripped other people's cars. I was puzzled by this at first, but then I realized that it made sense. Naturally, people who steal other people's cars would assume that other people will steal theirs. It wouldn't occur to them that other people don't do this sort of thing.

The reason so many Christians believe that gays are trying to recruit them and 'turn' their children gay is because that's exactly what they are trying to do to everyone else. The whole religion and prayer in school issue is based on their desire to forcibly indoctrinate other people's children with their religious beliefs. And the reason they want society to discriminate against gays is because they want all of society to hate gays as they do. So they naturally assume that gay people want their version of the same thing - that gay people want all of society to think like them, and they want to turn other people's children into homosexuals. But they don't. All they want is to not be discriminated against.

It's a classic example of psychological projection. It's just like a car thief imagining that everyone else wants to steal his car.


New member
Not when people are trying to get others to tolerate and accept perversity.

not everyone thinks it is perversity. Homosexuals should not be denied freedom and equality just because some people are against it.

I meant they are trying to make more homosexuals. Some by trying to seduce straight people and others by molesting kids.

I agree with you that no homosexual has the right to force their sexuality on others. However I can't say I've ever had any of my gay friends try and turn me gay or molest little kids. In fact I've never had anyone from the LGBT community try and change my sexuality. Maybe it is different in America.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Years ago, I was living in the inner-city of Chicago, when car alarms first came on the market. And I found it interesting that the first people in the neighborhood to buy the new car alarms were the hoods and bangers that routinely stole and stripped other people's cars. I was puzzled by this at first, but then I realized that it made sense. Naturally, people who steal other people's cars would assume that other people will steal theirs. It wouldn't occur to them that other people don't do this sort of thing.

The reason so many Christians believe that gays are trying to recruit them and 'turn' their children gay is because that's exactly what they are trying to do to everyone else. The whole religion and prayer in school issue is based on their desire to forcibly indoctrinate other people's children with their religious beliefs. And the reason they want society to discriminate against gays is because they want all of society to hate gays as they do. So they naturally assume that gay people want their version of the same thing - that gay people want all of society to think like them, and they want to turn other people's children into homosexuals. But they don't. All they want is to not be discriminated against.

It's a classic example of psychological projection. It's just like a car thief imagining that everyone else wants to steal his car.

FYI, I was once told by a homosexual that he actively engaged in trying to seduce straight men. He even told me how he did it. I won't get into the details, though. It's not safe for work.

not everyone thinks it is perversity. Homosexuals should not be denied freedom and equality just because some people are against it.
What they think and what is true are not the same thing.

I agree with you that no homosexual has the right to force their sexuality on others. However I can't say I've ever had any of my gay friends try and turn me gay or molest little kids. In fact I've never had anyone from the LGBT community try and change my sexuality. Maybe it is different in America.
I've never had anyone try to turn me. I've also never had anyone offer me drugs, though I know quite a few users. Yet you can see in my response to PureX that these things do happen.


Well-known member
FYI, I was once told by a homosexual that he actively engaged in trying to seduce straight men. He even told me how he did it. I won't get into the details, though. It's not safe for work.
My guess is that he didn't get his way very often. And that he was probably lying, anyway.

I once met a cowboy who claimed he liked to have sex with sheep. He was probably lying, too, but who knows? So does this mean that all cowboys want to have sex with animals?
I've never had anyone try to turn me. I've also never had anyone offer me drugs, though I know quite a few users. Yet you can see in my response to PureX that these things do happen.
Well, all kinds of things happen. I don't see how this is relevant to anything.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My guess is that he didn't get his way very often. And that he was probably lying, anyway.

I once met a cowboy who claimed he liked to have sex with sheep. He was probably lying, too, but who knows? So does this mean that all cowboys want to have sex with animals?
I never said all homosexuals do it.

Well, all kinds of things happen. I don't see how this is relevant to anything.