Cookie boycott


Or, Christians could do something that they didn't do with the public school system:

Take back what was once theirs.*

(*Turn the cheek Christians need not apply, confrontation is involved).
:think: That's true. The cookies are pretty good. :chew: Is this the hill we should die on? :Ninja:


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Hall of Fame
I guess the problem is that Christians think everything belongs to them, so that any acceptance of secular tolerance is viewed as an assault on their domain.

They presume the Scouts were a Christian organization to begin with, so they view any non-Christian view or policy within the Scouts as an incursion by secularists. When in reality the Scouts were not originally intended to be that narrow-minded and intolerant. They wanted to be more inclusive. So as they conduct their business as they always have, now suddenly they are finding themselves being attacked from within for it. And this will destroy the Scouts as we have known them. Whatever they become in the future, whichever way they go, they will no longer be the Scouts that we have known. It's sad, I think.

The girl scouts were a christian organization to begin with and they even mention God in their pledge, and before the last 10 years, it meant the Christian God, the change was recent.

I agree though that its sad, its no longer the scouts that it once was and started out to be. Too bad they caved. They should have followed the boy scouts (that they began in order to emulate but with girls) in rejecting this kind of thing.

King cobra

Maybe it’s a marketing ploy.
They were losing sales so they came up with this homo/abortion agenda in order to make people lose their cookies thus increasing demand?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Girl Scout officials have denied that cookie proceeds support any agenda but instead help to fund local troop activities." Story

I don't know about now. But, I was in Girl Scouts for ten years, while I was growing up. And, money earned from cookie sales and calendar sales went toward paying for our yearly campouts for girls who couldn't afford to pay for it themselves.

I will also say that, because of the changes I'd seen in Girl Scouts over the years, I wouldn't allow my daughter to join when she was old enough. Instead, she was an American Heritage Girl.

Will you buy Girl Scout cookies? :chew: Deut 22:5 :vomit:
I don't buy Girl Scout cookies. But, it's because I can get cheaper cookies at the store. Even the generic ones taste similar to Girl Scout cookies.


New member
Wasn't there a huge scandal not long ago when it came out that Girl Scout Cookies are made by Keebler like 99% of other cookies in the USA?


Well-known member
I've already bought my cookies from a very sweet neighborhood child. I do enjoy the taste and the tradition of Girl Scout cooky sales.

My adult daughter was a Girl Scout when she was young ... where a Morman was her troop leader and I (a Baptist) was her assistant. We had lots of fun camping with our girls. I'm glad that I was there with the troop where I observed no indoctrination that differed from my life views.

However, now, if I had a young child I would not encourage her to become a Girl Scout. I've become someone who does not trust many organizations that could possibly indoctrinate the thinking of young people. This includes public school - of which I was a teacher ... and even a private school would have to pass my standards first.

I have lost faith in so many humans in our society that it is really sad at times. I have kept faith in the LORD ... and in my close friends. I miss those innocent days when I thought I could trust most Americans to know good from evil.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I've become someone who does not trust many organizations that could possibly indoctrinate the thinking of young people. This includes public school - of which I was a teacher ... and even a private school would have to pass my standards first.

I have lost faith in so many humans in our society that it is really sad at times. I have kept faith in the LORD ... and in my close friends. I miss those innocent days when I thought I could trust most American to know good from evil.

:cry: This is exactly the way i feel anymore also.


New member

One In Christ

New member
I've already bought my cookies from a very sweet neighborhood child. I do enjoy the taste and tradition of Girl Scout cookies.

My adult daughter was a Girl Scout when she was young ... where a Morman was her troop leader and I (a Baptist) was her assistant. We had lots of fun camping with our girls. I'm glad that I was there with the troop where I observed no indoctrination that differed from my life views.

However, now, if I had a young child I would not encourage her to become a Girl Scout. I've become someone who does not trust many organizations that could possibly indoctrinate the thinking of young people. This includes public school - of which I was a teacher ... and even a private school would have to pass my standards first.

I have lost faith in so many humans in our society that it is really sad at times. I have kept faith in the LORD ... and in my close friends. I miss those innocent days when I thought I could trust most American to know good from evil.

We live in a broken world where perverse behavior has become the norm, and acceptable... Tread lightly. Its a crazy world out there.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Another perfectly good institution bites the dust thanks to the intolerant idiots.
If it fails it will be because of the tolerance of sin and will not be the fault of the righteous [in Christ] who stand against wickedness.

But the majority are wicked and none are righteous of their own accord, so there's no reason to expect it to fall.


New member
Hall of Fame
Why does it seem that more and more people become un-trust worthy?

Because they are, the weight of sin gets heavier and heavier on the earth that its groaning under the weight of it.

Luke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

2 Timothy 31 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.


Well-known member
Appropriate scripture - Angel4Truth.
A number posting here have made good remarks ... I regret that I don't take time to respond to everyone's message, but I have read them.


New member
As a Brit, I never understood the term 'homosexual agenda'. I hear it used often by Americans yet the term simply doesn't exist over here. What exactly is their agenda supposed to be?