Cookie boycott


[Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over ‘Radical Homosexual Agenda’] "Ventura (CBS) — A Ventura County Girl Scout is at the center of a national controversy after she released a video calling for a boycott of the group’s popular cookies over what she calls a “radical homosexual agenda”.

The girl — who has only been identified as 14-year-old “Taylor” — cited the recent decision by Girl Scout officials to allow a 7-year-old “transgender” boy to join a Colorado-based troop last fall...

A statement on the group’s website called for the Girl Scouts of USA to “eliminate sex education from Girl Scout permission and curricula”.

The group also is calling for the organization to cut ties with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) for its “friendship” with Planned Parenthood “and its worldwide agenda of explicit sexual education for young children”.

A flier promoted on [the] website alleged new CEO Anna Maria Chavez to be a member of a “pro-abortion feminist coalition” and suggested former CEO Kathy Cloninger never retracted her stated goal of partnering with Planned Parenthood to provide “good” and “information-based” sex education.

Girl Scout officials have denied that cookie proceeds support any agenda but instead help to fund local troop activities." Story

Will you buy Girl Scout cookies? :chew: Deut 22:5 :vomit:
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Well-known member
Another perfectly good institution bites the dust thanks to the intolerant idiots.


New member
Hall of Fame
Another perfectly good institution bites the dust thanks to the intolerant idiots.

God is not tolerant of sin, no organization that claims to be of God should be but then this can be expected now and it would happen sooner or later since it changed its pledge and beliefs from God being only the Christian God and allowing the insertion of any God to accommodate other beliefs.

Christ's Word

New member
When I found out my daughter's troop was led by a lesbian, she stopped activities with the Girl Scouts. The last thing I want as a mom is the "Girl Scouts" choosing what sexual issues my daughter needs to be educated on.
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Well-known member
God is not tolerant of sin, no organization that claims to be of God should be but then this can be expected now and it would happen sooner or later since it changed its pledge and beliefs from God being only the Christian God and allowing the insertion of any God to accommodate other beliefs.
Perhaps the intolerant Christians should have formed their own girl's and boy's groups so that they could indoctrinate them and isolate them from anyone who's different all they want. Oh, I forgot, the whole point is to force their views on everyone ELSE'S kids.


New member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps the intolerant Christians should have formed their own girl's and boy's groups so that they could indoctrinate them and isolate them from anyone who's different all they want. Oh, I forgot, the whole point is to force their views on everyone ELSE'S kids.

No one is forced to join last time i checked and im betting a few less will join now.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, I forgot, the whole point is to force their views on everyone ELSE'S kids.

Force, the only force comes from gays who insist on being in the boy scouts and this boy insisting being in the girl scouts.

Whats to stop you or anyone else from making a transgendered scouts group and you can all teach each other what you want?

If you ask me the only "force" is gay, lesbian and 'transgenders' forcing their way into everything they don't like to force people who don't agree with it to be forced to accept it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Perhaps the intolerant Christians should have formed their own girl's and boy's groups so that they could indoctrinate them and isolate them from anyone who's different all they want. Oh, I forgot, the whole point is to force their views on everyone ELSE'S kids.

Kind of like the humanists do with their "freethought" camps?


[Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over ‘Radical Homosexual Agenda’] "Ventura (CBS) — A Ventura County Girl Scout is at the center of a national controversy after she released a video calling for a boycott of the group’s popular cookies over what she calls a “radical homosexual agenda”...

"This aint your Granny's Girl Scouts:"

"Only a lefty-liberal would think that this is appropriate:

The sex guide explains, “…there are lots of different ways to have sex and lots of different types of sex. …some people like to have aggressive sex, while others like to have soft sex and slow sex with their partners. There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore, and be yourself!”

This is advice printed in a brochure for young people who are HIV-positive, produced by Planned Parenthood, called “Healthy, Happy and Hot.” The brochure was distributed at panel for adolescent girls sponsored by Girl Scouts of the USA at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Just unbelievable. When Elphaba was a Girl Scout, the only things that they taught her to rub together were two sticks to build a campfire!"

Will you buy Girl Scout cookies? :chew: Deut 22:5 :vomit:

A friend has a daughter in the Girl Scouts. How do you tell a darling little 9 year old "NO, the money goes towards the homosexual agenda!" when she asks you to buy a box of cookies?

There are other ways to expose the liberal agenda of the Girl Scouts, making little girls pay for what evil adult liberals have done to a once Godly organization isn't the way to do it.

"On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law".

King cobra

I wonder if anyone has produced an appropriate pamphlet that one could order or download which could be handed to these girls explaining why we can not in good conscience support their organization.
It seems a simple "no thank you" would be a wasted opportunity and an outright condemnation may be misdirected.

The Barbarian

The best thing to do is to let people vote with their feet on this one.

Girl Scouting, if this is considered a serious issue for most parents, will lose membership.

The Boy Scouts took the opposite position.

I wonder how each group is doing these days.


Well-known member
The best thing to do is to let people vote with their feet on this one.

Girl Scouting, if this is considered a serious issue for most parents, will lose membership.

The Boy Scouts took the opposite position.

I wonder how each group is doing these days.
I guess the problem is that Christians think everything belongs to them, so that any acceptance of secular tolerance is viewed as an assault on their domain.

They presume the Scouts were a Christian organization to begin with, so they view any non-Christian view or policy within the Scouts as an incursion by secularists. When in reality the Scouts were not originally intended to be that narrow-minded and intolerant. They wanted to be more inclusive. So as they conduct their business as they always have, now suddenly they are finding themselves being attacked from within for it. And this will destroy the Scouts as we have known them. Whatever they become in the future, whichever way they go, they will no longer be the Scouts that we have known. It's sad, I think.