Contradictions In The Quran


New member
Day in Quran isn't limited period of time, the number above thousands ,like millions, was not known during revealing of Quran or Bible

The same term is used in both the Hebrew and Arabic.

Where do you think the six 'days' came from, muslim?

The authors of the Koran copied it.


New member
[Some people are talking in Quran but the narrator is God.

The Koran is written almost entirely in the third-person.

The Koran never once states that it was divinely inspired....rather, it claims that the Biblical material, that it copied itself from, was divinely inspired.

Muhammed didn't know any things about the religions or its history

No one name 'Muhammad' wrote the Koran, or had ANYTHING at all to do with its contents, muslim.

Stop perpetuating this lie!


New member
KingdomRose said:
So*BeDuhn is biased....because you don't agree with him. On the other hand, I find his arguments compelling.

Jason BeDuhn, like you and me both is biased. If you think his arguments are compelling then you must agree that a Catholic translation and the NWT are the best? (Does Watchtower tell you he also likes the Catholic Bible?). *BeDuhn is not a scholar of Greek. He does not have his doctorate in languages, but in comparitive religion. He is hardly an expert in translations, but the Watchtower Society promotes him as a expert because he likes their version.
KingdomRose said:
I would not agree that the NWT is corrupted by church doctrine. You may have a point concerning the New Testament because Jehovah's name is placed whereever "God" is written, but other than that, I don't think it is corrupt at all.

BeDuhn is also critical of the NWT for that reason. The Watchtower Society tries to insert their belief system onto the text by using the word 'Jehovah' into the NT. *There are many changes other than the one you mention though.

KingdomRose said:
The translators based their work on the conclusions of Westcott and Hort. I do not know the names of the people on the committee.
It would seem that the Watchtower society is trying to shield their paraphrase from scrutiny by not revealing who the 'translators' are nor their qualifications.*
KingdomRose said:
The "official Catholic Bible," the*New American Bible, is also the product of*a single Christian denomination...just as the NWT. Do you know the names of the NAB translation committee? Why is it that no one questions that version?
Excellent point! Likewise I would not put my trust solely in a mormon version. I much prefer translations that are independant of any denomination or cult....and where credentials of translators are not hidden.*
KingdomRose said:
Probably because of this: "Because of its association with the Jehovah's Witnesses, the NWT is often readily pointed to as an example of a translation which*must*have a theological bias
You seem to have already agreed the NWT has a bias by using the word Jehovah in the NT.*

Rather than accurately translate, scripture is changed to fit JW beliefs. For example Col.1:16 in theJW Bible reads "because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth..."

The NWT adds the word "other" to this verse to make their Bible fit church doctrine that Christ is a created being. It is only the Anonymous Watchtower 'translators' *who add the word. All other teams of translators say something like..."For in him all things were created:A)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-29482A" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; widows: auto; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">things in heaven and on earth..."

The above is just one of many example showing the NWT is a corrupt paraphrase meant to fit church doctrine...and not an actual accurate translation.*


New member

 Bart Ehrman January 7, 2013
I don’t have an informed view of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, although it’s true that Arians believed that Jesus was God but not that he was equal with God the Father or co-eternal with him. John 1:1 — I think the proper translation is “The Word was God.” (In this Gospel Jesus appears to be equal with God — here I disagree with the Arian view — but he is not *identical* with God, a major point I think.)

Does what he said actually make sense? "Jesus is God but not identical with God." Isn't that a contradictory statement?:think:


New member
Re. Apple7's #114

Dr. Ehrman seems confused, does he not?

He and I exchanged emails, and he said this in one of them:

"What I mean is that John's Gospel does not portray Christ as the one and only God---that is God the Father. Christ is absolutely God, for the 4th Gospel. But he is not the *same* as the Father. Does that make sense?"

He says the one and only God is the Father.

Then he says that Christ is "absolutely God, for the 4th Gospel."

Perhaps you find this perfectly fine thinking. I find it is contradictory.


New member
Witnesses get owned all the time at the front door step.

That's why they are so desperate to 'convert' new blood into their cult...they must feverishly pound the pavement and they watch their membership dwindle...

You know neither...thus, you cannot possibly defend your faith when tested.

We have seen you fall numerous times.

You are just too obtuse to realize that witnesses are a defeated cult that preys on the ignorant.

LOL! We really don't lose any sleep over someone's rejection. And our membership isn't dwindling. We grow a bit every month. There's always a slight increase, even with the disfellowshippings.

You should check out the Memorial of Christ's Death that is happening tonight. There'll be one in your area.:D


New member
Some people are talking in Quran but the narrator is God. Muhammed didn't know any things about the religions or its history

I commend you for taking on discussions in English here on TOL. I wish I could learn another language, but this old brain is kind of tired.

Why don't you go and check out the Memorial of Christ's Death tonight at a location in your area? You and your family would be welcome. If you didn't get an invitation, call the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in your locality for directions. :D


New member
Jason BeDuhn, like you and me both is biased. If you think his arguments are compelling then you must agree that a Catholic translation and the NWT are the best? (Does Watchtower tell you he also likes the Catholic Bible?). *BeDuhn is not a scholar of Greek. He does not have his doctorate in languages, but in comparitive religion. He is hardly an expert in translations, but the Watchtower Society promotes him as a expert because he likes their version.

BeDuhn is also critical of the NWT for that reason. The Watchtower Society tries to insert their belief system onto the text by using the word 'Jehovah' into the NT. *There are many changes other than the one you mention though.

It would seem that the Watchtower society is trying to shield their paraphrase from scrutiny by not revealing who the 'translators' are nor their qualifications.*
Excellent point! Likewise I would not put my trust solely in a mormon version. I much prefer translations that are independant of any denomination or cult....and where credentials of translators are not hidden.*
You seem to have already agreed the NWT has a bias by using the word Jehovah in the NT.*

Rather than accurately translate, scripture is changed to fit JW beliefs. For example Col.1:16 in theJW Bible reads "because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth..."

The NWT adds the word "other" to this verse to make their Bible fit church doctrine that Christ is a created being. It is only the Anonymous Watchtower 'translators' *who add the word. All other teams of translators say something like..."For in him all things were created:A)" data-cr="#cen-NIV-29482A" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0.625em; position: relative; vertical-align: top; top: 0px; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; widows: auto; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">things in heaven and on earth..."

The above is just one of many example showing the NWT is a corrupt paraphrase meant to fit church doctrine...and not an actual accurate translation.*

The Watchtower doesn't talk about Dr. BeDuhn. I can't remember if they even ever mentioned him. It is I myself who discovered him and read his book, which I bought either from Barnes & Noble or through Biblical Archaeology Review. I tell my friends about the book. Most of them haven't heard of him.

No the WT didn't tell me that he likes the Catholic Bible (NAB) too. I have known that ever since I read his book.

Whatever changes there are, in the NWT, from other versions, is because the NWT gets it right! I don't know how you can say that Dr. BeDuhn doesn't know Greek, because he sure seems to know it.

There are NO VERSIONS that are independent of a denomination. If you know of one, please let me know.

Yes, the NWT translation committee is biased, and they know that "Jehovah" appears at least in the quotations from the Old Testament. That is reasonable, because Jehovah's name does appear in the O.T., so to include his name in the quote seems legitimate.

I get the same meaning out of Colossians 1:16 that leaves out "other." We already know that Colossians tells us that Jesus is the first OF creations (verse 15)...the first being created by God Himself. So when it says (without "other") that Jesus created all things, it's a no-brainer that we understand that he created all things after he was brought into existence. I don't need the word "other" in there to tell me what I already know. Anyway, it is clear that "other" is legitimate, because it just truthfully rounds out the statement. Have you noticed in other versions that there are lots of words in italics that have been added? It's not a surreptitious tactic to deceive someone.

The KJV, at John 1:18, says this, for example: "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."

"Him" was not there in the original sentence. It just said, "he hath declared." Are you going to argue that the King James committee should not have added "him"?

You can bluster all you want about the NWT. It's all hot air. What did Shakespeare say? "Methinks thou protesteth too much." ? It doesn't do any good to get so heated up over the NWT. We'll use ANY version to show you the truth. We used the KJV and the American Standard Bible for many years before we got the NWT.


New member
The same term is used in both the Hebrew and Arabic.

Where do you think the six 'days' came from, muslim?

The authors of the Koran copied it.
Many times I said that muslims believe that the gospel of Jesus , OT and Quran in their original versions are from the same source...God


New member
So then, who is the mediator? Jesus said that he is. He is alive in heaven now. I thought you believed that Mohammed went to heaven on a horse.:think:
Yes muslims believe that the spirit of Muhammed went to heaven,MEERAG
Making a mediator between God and human is a great sin in Islam.


New member
I commend you for taking on discussions in English here on TOL. I wish I could learn another language, but this old brain is kind of tired.

Why don't you go and check out the Memorial of Christ's Death tonight at a location in your area? You and your family would be welcome. If you didn't get an invitation, call the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in your locality for directions. :D
Thank you.
I have a good friendship with the church and christians and I can visit it at any time, J.W are not in Egypt but I think that they are not trinitarians , and they are refused by Orthodox of Egypt..


New member
Does what he said actually make sense? "Jesus is God but not identical with God." Isn't that a contradictory statement?:think:

It makes perfect sense to Trinitarians.

God The Son is NOT God The Father.

Each IS God; but each is NOT the other.

It really is a simple logical concept....that even Bart can understand...


New member
Re. Apple7's #114

Dr. Ehrman seems confused, does he not?

He and I exchanged emails, and he said this in one of them:

"What I mean is that John's Gospel does not portray Christ as the one and only God---that is God the Father. Christ is absolutely God, for the 4th Gospel. But he is not the *same* as the Father. Does that make sense?"

He says the one and only God is the Father.

Then he says that Christ is "absolutely God, for the 4th Gospel."

Perhaps you find this perfectly fine thinking. I find it is contradictory.

Bart is repeating the TRINITY!!!

This is what we have been trying to tell you for the past year.

If you want to continue to use Bart as a reference going forward, then you have absolutely no choice but to accept his expert conclusion that he has drawn from the Greek...and that is that The Son IS God...same as The Father IS God....but, they are NOT each other!

Gnaw on that...


New member
LOL! We really don't lose any sleep over someone's rejection. And our membership isn't dwindling. We grow a bit every month. There's always a slight increase, even with the disfellowshippings.

JW's are a dwindling cult.

You should check out the Memorial of Christ's Death that is happening tonight. There'll be one in your area.:D

This Friday is Good Friday, and Sunday is Easter.

You should attend those events and see what Jesus REALLY did for you....even though you deny Him, as your God and Savior.


New member
Many times I said that muslims believe that the gospel of Jesus , OT and Quran in their original versions are from the same source...God

No, brother.

The Koran is not from the God of the Holy Bible.

Not even close.

Islam is feeding you yet more lies.

The Holy Bible is from the true Creator God of the Universe.

Your Koran is a man-made document set to rhyme in Arabic.

Arabic is not an inspired language of scripture.


Denial of the Trinity is a mental illness, it seems. They propose that God, who is jealous and desires worship as a Father demands honor from their child, made a being to be worshiped in place of Himself.

You can't fix such bottomless rejection, it's a step into madness without even so much as a rabbit hole to make it interesting.

The whole reason Muslims deny the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, and the testimonies thereof speaking of such as Timothy falling down to Jesus is because it makes Christ God.

Just as I said, what a fool a person is to declare themselves as Christian and side with Muslims on who God is_


New member
Denial of the Trinity is a mental illness, it seems. They propose that God, who is jealous and desires worship as a Father demands honor from their child, made a being to be worshiped in place of Himself.

You can't fix such bottomless rejection, it's a step into madness without even so much as a rabbit hole to make it interesting.

The whole reason Muslims deny the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ, and the testimonies thereof speaking of such as Timothy falling down to Jesus is because it makes Christ God.

Just as I said, what a fool a person is to declare themselves as Christian and side with Muslims on who God is_

Messiah worship is not what was taught by Yahshua or the prophets, or the disciples. Messiah worship is a corruption of text by the Catholics. It was also against the law and punishable by death.


New member
No, brother.

The Koran is not from the God of the Holy Bible.

Not even close.

Islam is feeding you yet more lies.

The Holy Bible is from the true Creator God of the Universe.

Your Koran is a man-made document set to rhyme in Arabic.

Arabic is not an inspired language of scripture.
A lot of scriptures was written in Aramaic, not that it matters. Making up the truth as you go is no different than the Arabs and their Quran.