Contradictions In The Quran


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And with the truth We have sent the Qur'an down, and with the truth it has descended. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a bringer of good tidings and a warner.
[Quran 17 : 105 ]

And indeed, the Qur'an is the revelation of the Lord of the worlds.
[Quran 26 : 192 ] The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it down
[Quran 26 : 193 ] Upon your heart, [O Muhammad] - that you may be of the warners -
[Quran 26 : 194 ]

The term 'Muhammad' had to be artificially inserted into the text by islam, as it does not appear in the Arabic.

Further, 'The Truth', refers to Jesus Christ!


New member
Did you know that the word 'injeel' means 'Salvation through Jesus Christ'?
Not true, it good news
6days, to understand me i'll give you an islamic example, there are two important books in islam:

1- Quran "God words" was written as soon as it revealed to Muhammed
2- Hadith "Muhammed talks"
Books of Hadith was written 100 yrs or more after death of Muhammed . Originally there were more than 300 000 Hadithes but the researchers selected only 10 000 Hadith/talks of Muhammed from the 300 000 ie 1/30 any of them must not contradict Quran because Quran is Muslim's guide and standard.
Books of Hadith is a human work it is logical that not all the 10 000 are true and not all the other 290 000 are false


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Who did give Quran to Muslims....... jesus [emoji15]
Allah is the name of a Pagan God.

Yahshua is reported to have cried out in Aramaic: ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI? If Allah was valid, how come Yahshua called out in Aramaic "Eloi;" Although those who have translated the Bible into Arabic used Allah as a term for God. Eloi means: "My God."

Mark 15:34
And at three in the afternoon Yahshua cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).


New member
So what is the origin of Allah? Allah was not an invention or revelation brought to Muhammad during his visits to the caves outside of Mecca, because Allah existed long before Muhammad showed up on the scene.
According to W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad's original message was not a criticism of paganism. It was directed at the people who already believed in a god named Allah, or Al-ILAH "the god ascends."
Muhammad encouraged the people of Mecca to retain this generic god in the Kaaba as he directed their attention to Allah, then he threw all of the other gods out. The evolving monotheism of Mecca was vague as to Allah's role, so Muhammad had very little trouble tailoring his new religion to their tastes.
(Watt, W Montgomery, Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman, Oxford Press, 25-26. )

The Satanic Verses allowed the Meccan’s to keep Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. This helped to wean the Meccan’s off of their pantheon slowly, leaving them their three favorite goddesses until Allah's monotheism could be enforced later by the sword.

(Noss, John B, Man's Religions, 6th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1980, 499, )

At that point Muhammad revised Sura 53 to exclude the three goddesses, and Allah was left standing alone, the monotheistic heir to the estate.

James Hastings, in his Encyclopedia of Religion, says that Muhammed at one point wanted to abandon the rather generic name of Allah for a more colorful one, but he later realized that Allah was holding the people’s attention just fine.

(Hastings, James, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Scribners, NY ,248 ,)

When Muhammad came to Mecca to clean up the Kaaba, and was throwing all of the gods out, except for Allah, the paintings of Jesus and Mary on the inside walls of the Kaaba persuaded him to include Mary and Jesus in the new cult. So that's why Surah 5:116 mentioned Mary.

How Muhammad decided to keep Allah is simply a matter of which god he thought would be universally least offensive to any particular tribe of Arabs around Mecca.

(Muller, Herbert J, The Loom of History, Harper and Brothers, NY, 264-265,)

After all, it was the Kaaba, the building, which was most sacred, rather than the contents. Even today the mosque (which originally was the pre-Islamic name in Arabic and Aramaic for a building holding an idol) is now void of images and symbols.
It is the building itself which is sacred.

The least offensive name of the gods in Mecca was Allah according to Muhammad's biographer, Ibn Hisham. He admits that the pagan Kinanah and Kouraish tribes called the supervising god of the Kaaba, IHLAL. And they called the Kaaba, "Beit Allah," "house of Allah."

This is henotheism where a chief executive god presides over many junior gods on behalf of the ruling tribe living around the god house.

The Greek historian Herodotus from about 450 BC, tells us that the Northern Arabians had a god and goddess named Orotal and Alilat.

(Herodotus, Translated by J Enoch Powell, 1949 , 200 ,)

Orotal is simply a corruption of Allah, or Allah Ta'al, God Most High.

(Zwemmer, Samuel, The Moslem Doctrine of God, Am. Tract Society, NY , 24 , )

Islamic Sheikh, Ibrahim Al-Qattan, in a lecture given to the International Progress Association in Vienna, said that the religion of Arabia can be traced by the epigraphic and inscription evidence back to 500 BC, or 1000 years before Muhammad.

He said that they had gods named Baal Shamin, Dhu-Samawi, Rahman and Allah, which they got from Syria and Persia.

According to Sheikh Ibrahim, Allah was the highest deity, and his name was inscribed in stone by Jewish traders along the Arabian trade routes. These paganized Jews also called him Rahman, while the Arabs called him Allah.

(Al-Qattan, Sheikh Ibrahim, Lecture on Monotheism, I P O Journal, Vienna ,26-29 ,)

It is very clear that these sacred concepts, such as Allah, the Kaaba with its black stone, running around the Kaaba seven times, climbing mount Arafat, as well as the god-name Rahman, and stoning Satan, (which Muhammad got "by revelation") were salvaged from the ancient paganism in Arabia.

(Gabrieli, Francesco, Muhammad and The Conguests of Islam, World Univ. Press, NY, Toronto , 41 ).

The clear dominance of the Meccan thought of Muhammad's day was that Allah was the high god, nothing else. His celestial, or solar, role had even fallen on hard times by 600 AD in the Kaaba, while Allat was much more dominant up the road at Taif. Some have claimed that Allat was Wallat wasn't in Islam, but Surah 53 and historical inscriptions say otherwise. The star and crescent of Islam are clearly based upon the moon goddess, Allat, and the astral goddess, Al-Uzza.
Allat and Al-Uzza figure in Sura 53 in what is called "the Satanic verses," which Muhammad initially gave, but it was later deleted.

The moon and Venus connection to Allat and Al-Uzza are one of the most embarrassing matters for the Mullahs of Islam.


New member
Allah is the name of a Pagan God.

Yahshua is reported to have cried out in Aramaic: ELOI, ELOI, LAMA SABACHTHANI? If Allah was valid, how come Yahshua called out in Aramaic "Eloi;" Although those who have translated the Bible into Arabic used Allah as a term for God. Eloi means: "My God."

Mark 15:34
And at three in the afternoon Yahshua cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

This is true.

The term 'allah' shares the same Arabic root word as do other pagan Arab deities, up to, and including the great serpent, of which, we know to be Satan.


New member
The Satanic Verses allowed the Meccan’s to keep Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. This helped to wean the Meccan’s off of their pantheon slowly, leaving them their three favorite goddesses until Allah's monotheism could be enforced later by the sword.

(Noss, John B, Man's Religions, 6th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1980, 499, )

At that point Muhammad revised Sura 53 to exclude the three goddesses, and Allah was left standing alone, the monotheistic heir to the estate.

Interestingly enough, chapter 53 of the Koran is paraphrased from the Biblical Book Of Revelation, and Al Uzza and Manat are not actually 'satanic verses/deities', but, rather, apply to the creatures in the Revelation narrative.


New member
So what is the origin of Allah? Allah was not an invention or revelation brought to Muhammad during his visits to the caves outside of Mecca, because Allah existed long before Muhammad showed up on the scene.
According to W. Montgomery Watt, Muhammad's original message was not a criticism of paganism. It was directed at the people who already believed in a god named Allah, or Al-ILAH "the god ascends."
Muhammad encouraged the people of Mecca to retain this generic god in the Kaaba as he directed their attention to Allah, then he threw all of the other gods out. The evolving monotheism of Mecca was vague as to Allah's role, so Muhammad had very little trouble tailoring his new religion to their tastes.
(Watt, W Montgomery, Muhammad, Prophet and Statesman, Oxford Press, 25-26. )

The Satanic Verses allowed the Meccan’s to keep Allat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. This helped to wean the Meccan’s off of their pantheon slowly, leaving them their three favorite goddesses until Allah's monotheism could be enforced later by the sword.

(Noss, John B, Man's Religions, 6th Edition, Macmillan, NY, 1980, 499, )

At that point Muhammad revised Sura 53 to exclude the three goddesses, and Allah was left standing alone, the monotheistic heir to the estate.

James Hastings, in his Encyclopedia of Religion, says that Muhammed at one point wanted to abandon the rather generic name of Allah for a more colorful one, but he later realized that Allah was holding the people’s attention just fine.

(Hastings, James, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Scribners, NY ,248 ,)

When Muhammad came to Mecca to clean up the Kaaba, and was throwing all of the gods out, except for Allah, the paintings of Jesus and Mary on the inside walls of the Kaaba persuaded him to include Mary and Jesus in the new cult. So that's why Surah 5:116 mentioned Mary.

How Muhammad decided to keep Allah is simply a matter of which god he thought would be universally least offensive to any particular tribe of Arabs around Mecca.

(Muller, Herbert J, The Loom of History, Harper and Brothers, NY, 264-265,)

After all, it was the Kaaba, the building, which was most sacred, rather than the contents. Even today the mosque (which originally was the pre-Islamic name in Arabic and Aramaic for a building holding an idol) is now void of images and symbols.
It is the building itself which is sacred.

The least offensive name of the gods in Mecca was Allah according to Muhammad's biographer, Ibn Hisham. He admits that the pagan Kinanah and Kouraish tribes called the supervising god of the Kaaba, IHLAL. And they called the Kaaba, "Beit Allah," "house of Allah."

This is henotheism where a chief executive god presides over many junior gods on behalf of the ruling tribe living around the god house.

The Greek historian Herodotus from about 450 BC, tells us that the Northern Arabians had a god and goddess named Orotal and Alilat.

(Herodotus, Translated by J Enoch Powell, 1949 , 200 ,)

Orotal is simply a corruption of Allah, or Allah Ta'al, God Most High.

(Zwemmer, Samuel, The Moslem Doctrine of God, Am. Tract Society, NY , 24 , )

Islamic Sheikh, Ibrahim Al-Qattan, in a lecture given to the International Progress Association in Vienna, said that the religion of Arabia can be traced by the epigraphic and inscription evidence back to 500 BC, or 1000 years before Muhammad.

He said that they had gods named Baal Shamin, Dhu-Samawi, Rahman and Allah, which they got from Syria and Persia.

According to Sheikh Ibrahim, Allah was the highest deity, and his name was inscribed in stone by Jewish traders along the Arabian trade routes. These paganized Jews also called him Rahman, while the Arabs called him Allah.

(Al-Qattan, Sheikh Ibrahim, Lecture on Monotheism, I P O Journal, Vienna ,26-29 ,)

It is very clear that these sacred concepts, such as Allah, the Kaaba with its black stone, running around the Kaaba seven times, climbing mount Arafat, as well as the god-name Rahman, and stoning Satan, (which Muhammad got "by revelation") were salvaged from the ancient paganism in Arabia.

(Gabrieli, Francesco, Muhammad and The Conguests of Islam, World Univ. Press, NY, Toronto , 41 ).

The clear dominance of the Meccan thought of Muhammad's day was that Allah was the high god, nothing else. His celestial, or solar, role had even fallen on hard times by 600 AD in the Kaaba, while Allat was much more dominant up the road at Taif. Some have claimed that Allat was Wallat wasn't in Islam, but Surah 53 and historical inscriptions say otherwise. The star and crescent of Islam are clearly based upon the moon goddess, Allat, and the astral goddess, Al-Uzza.
Allat and Al-Uzza figure in Sura 53 in what is called "the Satanic verses," which Muhammad initially gave, but it was later deleted.

The moon and Venus connection to Allat and Al-Uzza are one of the most embarrassing matters for the Mullahs of Islam.
1- Allah is Arabic name of the Creator
If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, "Allah." Then how are they deluded?
[Quran 29 : 61 ]

2- Arabic Paganism are originally Abrahamic and they practised circumcision , they made gods as mediators to Allah

Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. And those who take protectors besides Him [say], "We only worship them that they may bring us nearer to Allah in position." Indeed, Allah will judge between them concerning that over which they differ. Indeed, Allah does not guide he who is a liar and [confirmed] disbeliever.
[Quran 39 : 3 ]

3- kaaba is the 1st mosque/church "house for worship God". It may be 1st built by Adam , Abraham and Ishmail renew the building.

Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds.
[Quran 3 : 96 ]

And @ when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House and [with him] Ishmael, [saying], "Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing. [Quran 2 : 127 ] 4- Muhammed/Quran fought Paganism"allat,uzza, manat" from start. And were saying, "Are we to leave our gods for a mad poet?" [Quran 37 : 36 ] 5- Moon or stars are not sacred by Muslims. And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostate to Allah, who created them, if it should be Him that you worship. [Quran 41 : 37 ];
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New member
1- Allah is Arabic name of the Creator
If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and the moon?" they would surely say, "Allah." Then how are they deluded?
[Quran 29 : 61 ]

Perhaps the biggest hypocritical contradiction is the fact that Muslims deny that Jesus is the Son, while at the same time their Koran proclaims that Jesus is indeed the Son.

In fact, the Hypocritisizing (new word from George W.) continues as followers of islam turn their heads when the Son is described as having ex-nihilo creative powers…

بديع السموت والأرض أنى يكون له ولد ولم تكن
له صحبة وخلق كل شيء وهو بكل شيء عليم

BadeeAAu alssamawati waal-ardi anna yakoonu lahu waladun walam takun lahu sahibatun wakhalaqa kulla shay-in wahuwa bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

6.101 Originator (of) the heavens and the earth, that He has certainly been his Son, and certainly not to be his companion, and He created every thing that He will, and He with every thing that he will, who knows.

Same word used here…

وقالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحنه بل له ما في السموت
والأرض كل له قنتون بديع السموت والأرض وإذا قضى أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون

Waqaloo itakhatha Allahu waladan subhanahu bal lahu ma fee alssamawati waal-ardi kullun lahu qanitoona badeeAAu alssamawati waal-ardi wa-itha qada amran fa-innama yaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu

And they said: " 'allah' he has taken a Son, glory be to Him, much more certainly His, that which (is) in the heavens and the earth, all are certainly obedient unto Him.” Originator (of) the heavens and the earth and when commanded entirely by (the) Word, so only certainly Him, He says: "Be thou." so (it) is. (2.116 – 117)

Creation by the Word?

Creation by the Son?

Wake up followers of islam

Rather odd for the Son to be mentioned in these two “creation-out-of nothing” ayahs if He is just a mere Son….or, according to islam…not even a son…

Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, creator of heaven and earth.


New member

Then why do you swear by them....?

Shakir: I swear by the star when it goes down. (53.1)
The oath is by God only. You don't know Quran

Then I swear by the setting of the stars,
[Quran 56 : 75 ]
This oath is related to God. God swear by His creature as a great thing, nothing is sacred by God


New member
Perhaps the biggest hypocritical contradiction is the fact that Muslims deny that Jesus is the Son, while at the same time their Koran proclaims that Jesus is indeed the Son.

In fact, the Hypocritisizing (new word from George W.) continues as followers of islam turn their heads when the Son is described as having ex-nihilo creative powers…

بديع السموت والأرض أنى يكون له ولد ولم تكن
له صحبة وخلق كل شيء وهو بكل شيء عليم

BadeeAAu alssamawati waal-ardi anna yakoonu lahu waladun walam takun lahu sahibatun wakhalaqa kulla shay-in wahuwa bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

6.101 Originator (of) the heavens and the earth, that He has certainly been his Son, and certainly not to be his companion, and He created every thing that He will, and He with every thing that he will, who knows.

Same word used here…

وقالوا اتخذ الله ولدا سبحنه بل له ما في السموت
والأرض كل له قنتون بديع السموت والأرض وإذا قضى أمرا فإنما يقول له كن فيكون

Waqaloo itakhatha Allahu waladan subhanahu bal lahu ma fee alssamawati waal-ardi kullun lahu qanitoona badeeAAu alssamawati waal-ardi wa-itha qada amran fa-innama yaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu

And they said: " 'allah' he has taken a Son, glory be to Him, much more certainly His, that which (is) in the heavens and the earth, all are certainly obedient unto Him.” Originator (of) the heavens and the earth and when commanded entirely by (the) Word, so only certainly Him, He says: "Be thou." so (it) is. (2.116 – 117)

Creation by the Word?

Creation by the Son?

Wake up followers of islam

Rather odd for the Son to be mentioned in these two “creation-out-of nothing” ayahs if He is just a mere Son….or, according to islam…not even a son…

Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, creator of heaven and earth.
Wake up Apple


New member
The oath is by God only. You don't know Quran

Your god 'allah' is not even mentioned anywhere in the entire, no.

Then I swear by the setting of the stars,
[Quran 56 : 75 ]
This oath is related to God. God swear by His creature as a great thing, nothing is sacred by God

Again, no....

Chapter 56 was copied from the Biblical Book of mention of your god 'allah' anywhere in this chapter, either.

A small sampling...

56.4 When the earth is shaken with violent shaking. (Jesus’ opening of the Sixth Seal)

56.5 And the mountains shall be crumbled with a vehement crumbling and be leveled. (Jesus’ opening of the Sixth Seal)

56.6 So it was scattered dust particles. (Jesus’ opening of the Sixth Seal)


New member
Who is " I "??

والنجم إذا هوى ما ضل صاحبكم وما غوى وما ينطق عن الهوى إن هو إلا وحي يوحى

Waalnnajmi itha hawa ma dalla sahibukum wama ghawa wama yantiqu AAani alhawa in huwa illa wahyun yooha

And/by the asterism, when he fell down. Your companion did not perish, and he did not err. And he speaks not on account of his own will. Indeed he is except Revelation that is inspired. (53.1 – 4)

Sura 53 is named in honor of the Biblical Jesus Christ and the material contained within this chapter is taken primarily from the Biblical Book of Revelation.

The opening ayahs to this chapter refer to John (the author who recorded the Book of Revelation) as “your companion” (sahibukum).

The inspired Revelation that is mentioned is Book of Revelation material, only, as has already been revealed to John, by Jesus Christ.

These ayahs do not refer to anyone named “Muhammad”, nor do they refer to the “Koran” as being divinely inspired.


New member

How to make Muslim and non-Trinitarian heads explode :chuckle:

You are right, and JESUS' head too!! What blasphemy.