Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

patrick jane

excuse me for butting in but why do NASA lie?
There are many possible reasons. I don't recommend going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. It's not cool. It's very worldly. It makes you suspicious of others and paranoid sometimes. Do so at your own risk, if you have a computer you can do some research on anything you want. :)


There are many possible reasons. I don't recommend going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. It's not cool. It's very worldly. It makes you suspicious of others and paranoid sometimes. Do so at your own risk, if you have a computer you can do some research on anything you want. :)

I have no reason to believe NASA lie.


patrick jane

FakeX Space Excrement

From the video description: There was a huge glitch during SpaceX's launch of their "Star Man Roadster" car, proving once again they are using CGI tricks and not "live" during their supposed live recordings. To see many more examples of NASA, SpaceX and other space fakery please visit IFERS: - Only 2 minutes - best one I've seen yet if it's real footage

Click on link to ensure full screen view - a phone works fine though. If the link isn't there, copy/paste in a new tab

If this footage is real and true, it's very concerning to me. What say you? I don't know if I can believe this or if this fake too.

patrick jane

The "disappearing" ships are the easiest thing to debunk and are a non-issue in the globers' repertoire. You need to get out of the grade school level attempts at proving we are on a flying spinning ball. Graduate to better proofs, this video isn't worth my time. Check the next one that you CANNOT debunk.


I am posting this in my threads because it's unarguable
From the video: This is an upgraded version of the original with added timelapse footage. The old, low resolution footage has been replaced with high resolution HD footage. Watch how the sun comes at you when it's rising and goes away from you when it's setting. See how the sun's light at sunset shrinks and trails after it - not at all what we would expect to see if the sun is 93,000,000 miles away. - Only 20 minutes - click on the link link for full screen view - Sometimes if you click on the video the screen gets cut in half, this doesn't happen on your phone though.

@Right Divider

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Right Divider

Body part
[MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION]

It's simply stunning how gullible you are.

View attachment 26167
This diagram accurately expresses the flat earth model of the sun at its farthest point away from an observer.

The sun is STILL above the horizon 9 degrees. It is also only ~19,000 miles away.

If the flat earth model were true, the sun would easily be visible ALL NIGHT LONG using a telescope.

Therefore, the flat earth model is EASILY shown to be FALSE.

P.S. Their simulation that shows a flashlight sun beam is hilarious.

patrick jane



Literal lunatic
[MENTION=16629]patrick jane[/MENTION]

It's simply stunning how gullible you are.

View attachment 26167
This diagram accurately expresses the flat earth model of the sun at its farthest point away from an observer.

The sun is STILL above the horizon 9 degrees. It is also only ~19,000 miles away.

If the flat earth model were true, the sun would easily be visible ALL NIGHT LONG using a telescope.

Therefore, the flat earth model is EASILY shown to be FALSE.

P.S. Their simulation that shows a flashlight sun beam is hilarious.

Nope the circumference is not 24,000 miles.

Not only that I got my Christmas present at 14 years old.

It was a telescope that was supposed to show me all that stuff.

Guess what?

It didn't.
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Literal lunatic
There are many possible reasons. I don't recommend going down the conspiracy rabbit hole. It's not cool. It's very worldly. It makes you suspicious of others and paranoid sometimes. Do so at your own risk, if you have a computer you can do some research on anything you want. :)

Yet truth is truth.


Literal lunatic
BTW , RD, telescopes don't do what you think they do.

How far can you see?

I've always found that question interesting. After a lifetime of using optical instruments and being an amateur astronomer, I know it's a fundamentally misguided question, but it can be hard to explain why.

There's a conception of "vision" as something that *comes from our eyes* - to put it a little crudely, that "rays" come out of our eyes and whatever they touch, we can see. Now, no one would explicitly say that's how vision works, but it can be pretty clear that, perhaps unconsciously, that's the model that some people are working from. (Well, hardly anyone would describe it that way...In fact it pretty much *is* the model explicitly described by a number of pre-scientific sources).

But quite a few people very much believe that vision has a hard limit we can't see past, no matter what, and that optical instruments extend that range of distance (rather than changing the apparent size/brightness of things in the visual field).

The fact of the matter is we don't "see" at a distance *at all*. We only see what's on our retinas, in our eye (and telescopes with cameras only "see" what hits their detectors, etc.). Distance isn't really a direct factor in what we see, because the light travels *to us*, our vision doesn't travel to the object.

I haven't really tried that explanation on an unsuspecting member of the public yet. I don't think it would go well, to be honest.

patrick jane

Another possible depiction of a flat earth. The north pole would be at the center of unfrozen land masses on earth. Check into the Antarctica treaty and how many agencies and institutions began at that time. What did they learn about the "planet"?

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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Electric/Toroidal Flat Earth & the "Prince of the Power of the Aether"....

quick discussion on the topics of... Flat Earth/Enclosed Cosmology, Electric universe theory, Tesla, Eric Dollard, the toroid, electromagnetism, the luminaries/heavens, "spirit science", the Great Deception, and of course, Satan ("the Prince of the Power of the Air/Aether").. - click on link for full screen view - sometimes if you click on the video it cuts the screen off. Not a problem though on a smart phone

15 minutes

Flat Earth crap is stupidity, as I (and others) spent months on another thread proving beyond all doubt.

patrick jane

Flat Earth crap is stupidity, as I (and others) spent months on another thread proving beyond all doubt.
Glad you're 100% sure, maybe I will be someday, sorry to bother you. I thought you were researching the electric universe crap on Thunder Bolt Project or something. Was that proven wrong beyond all doubt too?
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