climate change

The Barbarian


Makes sense...

They come from Mercury, after all.


New member


Eze 2:5 And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear,

(for they are a rebellious house,) yet shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.


been seeing wooly bear caterpillars lately

some are almost all black

some are almost all brown


and i'm back on the cbc :banana:


I thought you claimed the hoax was perpetrated by the communists, but now it is the Jews?

The Jews are only interested in the Carbon Tax aspect of it.

The Democrats/Liberals will keep pushing for Cap & Trade, which will lead to the Chicago Climate Exchange, which will lead to the Jews making a lot of money along with Al Gore, the Clintons, the Obamas, and other Progressive Liberals.

The Communists/Socialists/Marxists are only interested in destroying capitalism, which will likely happen if Cap & Trade is implemented.

So, as long as enough fools believe in the global warming hoax, the Jews and Communists/Socialists/Marxists will succeed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Jews are only interested in the Carbon Tax aspect of it.

The Democrats/Liberals will keep pushing for Cap & Trade, which will lead to the Chicago Climate Exchange, which will lead to the Jews making a lot of money along with Al Gore, the Clintons, the Obamas, and other Progressive Liberals.

The Communists/Socialists/Marxists are only interested in destroying capitalism, which will likely happen if Cap & Trade is implemented.

So, as long as enough fools believe in the global warming hoax, the Jews and Communists/Socialists/Marxists will succeed.
Where did you get all this?


Where did you get all this?

The Chicago Climate Exchange will become a reality when Cap & Trade is implemented. An estimated 10 Trillion dollars a year will be traded. At a 2% rate, Goldman Sachs will make about 200 Billion dollars each year.

In case you live under a rock, Goldman Sachs is owned and run by Jews.

Cap & Trade will destroy capitalism as we know it. Once capitalism is destroyed, Communism will be put in place.

Why do you think so many Communist/Marxist/Socialist groups marched in the People's Climate March this past Sunday?


The following is my favorite pic from the People's Climate March last Sunday.

It is some Jews from the Lesbian-Bisexual-Gay-Transgender-Queer's Synagogue:


BTW, next to LBGTQS is is a Jewish organization for Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, Queer, Intersex, Straight Jewish people. See HERE

I guess I'm an anti-Semitic for pointing out that Israel is the only country in Asia that allows the following:

1) Homosexual adoption
2) Homosexuals to openly serve in the military
3) Homosexual marriage

Not to mention that Tel Aviv has one of the largest Gay Pride parades in the world.


New member
Hope I'm not derailing your thread here but i saw something that makes me think climate change as well as many other topics in the news today are smokescreens. I'll let this article speak for itself.. this is only one article there are many others.. this one is titled..

What The MSM Isn’t Telling You…The Pacific Ocean is Dying


You ought to talk to Nazaroo, he loves all that stuff.

Nowhere in the article did it mention that the radiation levels are waaaay below the danger levels due to the fact that the radioactive material gets diluted in the enormous Pacific.


Chicago's O'Hare Airport set an all-time record yesterday.

The high temperature at O'Hare Airport was 47 degrees.

It's the the lowest maximum high temperature for October 4th since they have been keeping records for 79 years.

Must be all the carbon in the atmosphere trapping all the heat, and giving us a greenhouse effect. :bang:

It also snowed in the city of Chicago yesterday. Making Oct 4th the third earliest recorded snowfall in Chicago's history.

Gotta love "global warming".

The Barbarian

Chicago's O'Hare Airport set an all-time record yesterday.

The high temperature at O'Hare Airport was 47 degrees.

It's the the lowest maximum high temperature for October 4th since they have been keeping records for 79 years.

As you learned, every year, someplace has a record high or a record low. As you also learned, the number of record high locations last year, vastly out numbered the number of record lows. Would you like me to show you that, again?

Must be all the carbon in the atmosphere trapping all the heat, and giving us a greenhouse effect.

Probably so, but remember only a fool mistakes weather for climate.

It also snowed in the city of Chicago yesterday. Making Oct 4th the third earliest recorded snowfall in Chicago's history.

You're going to see a lot more of that in temperate zones. The more the oceans warm up, the more water vapor in the air, and of course when it gets cold, it snows. Twenty years ago, the models predicted more precipitation in higher latitudes.

Here in North Texas, it used to just get cold. Now, we see snow and ice storms regularly in the winter, even though the winters are getting warmer.

If you've been fairly conversant regarding the old map from 1991, one of the first things you're going to notice about the new map is that we're shown to be a little bit warmer in winter.

On the old map, Tarrant County showed to be Hardiness Zone 8a, while Dallas County was shown to be Zone 7b. In the new map of 2012, the DFW Metroplex shows to be squarely in the middle of Hardiness Zone 8a,

Read more here:

Surprised? Does that suggest maybe you should learn a bit about the issue before telling us about it?


New member
Chicago's O'Hare Airport set an all-time record yesterday.

The high temperature at O'Hare Airport was 47 degrees.

It's the the lowest maximum high temperature for October 4th since they have been keeping records for 79 years.
Gotta love "global warming".

Still failing to grasp the distinction between weather and climate. And Chicago and the Earth, for that matter.


climate change

have you noticed how it gets really hot in the summer?
then it gets really cold in the winter?

well this is climate change
it is hard to ignore

I know you have been worried about the debt, jobs, and terrorism
now you need to take a look at climate change

global warming is hard to prove
not climate change

consider yourself warned
I would be interesting to know how many of our conservative "friends" would actually be willing to acquire oceanfront property over the next few years - given the predictions that climate change will result in a dramatic increase in sea level and submerge their investment!
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As you learned, every year, someplace has a record high or a record low. As you also learned, the number of record high locations last year, vastly out numbered the number of record lows. Would you like me to show you that, again?

Probably so, but remember only a fool mistakes weather for climate.

You're going to see a lot more of that in temperate zones. The more the oceans warm up, the more water vapor in the air, and of course when it gets cold, it snows. Twenty years ago, the models predicted more precipitation in higher latitudes.

Here in North Texas, it used to just get cold. Now, we see snow and ice storms regularly in the winter, even though the winters are getting warmer.

If you've been fairly conversant regarding the old map from 1991, one of the first things you're going to notice about the new map is that we're shown to be a little bit warmer in winter.

On the old map, Tarrant County showed to be Hardiness Zone 8a, while Dallas County was shown to be Zone 7b. In the new map of 2012, the DFW Metroplex shows to be squarely in the middle of Hardiness Zone 8a,

Read more here:

as for record highs outnumbering record lows, it is an artifact of sensor sightings
Surprised? Does that suggest maybe you should learn a bit about the issue before telling us about it?
. the number of record highs how numbering the number of record lows is an artifact sensor sitting. these record high temperature are occurring because the sensorsare being placedin new areas. these new areas are naturally more warmer than the areas they used to be placed at. also many of these sensors are in areas where urban growth has developed.


I would be interesting to know how many of our conservative "friends" would actually be willing to acquire oceanfront property over the next few years - given the predictions that climate change will result in a dramatic increase in sea level and submerge their investment!

Says Chicken Little.

I spend many weeks on the Outer Banks of North Carolina each year. I have been for many year. The sea level today is no different than it was 30 years ago.

They are building ocean front homes on the Outer Banks as I type this.

In fact, this past February the tide on the Sound Side of the island was so low the hunters could walk out to their duck blinds without needing a boat.

I spoke to some of the locals who were in the 70's, and they said they had never seen the water level that low as long as they lived there.

Yet, Chicken Littles such as yourself keep telling us that unless we stop driving SUV's, etc. that the sea level is going to rise.

It's not happening Chicken Little. The sea level isn't rising, it's not getting warmer either.

The Barbarian

the number of record highs how numbering the number of record lows is an artifact sensor sitting.

Sorry, that excuse won't work. The existing stations are showing higher temps.

these record high temperature are occurring because the sensorsare being placedin new areas.

And your argument is that we used to look for cold places to put them? Seriously?

also many of these sensors are in areas where urban growth has developed.

Urbanization does increase warming, yes. So you're upset that many of the formerly rural stations are now warmer because urbanization is warming the planet?


Notice the fact that hardiness zones continue to move north. Must be those liberal petunias, um?