climate change


Well-known member
Global warming isn't happening. It's a hoax.

Communists/Socialists/Marxists are using the hoax as a means to overthrow capitalism.

You may want to come out of that bubble before too long.

I don't think that's going to happen. tetelesai is pretty deep in a conspiracy theory mindset on this: he thinks that the Jews are behind this "climate change hoax."

Jews behind "climate change hoax."

Once you've stepped into "the Jews did it" territory, there's pretty much no coming back. It's like quicksand.


New member
I don't think that's going to happen. tetelesai is pretty deep in a conspiracy theory mindset on this: he thinks that the Jews are behind this "climate change hoax."

Jews behind "climate change hoax."

Once you've stepped into "the Jews did it" territory, there's pretty much no coming back. It's like quicksand.

I think that's likely true, which is part of the reason that I described him as in a bubble instead of engaging him on point. I don't think it matters much what I say or what evidence exists. It's funny how, at some point in the conspiracy theory realm, all roads seem to lead to anti-Semitism.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
And as usual, when deniers are out of excuses, they look for bad people who don't deny the fact of warming.

tetelestai does the bigot thing again:
This isn't surprising coming from you, you follow a Communist Pope.

I see you think Jews are behind global warming, too. You've pretty much done yourself in, I think.


he thinks that the Jews are behind this "climate change hoax."

No, I think the Jews are just another cog in the wheel of the global warming hoax.

There is really BIG MONEY to be made in the global warming hoax. Charlatans like Al Gore have already cashed in.

As I posted earlier, if Cap & Trade is ever implemented, Progressive Liberal charlatans and many Jews (i.e. Goldman Sachs) will make billions of dollars from the Chicago Climate Exchange. See HERE

In addition to the Liberal charlatans and the Jews making money; every Communist, Marxist, and Socialist is using the opportunity as an attempt to overthrow capitalism.

As of today, the global warming hoax costs the average family of four an additional $4,000 dollars a year.

The Barbarian

I have no problem calling your pope a Communist, because your pope is a Communist.

And, I have no problem stating that Jews follow the evil Talmud.

So you've exposed yourself. That's all we needed.


So you've exposed yourself. That's all we needed.

There's nothing to expose.

The pope is a Communist who hates capitalism, and the Jews are trying to make billions of dollars off of the global warming hoax.

The global warming hoax is nothing more than a charade to overthrow capitalism and freedom.

Yet, really foolish people such as yourself have fallen for the hoax.


Hey Barbarian, were you at the People's Climate March wearing a Karl Marx shirt and selling Communist Newsletters for $2.00 each?


Or, is this just some other Communist who is using the global warming hoax to advocate Communism?


More Communism from the People's Climate March in NYC this past Sunday.

The Communists set up a table, and claimed capitalism is destroying the planet:


At the tables, the Communists had literature as to why people who believe the global warming hoax should become Socialists:


There were even Communists selling Communist Newspapers (the irony is that selling newspapers for profit is really capitalism)

P.S. "The Militant" is a Communist Newspaper.

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New member
The Jews are smart. They realize there are a lot of really stupid people who believe the global warming hoax, and therefore, they know they can make a lot of money off of the hoax.

I thought you claimed the hoax was perpetrated by the communists, but now it is the Jews?

The Barbarian

I thought you claimed the hoax was perpetrated by the communists, but now it is the Jews?

It's the communist atheist Jewish gay Catholics. Haven't you been listening? Or maybe it depends on the last time meds were taken. Who knows?