Cities Across America Creating Rainbow Crosswalks to Celebrate ‘LGBTQ Pride’


Well-known member
Yes, you do. See below.
SAME-SEX SEXUAL BEHAVIOR (SSB) is immoral. That's been a Christian belief from the birth of the Church, as shown in the New Testament. That there are Christians who are not in communion with the Church's supreme pastor who have differing views from him is a fact, but doesn't take anything away from the fact that it's an ancient belief. Not recently made up, not like believing that SSB is not immoral; that's an innovation, and that it's an innovation is proven by even glancing historical research.
There you go again. This is why the problem.

That is a shallow understanding of theological history. It is a great fairytale, usually told by conservative representatives, that Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or any other denomination of Christianity (Lutheran as well, which is my tradition, when it pretends to be some original form) represents some unbroken tradition or form without any innovation of thought, a fairytale that serves as a shallow pious marketing ploy for the denominations that use it. Anyone who actually studies theology knows that this supposed uniformity of belief and doctrine is all make believe, a smoothing over the bumps of actual history.

Abolition of slavery would be an innovation as well then. Since the New testament and many of the church fathers represents views that upheld this institution. They simply could not imagine a society without it. Is the abolition therefore a bad thing? Because it certainly is an innovation. The motivations for opposition to same sex relations have changed through history, from the more concrete ancient understandings of biology and physiology to more medieval and modern understandings of teleology and natural law to simple divine voluntarism which simply refers to the dictates of scripture. Understanding changes. A religion that is incapable of relating to new and more refined understanding of human life is doomed to become nothing but a dead relic.

Thankfully, there are plenty of theologians (from all denominations) that understand this basic fact and does not try to continue this dead religious worship of the past. Tradition has value, but tradition for traditions sake is worthless.


shallow fairytale fairytale shallow marketing ploy Anyone who actually studies theology make believe simple divine voluntarism which simply refers to the dictates of scripture dead relic dead religious worship of the past worthless
Before I bother responding, please confirm that you believe the Good News that He is risen? Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV Thanks. :)


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't believe that any gods command anything. If you believe you have a mandate from one, that's your business until you start living out your delusions in other peoples' lives. If you do, we have a problem.

You mean like forcing people to pay for it?


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't see a "creation".

Romans 1:18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness. 19 For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse.…


New member
Hall of Fame
All of those other troubles can be traced back to moral decay......hence the outcry over sidewalk's celebrating moral decay.

And its meant to defy the Lord and shove back at Him, that He promised not to destroy the world again, and they are using His symbol, the rainbow.

Satan loves a counterfeit of the things of God, hence gay "marriage"


New member
Hall of Fame
The perverts can do as they please that does nor mean I have to accept or acknowledge it now does it.

My faith is in God not the perverts or the lost that promote and accept their perversion and there is not one thing YOU can do about it.

Psalm 118:8
8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.


New member
Hall of Fame
Satan loves to pervert the things of God and gays love to stick up their middle finger to God while reminding Him that He promised not to destroy the world again. Thats my opinion on why they hijacked the rainbow to use for themselves.. well and the fact that children love rainbows, what better way to both push it in Gods face and recruit more gays from the young?

Gilbert Baker, an openly gay activist born in 1951, grew up in Parsons, Kansas, and went on to serve in the US army for about two years in 1970. After an honorable discharge, Gilbert taught himself to sew. In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who three years later challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community.[3] The original gay pride flag flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978. It has also been suggested that Baker may have been inspired by Judy Garland's singing "Over the Rainbow" and the Stonewall riots that happened a few days after Garland's death (she was one of the first gay icons).[4][5] Another suggestion for how the rainbow flag originated is that at college campuses during the 1960s, some people demonstrated for world peace by carrying a Flag of the Races (also called the Flag of the Human Race) with five horizontal stripes (from top to bottom they were red, white, brown, yellow, and black).[6] Gilbert Baker is said to have gotten the idea for the rainbow flag from this flag[7] in borrowing it from the Hippie movement of that time[8] largely influenced by pioneering gay activist Allen Ginsberg. The flag originally comprised eight stripes; Baker assigned specific meaning to each of the colors:[9][10][11]



Inasmuch as the Pride movement is against LGBTQI people suffering with shame, it's a fine goal, and one that I support. Ditto the ending of unjust discrimination and vigilantism against them.

But SSB is immoral, and not something to be celebrated or tolerated or condoned or anything like that.

Like Islam, Pride needs Jesus; the Christian faith; the belief that the Lord Jesus is risen from the dead.


New member
Hall of Fame

Gilbert Baker, an openly gay activist born in 1951, grew up in Parsons, Kansas, and went on to serve in the US army for about two years in 1970. After an honorable discharge, Gilbert taught himself to sew. In 1974, Baker met Harvey Milk, an influential gay leader, who three years later challenged Baker to come up with a symbol of pride for the gay community.[3] The original gay pride flag flew in the San Francisco Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978. It has also been suggested that Baker may have been inspired by Judy Garland's singing "Over the Rainbow" and the Stonewall riots that happened a few days after Garland's death (she was one of the first gay icons).[4][5] Another suggestion for how the rainbow flag originated is that at college campuses during the 1960s, some people demonstrated for world peace by carrying a Flag of the Races (also called the Flag of the Human Race) with five horizontal stripes (from top to bottom they were red, white, brown, yellow, and black).[6] Gilbert Baker is said to have gotten the idea for the rainbow flag from this flag[7] in borrowing it from the Hippie movement of that time[8] largely influenced by pioneering gay activist Allen Ginsberg. The flag originally comprised eight stripes; Baker assigned specific meaning to each of the colors:[9][10][11]

Genesis 9:11 I promise every living creature that the earth and those living on it will never again be destroyed by a flood.

12-13 The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, 15 I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let floodwaters destroy all life. 16 When I see the rainbow in the sky, I will always remember the promise that I have made to every living creature. 17 The rainbow will be the sign of that solemn promise.

God made it and used it first. Easy to see why it was hijacked, they want to stick their finger up to God as their own reminder to Him that they will do as they please and not be destroyed for it (courtesy of the father of the lies who whispered the counterfeit to them )


New member
I couldn't possibly be saying that as I don't believe in one. People are bigots, and they project their bigotry onto their conceptions of deities.
I believe in God long before I ever believed homosexuality was a sin, so you are miserably wrong on the bigoted nonsense. Of course, you have nothing to offer in that pea sized brain but clichés like's all you have.


New member
I believe in God long before I ever believed homosexuality was a sin, so you are miserably wrong on the bigoted nonsense.

Well, a lot of religious people adopt the bigotry of the people who wrote their scripture for them. And otherwise, you missed the point of what I said, so nice try, but no points.


New member
That's just passing the buck. You feel god commands homophobia. That doesn't mean it isn't homophobic.
God doesn't live by your terms. There is no such thing as homophobia to God. He created men who chose to be homosexual. That expression of sex is an abomination to him because it's his creation not yours.


New member
That's just passing the buck. You feel god commands homophobia. That doesn't mean it isn't homophobic.
Homophobia is a term made up by fascists such as yourself. You get to control what people think with that term. It really has a big effect in the economic world. There the word has the power to control life and death so to speak. If you are deemed homophobic, you are barred from good paying jobs. You are forced into the outer wastelands of our economy..... like Appalachia and the Midwest.