Well-known member
Your problem is you believe you can change what God has decreed.
You are begging the question. You assume, without any form of justification, that you can equate the texts of the Bible with the unambigious word of God. That is where the turning off of the brain occurs in you right wing extremist evangelicals, you ignore hundreds of years worth of biblical scholarship and textual studies.
It is ! Have you ever read a bible ?
Rom 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
It is not clear that what Paul is talking about here is same sex relationships. The earliest Christian thinkers (between 100-150AD), who knew and understood Paul's words and context far better than us did not read this passage as a condemnation of female same sex relations, but as a condemnation of pagan temple prostitution. That is a more likely understanding of the passage, given that Paul has no sources in the Old testament whatsoever to justify any condemnation of female same sex relations.
You are part of a church that follows men NOT God.
Mere rhetoric with no substance on your part. All you have done is declare that you are on the side of God, and that those who disagree with you are not.