Cities Across America Creating Rainbow Crosswalks to Celebrate ‘LGBTQ Pride’


Well-known member
Your problem is you believe you can change what God has decreed.

You are begging the question. You assume, without any form of justification, that you can equate the texts of the Bible with the unambigious word of God. That is where the turning off of the brain occurs in you right wing extremist evangelicals, you ignore hundreds of years worth of biblical scholarship and textual studies.

It is ! Have you ever read a bible ?

Rom 1:26

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

It is not clear that what Paul is talking about here is same sex relationships. The earliest Christian thinkers (between 100-150AD), who knew and understood Paul's words and context far better than us did not read this passage as a condemnation of female same sex relations, but as a condemnation of pagan temple prostitution. That is a more likely understanding of the passage, given that Paul has no sources in the Old testament whatsoever to justify any condemnation of female same sex relations.

You are part of a church that follows men NOT God.

Mere rhetoric with no substance on your part. All you have done is declare that you are on the side of God, and that those who disagree with you are not.


Well-known member
Thought you were a priest? The men may have been imperfect but the Spirit in their heart wasn't!

Paul is an apostle of God, and he was full of the Holy Spirit, and Moses was a prophet of God also full of his Spirit. These men didn't just "make up" what they wrote, they are witness of God inspired by him and spoke what was taught to them by the Spirit of God.

You are a false teacher to teach that homosexuality is ok before God. No it isn't, it's an abomination before him. You can come out with your own understanding and twists and turns to make it all ok and nice and holy to commit such acts but it isn't, it's sinful and wrong!

As for stoning, what did Jesus do when the Jews went to stone the woman caught in adultery? He came and said those without sin cast the first stone. So no-one could stone her because they all had sin. But did Jesus give her a hug and say don't worry you carry on? No! He told her to go sin no more, so what she had been doing it was sinful, and she was told to stop, Jesus didn't go against God's commandments but rather he stood by them.

Is this assertive drivel supposed to be an argument? Take off the shallow pious wrapping and your empty accusations, and all we are left with is you going "LA LA LA!" with your fingers in your ears.

And trying to compare a human being to an animal is ridiculous. We are of a far higher intelligence than an animal, although many who are full of the lusts of the flesh act like animals. That's why we are to die to self, to put away the fleshly lusts and live by the will of God.

Are you dense? You claimed that homosexuality was unnatural. That implies that it is cultural phenomenon, a uniquely emergent human phenomenon (although that is problematic divide between nature/culture). But that isn't the case, homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, as in it occurs in a multitude of species in nature.

By the way, female homosexuality is mentioned in Romans 1

See above.

ClimateSanity said:
All of those other troubles can be traced back to moral decay......hence the outcry over sidewalk's celebrating moral decay

Laughable. If there is moral decay, it is the fanatical reprehensible hatred that is on display in right wing extremist evangelicals.


Well-known member


Case in point. Notice how he clipped way the part about hundreds of years worth of biblical scholarship and textual studies.

I know you guys dont practice baptism with water, starting to think you have exhanged it for baptism by lobotomy.


New member
Selaphiel;5047508]You are begging the question. You assume, without any form of justification, that you can equate the texts of the Bible with the unambigious word of God. That is where the turning off of the brain occurs in you right wing extremist evangelicals, you ignore hundreds of years worth of biblical scholarship and textual studies.

No one that believes the scripture has turned their brain off. What you are trying to justify i.e. SSM speaks volumes to the fact that not only do you not believe God but that you live in open rebellion against Him and the truth.

It is not clear that what Paul is talking about here is same sex relationships. The earliest Christian thinkers (between 100-150AD), who knew and understood Paul's words and context far better than us did not read this passage as a condemnation of female same sex relations, but as a condemnation of pagan temple prostitution. That is a more likely understanding of the passage, given that Paul has no sources in the Old testament whatsoever to justify any condemnation of female same sex relations.

Your ignorance does not change God's word it just cements you in your rebellion against God. The very next thing Paul address in Rom.1 is men with men so your whole argument lacks merit or reality.

Mere rhetoric with no substance on your part. All you have done is declare that you are on the side of God, and that those who disagree with you are not.

The evidence that you do not believe , trust or follow God is in your post.


New member
Case in point. Notice how he clipped way the part about hundreds of years worth of biblical scholarship and textual studies.

I know you guys dont practice baptism with water, starting to think you have exhanged it for baptism by lobotomy.

I was water baptized as scripture says to be.

I clipped away nothing . UN-like those that follow the world those who follow God do NOT destroy the context of scripture to support perversion and depravity.


Well-known member
No one that believes the scripture has turned their brain off.

Begging the question again.

What you are trying to justify i.e. SSM speaks volumes to the fact that not only do you not believe God but that you live in open rebellion against Him and the truth.

I justify that because it is the right thing to do. There is no harm in same sex marriage, it allows people with a same sex orientation live in ordered relationships, which is what the institution of marriage is about. There is no harm in it. There is however harm in your fanatical religious hatred for them.

Your ignorance does not change God's word it just cements you in your rebellion against God. The very next thing Paul address in Rom.1 is men with men so your whole argument lacks merit or reality.

The fact that he then moves onto men can be read as a reason for the view I presented, why differentiate it into two statements if it concerns all people (i.e. men and women)? It is also supported by the fact that there is no precedent for a condemnation of female same sex relationships in the Jewish scriptures which is Paul's main inspiration, pagan practices like temple prostitution on the other hand.

The evidence that you do not believe , trust or follow God is in your post.

More empty rhetoric. The amount of hubris in your posts and in the right wing extremist evangelicalism in general: You equate disagreement with you with disagreement with God. It really is quite preposterous :chuckle:


Well-known member
I was water baptized as scripture says to be.

I clipped away nothing . UN-like those that follow the world those who follow God do NOT destroy the context of scripture to support perversion and depravity.

Was that reply for you?


New member
You keep saying begging the question. Here is the definition: To*beg a question*means to assume the conclusion of an argument.

Dodge is merely making statements he believes to be true as you are doing. You need to show what argument you think he is making. He isn't.


New member
Nah, I never said don't have an aversion to same sex most normal people do have an aversion to same sex.

Then what's the problem. You are a self-admitted homophobe. Why are you so resistant to being clear about it?

Homophobic is a created word to make homosexuals look normal, which they are not, and everyone against homosexuality look abnormal. It is Simpy word games.

It's a game of calling a thing by a word that aptly describes it. You seek to obfuscate and normalize your bigotry.


Well-known member
You keep saying begging the question. Here is the definition: To*beg a question*means to assume the conclusion of an argument.

Dodge is merely making statements he believes to be true as you are doing. You need to show what argument you think he is making. He isn't.

If you follow the origin of the argument, then he is at least implicitly begging the question.

I pointed out the reality of biblical criticism in biblical scholarship, which problematizes naive readings of the Bible as the unambigious and direct word of God. His response is simply to keep asserting that the 'word of God says', which assumes that the Bible is the unambigious word of God, which is the very thing that I criticized in the first place.


New member
Selaphiel;5047531]Begging the question again.

Believing scripture is "begging the question" for those that live in open rebellion against God like those in SSM or those that advocate for SSM.

I justify that because it is the right thing to do. There is no harm in same sex marriage, it allows people with a same sex orientation live in ordered relationships, which is what the institution of marriage is about. There is no harm in it. There is however harm in your fanatical religious hatred for them.

No harm ? Other than those in SSM will spend eternity in hell if they do not repent. You are no friend of those involved in SSM you help them get comfortable in their sin and rebellion against God.

The fact that he then moves onto men can be read as a reason for the view I presented, why differentiate it into two statements if it concerns all people (i.e. men and women)? It is also supported by the fact that there is no precedent for a condemnation of female same sex relationships in the Jewish scriptures which is Paul's main inspiration, pagan practices like temple prostitution on the other hand.

You are being obtuse. God condemned "both" men and men and women and women. You might consider a reading comprehension course.

More empty rhetoric. The amount of hubris in your posts and in the right wing extremist evangelicalism in general: You equate disagreement with you with disagreement with God. It really is quite preposterous :chuckle:

The empty rhetoric is YOU justifying sin which God has condemned and judged.