

"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I don't know what you mean by a model or data so I will explain what I mean.
I look for historical events that seem to fulfill what has been literally prophesied which is pretty much limited to numbers
Right. So your 'model' (my word) is your own interpretation of what you read in those prophecies. The 'data' are the historical events. If your interpretation of the prophecies is off, then the historical events might not 'line up' with your interpretation, and you might be motivated, even subconsciously, to try to make the data fit the model, instead of letting the data inform the model (induction).

Catholicism is the model that the Christian data and all the prophecies suggests, imo. I salute you as a Catholic.


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in his hand
A Pair Of Balances
from the Black Sea, a black horse. The rider is Marx. The father of communism that is the greatest threat to religion, the opium of the people. The only reason it didn't work is they didn't kill enough of the believers.

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and behold
A Pale Horse
and on him was death. With the exception of oil spills, there is no pale sea. Death is everywhere. The pale horse is with us now.

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was given unto him
A Crown
with a white horse. Constantine the third most significant person of all time with a bow which is a covenant with God from the Mediterranean aka the white sea in Turkey.

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the four horsemen
A Sea of Color
and a color for each horse:
Constantine the rider of the white horse from the white sea, Mediterranean
Mohammed the rider of the red horse from the Red sea
Marx the rider of the black horse from the Black sea
Death the rider of the pale horse

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the Lamb opened
A Seal
for each horse:
The first made the world safe for Christians
The second created the greatest threat for Christianity
The third created the greatest threat to religion
The fourth created the greatest threat to life

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two olive trees
A Clue
that can lead you to the two witnesses. The Holy Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. Church and state are the two witnesses. A bible search of "two olive trees" connects Zechariah 4 with Revelation 11 and that leads to the two witnesses.

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A State
leader who is always associated with the high priest Joshua who represents the church. Together they built the second temple. The two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks. A bible search of the two olive trees leads you to Zechariah 4:11 and Zerubbabel

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a witness
A Christian Empire
and there were two of them. Two witnesses. One lasted a thousand years. The Byzantine Empire. The other was the Holy Roman Empire. The state is the olive tree and the church is the candlestick. Just another fit.

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not proof but
A Fit
with what seems to be prophesied. Historical events alone can verify the fulfillment of prophecy. There is only one requirement. That it fit with other big pieces based on numbers alone. Numbers do not require interpretation. Only numbers can be trusted. Start with numbers.

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1000 years
A Big Number
and a literal interpretation is where to start. There is only one where they reigned with Christ. The Byzantine Empire and it comes with Constantinople, its capital, which is a perfect fit for Babylon the Great. If the big pieces fit, it won't be hard to get the little ones to fit.

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A Mystery
and that is just one of the characteristics of Babylon the Great. It had many waters, it is a mystery, it had seven hills, it is fallen, it had trade, and it can be found no more at all. No other city had all these characteristics. Only Constantinople. A great city.

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babylon the great
A Great City
as stated six times in chapter 17 and chapter 18. It is not a whore, or a woman, or a church, and not even Rome. Rome was not a mystery. Everyone knew about the seven hills of Rome. Even Peter. Constantinople having seven hills was a mystery because it only had six until Theodosius II extended the walls out to include the seventh thus fulfilling this noted prophecy. Again the numbers, they don't require interpretation.

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A Number
a mark, a start, a beginning, a date, a year. Nearly every product sold today has a mark which is the date of its origin. Number in Daniel refers to years. So what happened in the year 666? Which calendar do you use? The Julian calendar that started in 44 BC? 622 of the Gregorian calendar would be 666 of the Julian calendar and the beginning of the Islamic calendar, the Hegira

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A Missing Date
in history. Nothing happened. So what was going on just before or after that date? Gibbon has something in 668 but it requires a calculation. "Forty-six years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca, his disciples appeared in arms under the walls of Constantinople." His 46 years is interesting. If you put 46 in an Islamic calendar converter, you get 666.

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standing over
A Sea of Glass
mingled with fire. Greek fire was used to defeat the Muslim attack on Constantinople. The Sea of Marmara was like a sheet of glass. The year was 666. "2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." An amazing fit.

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A Treasure Hunt
one clue leads to another. One thousand years leads to Constantinople and Babylon the Great which leads to 666. Next step is to identify the ten horns and the seven heads. The numbers are trustworthy and need no interpretation. Let's see what fits with "ten", the next number.

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ten horns
A Connection
with Daniel. Just search the bible for "ten horns" and the fourth beast of Daniel is tied to the second beast of John in chapters 12, 13, and 17 of the Apocalypse. This connection to Daniel can help us identify the beasts which may be easier than identifying the ten horns and the seven heads. What would the beasts of Daniel have in common with the beasts of John?

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A Fit
with John when it comes to beasts. The “ten horns” is not the only connection. The beast John saw was like a leopard just like Daniel’s third beast. It was also like a bear just like Daniel’s second beast. It was also like a lion just like Daniel’s first beast. The last two beasts of Daniel are the two beasts of the Apocalypse. Another connection. Another fit.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.