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too many beasts
A Problem
for some Bible versions. As many as 296 in the KJV and as little as 87 in the NIV. How many does your version have? Granted what makes a beast a beast is not well defined but words are. So it looks like translators are interpreting as well as translating. Who can you trust?

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in the north
A King
according to Daniel. The king of the north cannot be identified without identifying the king of the south and his daughter. Will it be consistent with the "ten horns and the abomination of desolation? Yes, it will.

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in the south
A King
with a daughter. One of his princes, or commanders as other versions would have it, would become a stronger king of the north who shall place the abomination of desolation. Fatimah is the daughter of Mohammed and Muawiyah was his commader in the north. A perfect fit.

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in Daniel
A Number
that can helps us with the number 666. In Daniel 9:2 the word number refers to years. John knows Daniel and this might be the clue we need. So lets see if it fits. What happened in the year 666? What do the historians say?

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A Year
nothing happened. One historian gets close and the other gets it on the money but both require a calculation. Norwich in his book "Byzantium" has "The ensuing strife continued until 661, when Ali's own assassination left Muawiya supreme. For the next five years the Muslim world would be in ferment - and Byzantium could breath again." Gibbon gets close with 668 but his account turns out to be more interesting. We shall see.

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Gibbon has
A Problem
with dates and calendars. He writes, "Forty-six years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca, his disciples appeared in arms under the walls of Constantinople." That would be 668. "In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran;" Gibbon introduces the threat of Islam. His 46 years become very interesting when you consider other calendars.

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dates require
A Calendar
but which one applies? The Gregorian started in 1582. The Julian started in 44 BC. The Islamic started in 622, the year of the Hegira, 666 of the Julian calendar. There is an Islamic calendar calculator and you get 666 if you enter 46. Gibbon has Islam attacking Constantinople 46 years after the Hegira. Does it really fit?

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Greek fire on
A Sea Of Glass
cannot be found in history but it can be found on the Sea of Marmara which on a calm day is like a sheet of glass. Greek fire was used to defeat the Muslims attacking Constantinople. The year was 666. This fits nicely with Revelation 15:2. Check it out.

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A Pope
let me down. Clericalism? Really? Who am I to judge? Maybe it is my job to point out that homosexuality is the problem. The Church is infested with it. They want to normalize it. There are enough of them in Rome to do it. They will do it slowly so as to not rock the boat but they will do it. Is the boat already rocking? Is it time to wake up Jesus? His Church is under attack from within and Francis seems to be leading the way.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A Pope
let me down. Clericalism? Really? Who am I to judge? Maybe it is my job to point out that homosexuality is the problem. The Church is infested with it. They want to normalize it. There are enough of them in Rome to do it. They will do it slowly so as to not rock the boat but they will do it. Is the boat already rocking? Is it time to wake up Jesus? His Church is under attack from within and Francis seems to be leading the way.

The Pope pastors the whole entire Church, and the Catholic Church is present in every country on the earth, and many of those countries do not have a functioning criminal justice system.

In countries like the Western nations, the solution to this whole problem is to simply call the police whenever someone is accused of a crime. The criminal justice systems of these countries will take care of any problem, including sorting out fact from fiction.

But in the countries where the accused might not, or definitely won't, receive fair treatment, regardless of the facts, by those countries' criminal justice systems, this is I think the trouble that Pope Francis is dealing with, in resisting coming to a uniform procedure for dealing with criminal complaints brought against priests, bishops, deacons, or other Church officials who are not ordained.

I can't fault him for not wanting to throw his people to the wolves in these countries, over an accusation, that might not be valid /truthful.

It doesn't mean that they're done, and it does mean that we all who live in countries with good criminal justice systems, should value good criminal justice in all countries throughout the world. For the children. Seriously.


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The Pope pastors the whole entire Church, and the Catholic Church is present in every country on the earth, and many of those countries do not have a functioning criminal justice system.

In countries like the Western nations, the solution to this whole problem is to simply call the police whenever someone is accused of a crime. The criminal justice systems of these countries will take care of any problem, including sorting out fact from fiction.

But in the countries where the accused might not, or definitely won't, receive fair treatment, regardless of the facts, by those countries' criminal justice systems, this is I think the trouble that Pope Francis is dealing with, in resisting coming to a uniform procedure for dealing with criminal complaints brought against priests, bishops, deacons, or other Church officials who are not ordained.

I can't fault him for not wanting to throw his people to the wolves in these countries, over an accusation, that might not be valid /truthful.

It doesn't mean that they're done, and it does mean that we all who live in countries with good criminal justice systems, should value good criminal justice in all countries throughout the world. For the children. Seriously.

what about the homosexuals?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
what about the homosexuals?
Homosexuals are capable of not raping. Even if it were the case that every ordained priest /bishop /deacon is homosexual, the problem that the Church is facing right now, and is trying address in a uniform manner, is rape, and not homosexuality.


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more than
A Doubt
as to what Francis is doing. What is he doing? Saving the homosexuals? Is he using them to save the Church? Is that even possible? He does deserve the benefit of the doubt. So far he is the one who has raised it.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
more than
A Doubt
as to what Francis is doing. What is he doing? Saving the homosexuals? Is he using them to save the Church? Is that even possible? He does deserve the benefit of the doubt. So far he is the one who has raised it.

He does deserve the benefit of the doubt, I agree. It's not as if anybody who's not a scoundrel wants raping to continue, or wants rapists in any way associated with the Catholic Church. Everybody is on the same page in that regard, I have to believe. So in Western democracies, the criminal justice systems are fair enough that any criminal complaint brought against a priest (e.g.) can be confidently reported to the police, and the criminal justice system will sort out fact from fiction. This will help root out any and all remaining rapists, and serve as a deterrent to any other rapists from getting involved in the Church.

The Church just needs to, to my mind, get used to priests (e.g.) being involved in criminal investigations, and support them until their innocence is positively denied, and support their parishes with temporary priests (e.g.) as needed.

The culture of cover up is simply human, we see it in all spheres of life, in universities and schools, in government, in business, and in families, we tend to want to protect our own from law enforcement whenever possible, even up to harboring murderers and rapists. It's a terrible habit that must be broken in order for the Catholic Church to put this dark age in our rear view mirror, but the Church will do it, I am convinced, and has already begun to do it.

In our archdiocese the rule is that anybody who will participate in anything Church related, even lectors, must submit to a background check. It's not a bad first step, but imo the real solution to the problem is the openness and willingness to simply call the police whenever anybody brings a criminal complaint against anybody associated with the Church. We can confidently trust that the criminal justice system will sort out fact from fiction, and we just cannot afford to even potentially harbor rapists and shield them from justice.

I think that regarding countries where the criminal justice system is corrupted beyond hope, there has to be a more complicated solution to the problem, and my guess is that this is the main difficulty that the pope and bishops are grappling with. It might require something like creating the Church's own criminal justice system, which might involve non ordained faithful; something like the police department's 'internal affairs,' which investigates criminal complaints against law enforcement personnel.


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three johns
A Reasonable Theory
that explains the why, when, and what of the Apocalypse. The first one bare record. The second to the seven churches. The third who also am your brother. The Baptist, the Apostle, and your brother. Three johns that answers all the outstanding questions about the Apocalypse. It even makes sense. It is all about the Lamb.

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John the Baptist
A First John
who bare record to prepare the way. The Apocalypse is about the first coming, not the second. Just read it without the churches, Antipas, and Jesus. You will find what John the Baptist wrote.
A careful reading of Eusebius and Victorinus will show that they were not aware of the churches or Antipas. There is only one explanation for this. Their copy did not contain them. The one written by John the Baptist. Just search the Bible for the word 'lamb' and you will find John knows the Lamb of God.

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John the Apostle
A Second John
knows who bare record. John the Apostle also knows the followers of the Baptist in Ephesus mentioned in Acts 19. He added the churches, Antipas, and Jesus. The Apostle confirmed that Jesus was the Lamb mentioned 27 times in the Apocalypse.

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John Chrysostom
A Third John
who was in Ephesus at the beginning of the 5th century replacing exactly seven bishops must have visited Patmos. Jerome was finishing his Latin translation and may have determined whether or not the Apocalypse would make it into the Bible. What did Chrysostom do? He never quoted the Apocalypse.

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