

Well-known member
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A Scary Word
no matter who does it for you. It has been done for you. Even the translators interpreted the Greek word as well as the English word that you are reading. Were they inspired by God? All sixty English translations could not have been because they are all significantly different. Who can you trust? What can you trust?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Are you still a never Trumper despite the greatest jobs numbers since the 60s, a booming economy and great conservative Supreme Court picks?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
A Scary Word
no matter who does it for you. It has been done for you. Even the translators interpreted the Greek word as well as the English word that you are reading. Were they inspired by God? All sixty English translations could not have been because they are all significantly different. Who can you trust? What can you trust?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.
I would be nice if we could just say that we can trust the bishops, but those guys can't even agree with each other. You've got the Catholic bishops in communion with the papacy, and then you've got the Orthodox bishops who aren't. Who are we as the lay faithful to figure out what even all the valid bishops can't figure out? Isn't that their job? How do we give them all a kick in the pants?


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I would be nice if we could just say that we can trust the bishops, but those guys can't even agree with each other. You've got the Catholic bishops in communion with the papacy, and then you've got the Orthodox bishops who aren't. Who are we as the lay faithful to figure out what even all the valid bishops can't figure out? Isn't that their job? How do we give them all a kick in the pants?

just withhold the money


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
just withhold the money
It turns out, I can't. Look what Paul tells Bishop Timothy:

Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. 18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.

"The elders that rule well." Those are bishops, like in 1st Peter 5:1-2 KJV, Peter's talking about bishops, or like in Acts 20:28 KJV where they're called "overseers," which is a translation of the word from which we get 'episcopal,' which is epi-, meaning 'over,' and scop- which is seeing or sight, like also 'telescope,' 'microscope.'

Paul also says of bishops, the following.

Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.

The Catholic bishops must believe and teach the authoritative, infallible, Apostolic, teachings of the Christian faith, in matters of faith and morals, as found in the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church.' I am vanishingly less familiar with what all the different Orthodox bishops teach, but I think that they receive what genuine Church councils authenticate as Apostolic, such as in Jerusalem, Nicaea, Chalcedon, etc. Part of the story behind the schism between the Catholic and Orthodox bishops, is that a pope unilaterally authenticated a single word, 'filioque,' which in context means, "And from the Son," (speaking of He from Whom the Spirit proceeds) to the end of a line in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed, which was otherwise validly authenticated by Church councils.

The Orthodox bishops dug in their heels, and have not yielded since, with the exception of the Eastern Catholics, who are previously Orthodox churches, who chose to believe the 'filioque,' and who are now in communion with the popes and so are fully Catholic; just not Roman Catholic.


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A Significant Case
in that they don't require interpretation. Numbers can be translated precisely. There is one notable exception. Some translator at some point in time decided that for some reason 616 made more sense than 666. Just think about that for a moment. This is not the first time or the only time some translator decided what made more sense. Who can you trust? What can you trust?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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start with
A Number
as big as one thousand. There is really only one. The Byzantine Empire was a Christian empire where they reigned with Christ for a thousand years. It is easy to find and hard to ignore. What can we learn about this bottomless pit? Where can it be found?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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look for
A Bottomless Pit
and you will find it in chapters 9, 11, 17, and 20. In chapter 9 the bottomless pit is opened. In chapter 11 the beast comes out of the bottomless pit to attack the two witnesses. In chapter 17 the beast comes out of the bottomless pit to attack the Lamb and the whore. In chapter 20 the dragon is bound for a thousand years. This is a good time to talk about recapitulation.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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A Theory
on interpreting the Apocalypse developed by Victorinus. Recapitulation holds that the chapters are not necessarily in chronological order and may include different visions of the same event. A good example of this is the bottomless pit which seems to be locked in chapter 20 and opened in chapter 9. Also we seem to be having the beast coming out of the bottomless pit in both chapters 11 and 17. Without this understanding the Apocalypse is impossible to understand.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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keep looking for
A Connection
with common words. Now that chapters 9, 11, 17, and 20 are connected with the bottomless pit, we can connect the beast that comes out of the pit with Daniel and other chapters of the Apocalypse. Just look for "ten horns". This is a major connection and very helpful in identifying the ten horns. First we have to look at the whore who is hated by the ten horns.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.
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A Whore
a city that has many waters, that is a mystery, that has seven hills, that is fallen, that has trade, and that can be found no more at all. There is only one city that satisfies all these characteristics. Constantinople. This city just happens to be the capital of a Christian empire that lasted over a thousand years. So who hated this city and ultimately destroyed her?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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a horn is
A Dynasty
is just a theory for some exegists who have attempted to interpret the Apocalypse. Does it work? Only if you can count dynasties that have attacked the whore. I can't so I look to others who can. Islam can. The tenth dynasty of Islam destroyed the whore. The second one was the first one to attack her and it built the Dome of the Rock, the abomination of desolation. Time to look at Daniel already connected with "ten horns".

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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look for
A Holy Place
spoken of by Jesus. The Dome of the Rock is now in the holy place and it is just one of the three possibilities for the abomination of desolation you will find in Wikipedia. The other two are Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167 BC and Titus in 70 AD. All three involve the Temple in some way. The destruction of the first Temple by Babylon should be added to this to suggest what makes a beast a beast. The Temple?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
look for
A Holy Place
spoken of by Jesus. The Dome of the Rock is now in the holy place and it is just one of the three possibilities for the abomination of desolation you will find in Wikipedia. The other two are Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 167 BC and Titus in 70 AD. All three involve the Temple in some way. The destruction of the first Temple by Babylon should be added to this to suggest what makes a beast a beast. The Temple?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.
"The Temple?" I think it helps in thinking through Revelation what the pattern of the Church was when Revelation was written. The Church is the new Temple; the Temple of the Spirit. And instead of the old Temple, with its altar, the Church has altars all over the world now, and every local church had its own altar when Revelation was written too. This Christian practice fulfills Old Testament prophecies that in the future, sacrifices would be made to God in many places, and not just in the Temple in Jerusalem. Today, the Mass is celebrated all over the world, the sacrifice of the Eucharist being offered every day of the year to God the Father.


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what makes
A Beast
a beast? The Temple. Don't mess with the Temple. Babylon, Greece, Rome, and Islam did. The first beast destroyed the first Temple. The second desecrated the second. The third destroyed the second. The fourth is preventing the third. Another connection. Another fit. Just count them.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
-so why are you insulting the idiots who support trump?

-they like insults

-why not take the high road?

-I want to win

-does the end justify the means?

-only if the end is honorable and is not threatened by the means

-is it effective?

-probably not but I am as frustrated as they are

-so you understand their frustration?

-it looks like hate to me

^ This is how this goofy thread started out.

But now?

- Lowest unemployment since the 60's
- Screaming awesome economy
- Two originalists added to SCOTUS

How's that never-Trumpism workin' our for ya'

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I actually post something on topic?



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A Fit
with John when it comes to beasts. The "ten horns" is not the only connection. The beast John saw was like a leopard just like Daniel's third beast. It was also like a bear just like Daniel's second beast. It was also like a lion just like Daniel's first beast. The last two beasts of Daniel are the two beasts of the Apocalypse. Another connection. Another fit. Just count them.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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a beast
A He Or An It
is not clear with all the Bible versions. It should be. Why can't the translators agree on something this simple? Who can we trust? There are 20 translations that consider the beast in Revelation 13:1 a he and 37 translations call it an it. This is a significant difference. Daniel 7:7 can help us here. The fourth beast is an it in all 52 translations. It has "ten horns" just like the beast in Revelation. If your translation has a he for a beast, you are being misled.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.