

Well-known member
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three johns
A Working Theory
that addresses why there is little agreement on the Apocalypse. Who wrote it? When was it written? Why was it written? Where was it written? How did it get in the bible? Three johns is pure speculation but it does address all these issues.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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starting with
A Premise
that the only reason the Apocalypse is in the bible is because someone believed it was written by John the Apostle. That person is Jerome who defined the bible we have today. His authority was Pope Damasus I. His Vulgate would later become the official bible of the Catholic Church. Before this you won't find a complete copy of the bible and certainly not a complete copy of the Apocalypse. We have to trust Jerome. Many wanted his ear and his ability to translate.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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my sources
A Revelation
that will allow you to play along at home. You won't have to search old books at old libraries. You can search online like I do now. Some of my sources:
Tertullian 240 AD (does know churches and Antipas but not Patmos)
Victorinus 304 AD (does not know churches or Antipas but knows Patmos)
Eusebius 340 AD (does not know churches, or Antipas but knows Patmos)
Somebody made it available for all to see. Go ahead and check it out.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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A Glaring Omission
in the History of the Church by Eusebius that has not been addressed by people who should know. Eusebius doesn't mention Antipas in his Church History but the word 'martyr' can be found 355 times. He does mention Carpus and Papylus, two martyrs of Pergamus but he does not mention Antipas. He mentions six of the seven churches but never associates them with the Apocalypse.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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A Commentary
on the Apocalypse from the 3rd century that does not include Antipas or the seven churches. Since Eusebius and Victorinus both have the same problem, they must have been looking at a copy of the Apocalypse that did not include them. John the Baptist knows the Lamb, a word found 27 times in the Apocalypse but he did not know Antipas or the seven churches. Just the seven spirits mentioned by Victorinus.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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A Critic
of the commentary by Victorinus and took it upon himself to modify it. What did he change and why did he change it?? His wealthy friend Paula and his travels resulted in an impressive collection of books for Jerome. His letters show that he was a very important man at the beginning of the 5th century. It was a time when the bible was being defined.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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reign with him
A Thousand Years
with the first resurrection and the second death. Constantine, the rider of the white horse, had started the thousand year empire and Augustine, Chrysostom, and Jerome were prominent members who would reign with Him.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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a saint in the making
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. You can't trust the bishops but you can trust Michael Voris and you should get to know him. Homosexuals are taking over the Church. You should keep going to church but maybe you should stop giving money. It may be the only thing that will get their attention.


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A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. You can't call it clericalism either. You call it a crisis when bishops call for the pope to resign. You call it a continuation of the cover up when they call it clericalism. Benedict XVI did not resign because of clericalism. He was overwhelmed by the problem. The problem is homosexualism.


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A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. Six bishops get together to sign a statement on climate change which is a huge issue with the Democratic Party. Four priests attend a Trump rally and all hell broke loose. How dare they?


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A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. It's just a name given to what the Church has been fighting from day one. Modernism is not just a threat to the Church, it is a threat to society, the family, religion, and all the traditions that protect what is important. Marx the father of communism saw the need to get rid of religion in order to improve the world we live in. You may have noticed that the other extreme as in Ayn Rand also had a problem with religion. We will have to fight to keep it.



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A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. Feminism has taken over the Democratic Party which protects the legality of abortion. The bishops are also concerned about climate change and health care, issues which must be considered along with abortion. It is not easy being a bishop these days. It is not easy being a man and fighting to defend the Church that is under attack by the feminists.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The crisis would be the continuing devaluation of women.

Godly women are valued, by Christians and by God

non-Christians whores are accorded their appropriate value

and of course, they whine about how terribly unfair it is that they're treated like whores


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A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. The Church has to deal with abortion, divorce, and same sex marriage when most of our bishops are homosexual. Many of the others are sympathetic to their cause. Can you trust them? They have a lot to protect and that does not include defending Church teachings. They have done a good job of protecting homosexual priests but they call that clericalism. At least they have a name for it.



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mercy and almsgiving
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. More money is going out and less money is coming in. For the bishops that is a real crisis. A call for almsgiving will not work without mercy for those who have embarrassed the Church. Forgiveness and mercy are always a good call but a lack of funds may be just the incentive the bishops need to drain the swamp



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don't stop going to church
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. You may stop giving them money but don't stop going to church. It is your Church and it is your job to fight for it. Just showing up is 80%. You will be counted even if the ushers don't do it. Money speaks louder than words and it may be the best way to communicate your concerns. They will know what you are talking about.


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life, liberty, family
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. The teachings of the Church on life, liberty, and family are being threatened by modernism which promotes abortion and same sex marriage. Can we trust the bishops who are concerned about climate change and immigration? Every baby should have the right to life and freedom along with a mother and father. Ours laws should clearly protect them. Our priorities must be clear. They are not.


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obsessed with abortion
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. The pope and the bishops are not obsessed with abortion and can't understand why we are. We should be obsessed with mercy and almsgiving. Don't forget climate change and immigration. It is hard to know what is really important. Can we trust the bishops? The pope?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
obsessed with abortion
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. The pope and the bishops are not obsessed with abortion and can't understand why we are. We should be obsessed with mercy and almsgiving. Don't forget climate change and immigration. It is hard to know what is really important. Can we trust the bishops? The pope?
We can trust them in their charism; we can trust their charism; we can trust that they teach God's truth in all matters of faith and morals. 'Climate change and immigration' are political matters, not matters of faith, or of morals. Bishops have no charism in determining good policies for civil government. Their political opinions are no more important than yours or mine.