like marbles on glass
Zoo is cryptic. You might want to be careful of that, Anna.
I'll do my best, rainee.
Zoo is cryptic. You might want to be careful of that, Anna.
Your example was a fail but only if you use logic and language within a
dull present time space time continuum
It is more than enough that you remain a friend. Sleep well.Eeset
I can't help you and I surely do not want you getting grief from these people and especially not because of anything to do with me!!
What do you want me to do?
ps, sigh I have to go now but hope to be back in am... ciao
I've answered that one.
You haven't answered the one, crucial question I've asked more than once.
See:"...[M]y argument is you have to vote republican to get the right judges on the court that will not find laws restricting abortion unconstitutional..."
[All quotes on my site are exact.each:] No they aren't, they're pruned like a hedge in the middle of summer...
:yawn: All quotes on my site are exact. Facts[All quotes on my site are exact.each:] "...[Y]ou compile misquotes from TOL and cobble together your own crazy crazy-lady versions of the threads here..."
[All quotes on my site are exact.each:] "Exactly misleading and truncated."
:yawn: All quotes on my site are exact. Factseach: are stubborn things. :smokie:
And the award for TOL Crazy Lady goes to serpentdove.
:yawn: Ad hominem 2 Ti 1:7
Does the Leftist :Commie: ever offer an argument without :yawn: an ad hominem attack?[:yawn: Ad hominem 2 Ti 1:7 See: Tactics of the Left ] "You're insufferable! Do you ever write a post without that?"
When a member has committed :yawn: an ad hominem fallacy,"You do realise [sic] not every insult is an ad hominem, or... do [sic] you?"
:yawn: Ad hominem"P.s. You're an idiot."
:yawn: Strawman[2 Ti 1:7] "...What has that got to do with you being crazy? You can't say that God has given everyone a sound mind."
AACCCKKKKK aaaaacccckkkkkk aaccckkk ack ack ack
I feel your pain
No, you didn't. You partially quoted me in a way that could and I think reasonably would alter the expressed meaning from "repent of a practice" to "repent and be saved".You're projecting again. :noway: I quote you exactly.
And you'll do absolutely nothing about it, apparently.If you find an error on my site, please let me know.
No, that wasn't his argument. That is his sided bar. The argument isn't over restricting, but over abolishing, at least it was when we began our disagreement. And there are only two ways to cause that to happen, either overturn Roe or by Constitutional amendment.that is his argument
in case you are confused let me try to explain
my argument is you have to vote republican to get the right judges on the court that will not find laws restricting abortion unconstitutional
I think it's more likely.his argument is that you need a constitutional amendment
First, he hasn't presented any serious proof that the conservative appointments that gave us Roe were the result of political compromise in the judiciary and he won't present any. Instead, he'll attempt to rest on more arguable/controversial appointment efforts, like Bork.the democrats have never had a problem getting 41 votes to block a judge and they only need 34 to block an amendment
Chrys keeps assuming that the Democratic party is a one issue party. While the leadership has used the issue to galvanize a certain part of its base, its no more a one issue party than the Republican party is.if the democrats can't get 34 votes
that would mean the democratic party has been effectively destroyed
A shrinking number will use whatever legal process they can to preserve Roe, sure. Shrinking being the operative and meaningful word.I almost forgot the democrats will do whatever is necessary to keep abortion legalisn't that right town?
Let the reader decide.[Projecting again. :noway: I quote him exactly.each: He misquotes me (Eph 4:14).
each:] "No, you didn't..."
:yawn: Argument Ad Nauseam or Ad infinitum (Repetition)"You partially quoted me..."
You have not provided evidence[If you find an error on my site, please let me know.] "And you'll do absolutely nothing about it, apparently..."
:yawn: You're projecting again.[Instant e-mail inop] So it's much like your conscience then. Good to know. Chrys, you need an Inoperative Conscience award. That one could see some serious competition.
I did too. What award is next?in case you are confused
I almost forgot
that is his argument
in case you are confused
let me try to explain
my argument is you have to vote republican to get the right judges on the court that will not find laws restricting abortion unconstitutional
his argument is that you need a constitutional amendment
the democrats have never had a problem getting 41 votes to block a judge and they only need 34 to block an amendment
if the democrats can't get 34 votes
that would mean the democratic party has been effectively destroyed
I almost forgot
the democrats will do whatever is necessary to keep abortion legal
isn't that right town?
No, you didn't. You partially quoted me in a way that could and I think reasonably would alter the expressed meaning from "repent of a practice" to "repent and be saved".
And you'll do absolutely nothing about it, apparently.lain:
No, that wasn't his argument. That is his sided bar. The argument isn't over restricting, but over abolishing, at least it was when we began our disagreement. And there are only two ways to cause that to happen, either overturn Roe or by Constitutional amendment.
Chrys argued that what we needed were the right sort of Justices on the High Court. But when confronted with the unassailable fact that the Court that gave us Roe was dominated by appointments made by Republican regimes he declared the Democrats were to blame for making sure the right sort of appointment couldn't make it through the nominating process.
His solution? To destroy the Democratic party.
My answer? That while the party does support choice there is and has been for a while a growing segment of the party opposed to the idea and are actually pro life candidates running within the party structure.
Further, I argued that most Democrats and most Republicans are aligned with either party because of a general philosophy/approach to government and that agreement over a wide array of issues would preclude the meaningful destruction of the party, that the easier course would be to continue to change minds on the issue instead of trying to alter that philosophical particular and to approach the question by amendment.
But even if you think the Court might be stacked instead of using an amendment you're going to have to change enough minds on the question. So which is easier, altering one opinion or a philosophy?
That's a question chrys won't answer, has gone to great pains to blow smoke at because if he answers it then it begins to expose the unassailable fact that instead of doing what would be most effective he saddles it with additional charges/goals for personal, ideological reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with abortion.
I think it's more likely.
First, he hasn't presented any serious proof that the conservative appointments that gave us Roe were the result of political compromise in the judiciary and he won't present any. Instead, he'll attempt to rest on more arguable/controversial appointment efforts, like Bork.
Chrys keeps assuming that the Democratic party is a one issue party. While the leadership has used the issue to galvanize a certain part of its base, its no more a one issue party than the Republican party is.
That said, it's still easier to change people's minds on an issue than an aggregate. Easier to destroy opposition to the issue than a party. And if you change enough minds the elected officials will reflect that out of self interest or agreement in principle.
A shrinking number will use whatever legal process they can to preserve Roe, sure. Shrinking being the operative and meaningful word.