Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study

patrick jane


Gotta love some Terence McKenna to expand one's mind a bit :)

He touches on John Allegro's work and other resources for you free thinkers out there. Also touches on the Nag Hammadi Library, Gnosticism and the UB even ;)

It is sometimes good to question one's beliefs and assumptions. What I present beyond a grandiose claim of certainty is speculation and perspective of course. For all you know, much of what you've already 'assumed' could be just so much illusion and wishful thinking, especially regarding 'salvation' which undergoes so many models which may go no further than being merely 'theoritical'. Sounds nice, but what does it really ultimately deliver?

So,...some are still up in arms over 'magic mushrooms'? - I think there are worse things in the realm of 'theology' to gloat over, while the mystics of most all religious cults and traditions, all come to the same universal substrate of reality, when entering into the greater sphere of cosmic consciousness, and that is due to the fact that that 'consciousness' is 'universal'. There is one Supreme Reality, from within which exist a plurality of translations (interpretations), because these are seen thru individual points of view, hence their 'relativity'.
I bet Leary would have had a great "trip" with you


In my estimation, hallucinogens fiddle with the mind's fiction/nonfiction neural switches. Their action on the brain suggests that you fully explore the reasons for why you've already determined certain things are facts, and certain other things are not.

FWIW, the Catholic Church teaches that illicit drug use is immoral, citing two main reasons for it; that they physically harm, and can possibly kill the user. Also, the Church does not teach that teetotaling is necessary, or even preferred, though we can make that determination for ourselves personally, if we think it best.


Well-known member
I confirm Greg's comment with my former ones, that such studies may relay meaning and value in how altered states of consciousness via natural substances may affect one's religious faith, orientation and practice. Therefore, I've only seen the usual religious biases, fears and pointificating presented 'against' such, typical 'spin' :) ;)
It isn't fear. You are stuck in flesh with fleshly concerns, this being yet another one of them. 1 Corinthians 2:14 Pray for understanding, you are still in your flesh. Ephesians 5:18 Jeremiah 29:13


Well-known member
What? Are you saying you did hallucinogenics to find God? Did you do hallucinogenics and think of God, or did you do hallucinogenics and fry your mind to find God?

Go ahead and clarify that one.

Through your memories of Christians...?

They prompted you to do an agnostic prayer?

...that prayer ended up helping you but it was a false prayer?

You want to demean me as if I am talking to myself on a public site, you want to demean me...after you said all that about you doing acid and having an "agnostic" prayer answered?

You have no business here. You're working for satan. :down:


Eclectic Theosophist
I bet Leary would have had a great "trip" with you

Perhaps,...scientific studies about how the brain and consciousness works have their value in the contexts of research concerned ;)

Some however would ban magic mushrooms to keep their religious parades unrained on, for heaven forbid we upset their apple cart :crackup:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Perhaps,...scientific studies about how the brain and consciousness works have their value in the contexts of research concerned ;)

Some however would ban magic mushrooms to keep their religious parades unrained on, for heaven forbid we upset their apple cart :crackup:
What do you new age hippy voodoo types use to research the devil?


Well-known member

Gotta love some Terence McKenna to expand one's mind a bit :)

He touches on John Allegro's work and other resources for you free thinkers out there. Also touches on the Nag Hammadi Library, Gnosticism and the UB even ;)

It is sometimes good to question one's beliefs and assumptions. What I present beyond a grandiose claim of certainty is speculation and perspective of course. For all you know, much of what you've already 'assumed' could be just so much illusion and wishful thinking, especially regarding 'salvation' which undergoes so many models which may go no further than being merely 'theoritical'. Sounds nice, but what does it really ultimately deliver?

So,...some are still up in arms over 'magic mushrooms'? - I think there are worse things in the realm of 'theology' to gloat over, while the mystics of most all religious cults and traditions, all come to the same universal substrate of reality, when entering into the greater sphere of cosmic consciousness, and that is due to the fact that that 'consciousness' is 'universal'. There is one Supreme Reality, from within which exist a plurality of translations (interpretations), because these are seen thru individual points of view, hence their 'relativity'.

I read "The Sacred Mushroom And The Cross" in the mid '70s and at the time, though I was pro-psychotropic, I thought Allegro's book was junk. Still do....even more so.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets get real......

Lets get real......

What do you new age hippy voodoo types use to research the devil?

Wrong caricature to begin with, that's a 'catagory' stereotype on your part, one that does not fit the eclectic paradigm that my own theology includes, which apparently goes well beyond most of the posters on this board.

Where does any 'devil' or 'god' exist but in your own mind, for starters? - My former statements in this thread hold, as well as the more fun comical explorations meant for mere entertainment. There is nothing wrong with the former article or research described in the OP, since clinical research on 'religious experience' using natural substances has its value in the contexts concerned, and one can learn something from the data collected, which is the whole point of the experiment.

Older studies have been done -



Eclectic Theosophist
I'm not for 'banning'.
GOD gave man freewill.

I was banned for honoring and describing the divine femimine a while ago, a completely valid, letigimate and factual observation and respect for the fact of there being 2 genders that make up man's constitution, which reflect the qualities and attributes in the very divine nature. I guess the heretic hunters in any age, die hard. If I'm gonna be banned for my commentary on 'magic mushrooms', well...that tells what kind of circus this forum has turned into, which in my opinion has seen better days. But I'm optimistic ;)


New member
Hall of Fame
Human respect doesn't save. Do as you like. At current.. I still think you're okay. No respect required... on your part.

Angels inferrence was clear. You can focus on her calling me a liar... but the quote to the quote... using Revelation... in reference to my friends... is clear.

That's the point and your purposefully ignoring it.

I used it in reference to recreational drug use culture period.(quoted revelation, Gods word not my word)

You've done nothing but lie and imply and add to what was stated to create a huge lie, youve even been corrected by others and wont come of off it. I am placing you on ignore because i can think of no good reason to continue speaking with you since i even corrected you the other day and you are still ranting lies.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, I'm not purposefully ignoring anything. I just know Angel better than you do. She understands salvation by grace through faith, and your claims that her posts say otherwise are wrong.

You're overly emotional here because of your friends. So let's just say a believer is unrepentant over some particular wrong doing in their life. That hardly comes close to saying they are damned to hell. As Lon pointed out, it's where the chastening of the Lord would come into the picture. Angel never once claimed what you accused her of claiming....that they were doomed to hell. Which was why she told you that you were lying about her. You were. You were assuming she equated "unrepentant" with hell bound.

You're unrepentant of your false accusations against Angel. You'd do well to turn from them. You'd do well to change your mind.

That you remain unrepentant, does that mean you are doomed to hell?

Hes not hearing, me, lon, you, he is refusing to get it, because he wants to defend the sin. No one at any time equated their sin condition to salvation.


Well-known member
I was banned for honoring and describing the divine femimine a while ago, a completely valid, letigimate and factual observation and respect for the fact of there being 2 genders that make up man's constitution, which reflect the qualities and attributes in the very divine nature. I guess the heretic hunters in any age, die hard. If I'm gonna be banned for my commentary on 'magic mushrooms', well...that tells what kind of circus this forum has turned into, which in my opinion has seen better days. But I'm optimistic ;)

In your original post, you weren't referring to TOL banning and in my response, neither was I. It was in reference to the banning of the substance... at least that is the way I understood your post.