Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


I'm not one to unsay something that needed to be said. Even if it is unpopular.

I'm not one to unsay something that needed to be said. Even if it is unpopular.

I used it in reference to recreational drug use culture period.(quoted revelation, Gods word not my word)

When you say ... "it"... you mean Revelation 9... Which says this...

Revelation 9 ... 9:20 But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. 21 And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.​

These people are Eternally DAMNED... and I would hope you have enough understanding of Revelation to quote such a verse. It is POWERFUL and Final. You are either hiding behind double talk, or misusing scripture.

Is Revelation 9... not final to you... because the group you connected my friends to... bind to Destruction... and if you didn't catch that you were Damning my friends with the idea that they are "Unrepentant"...

As in this...

I'll get right to it... I have friends that have done drugs and I have friends that still spark up. But... and I emphasize BUT... Recreational Pharmaceuticals have never... ever... done a good thing for many people. Sure... there are the exceptions, and there are those that self medicate on a psychotropic scale, instead of blowing their brains out... but if a person needs to alter their chemical state to get close to God... they are doing something wrong.

The Gospel is sufficient for me. ... Understatement...

Which you followed with this... in response to the exact line about my friends... which you specifically quoted.

And they did not repent of their sorcery/drug use...

And... I rightfully blasted you for saying because I suspected it was out of ... this...

I quoted revelation,

Revelation 9:21 and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries(/drug use) nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.

The word translated as sorcery there, is the greek word that drugs and pharmacy comes from directly.

your argument is with God, not me, He said it. Also there is a reason that America consumes more drugs than any other country in the world.

Is God so impotent to you, that He will not help stop those who wish to stop? Does He put it into their mouth/veins?

I have compassion for those trapped in sin, but i offer up the solution (Him, on your knees) instead the walk into hell (im ok youre ok and how dare anyone call you on sin and your need for a savior)

My God is strong enough, is yours? Bless me some more for speaking the truth.

You've done nothing but lie and imply and add to what was stated to create a huge lie, youve even been corrected by others and wont come of off it.

I'm far from your accusation. You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth towards me and you are sincerely beginning to reveal a side of you I suspected, but tried to avoid addressing.

I am placing you on ignore because i can think of no good reason to continue speaking with you since i even corrected you the other day and you are still ranting lies.

[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] is attempting to re-frame your demeanor... but anyone who reads this thread without bias and knowledge of Grace verbiage can see why I am making a point on an OP that I agree with... to the OP author who is out of sorts and hostile towards a fellow grace believer that never condones drugs as positive.

I'm glad that you are placing me on ignore... because your fork tounged use of scripture isn't acceptable to me. I have more evidence of your dishonesty here...

Hes not hearing, me, lon, you, he is refusing to get it, because he wants to defend the sin. No one at any time equated their sin condition to salvation.

And this is what I susspected you would say.... See... I never fail to identify sin as sin. I was very clear... here...
I'll get right to it... I have friends that have done drugs and I have friends that still spark up. But... and I emphasize BUT... Recreational Pharmaceuticals have never... ever... done a good thing for many people. Sure... there are the exceptions, and there are those that self medicate on a psychotropic scale, instead of blowing their brains out... but if a person needs to alter their chemical state to get close to God... they are doing something wrong.

The Gospel is sufficient for me. ... Understatement...

Pan Theism and Pan-an-theism are two separate matters. One binds man to being... literally ONE with God like Jesus "IS". The other binds to a study of what the Source of life within ALL living things "Is".

Could you provide one biblical text where a prophet was tripping eggs to "get closer to God"?

If you can't... your "commentary" most certainly... does not hold.

There are drug addicts that are saved and will die in the grips of addiction... but if you ask these individuals if the addiction is "helping" their relationship with God... they will most assuredly attest that it only shows them how badly they need Him.

Addiction is miserable and drugs are a chemical high that fades and requires a recharge...

That Good Good Jesus WATER quenches and provides the eternal well that springs up from within... and no... I like me some good drinks now and again... but the fire water isn't the WATER...

Grace through Faith and the realization that God embraces us with His very own Humble Heart is more than enough to propel anyone into a never ending "Spiritual TRIP".

If the pastors wanted an excuse to experiment with drugs... they should have simply taken a break from the ministry and sewed those oats.

The entire idea is corrupt and observably lame.

I respect that some people need to sincerely detach themselves from reality... but the idea of a drug inspired sermon isn't a good idea!

A drug inspired novel? Yup... those are always pretty good... but mixing faith and Chemistry is always a quick trip down a prim-rose path that leads to ... Ozzy. I'm not knocking the guy... I'm just sayen.
And... you equated Drug use with loss of salvation by quoting Revelation 9 and linking the very final judgment of people with drug users.

You're being decietful. Glorydaz and Tambora have been clear now... and Lon too... but you are claiming that my use of grace is equating Jesus to Promotion of Sin... or sort of using Grace as a licence to SIN... in saying I "Defend the Sin".

If you don't understand that you are doing this... I will chalk it up to a lack of verbal and scriptural clarity on your part. if you do understand... then you need to be enormously clear and quit straddling the condemnation side and the grace side of matters, while being deceitful about what is going on here.

I'm easy to deal with... but you aren't being clear, and you aren't understanding that Revelation 9 is a final condemnation... or you are and you are trying to hide your implication.

Please clarify your intentions of binding my friends to Revelation 9 and why you are missing what is really occurring here. I figured your lack of answer was an end of this back and forth and counted this matter squashed.

If you don't care to answer with enormous clarity and a removal of your calling me a liar... I will maintain my assumption... which doesn't effect you... but... I am a forgiving and Loving person, and i don't see where you are coming from, in saying things like this...

I have compassion for those trapped in sin, but i offer up the solution (Him, on your knees) instead the walk into hell (im ok youre ok and how dare anyone call you on sin and your need for a savior)

My God is strong enough, is yours? Bless me some more for speaking the truth.

Sometimes.... God answer those struggling with this...

2 Corinthians 12:9

9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.​

Do you understand this? If you don't... you're missing the most powerful part of the gospel. You are focusing on the effect on the flesh, and missing that God relates to all differently... as all are unique. He alone knows the heart. This is my point, and you are focusing on it and clearly not handling it well.

I would really like to see this worked out... but I'm cool if you stay in a slanderous tizzy. You are accountable for your words though, and no ones restating of them... but you... will count to me. You speak for yourself and all the other words from others aren't from you.

Your use of "My God" in a phrase towards me implies that you think I worship another God... and honestly... you are being defended by some good people... but you are seriously messing up... as far as I am concerned... because a bunch of eyes are on this thread that want to state that Christians are double talk and condemnation... IOW... Your salt is losing its saltiness.

I think the use of "My God"... on your part.. was either an accidental implication or a hidden one... but I wrote this in the same thread and you could have read it... thus... it is kind of off that you even attempted to employ such a literary statement.
You can't bypass Jesus...

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

There is no OTHER WAY... (period)

The "inner Divine" {1 John 2:27; Rm. 8:9; Php. 1:19; Mt. 23:8, Eph. 1:13) isn't "bypassing" or "snorting" "assumption based tradition". Harmony and Unity are grand... but ... er... no. Many rivers, one Ocean is a bunch of B to the S. Many People, ONE JESUS.

Does that bother you Zeke? I'm quite adamantly fond of making it clear that Jesus is the ONLY Way... Just like He was and IS. I know that some will be saved that won't even know HIS NAME. But... and I emphasize BUT... that Name is attached to Luke 2:11.

Acts 4:12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”​

Many Rivers... ONLY ONE JESUS. Anyone who says that Jesus must be gone past or bypassed to be saved, get to THE FATHER or Imbibe in the Divine, is a FLAT OUT...


This is my response to all of this.

- Evil.Eye.<(I)>
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My heart on the matter.

My heart on the matter.

One more point... I am enormously articulate and I understand this entire thread from many angles and still think it is fantastic. I'm cool. I would much rather Angel gets reassured than myself. I don't need any defense or support. I'm alright and I'm used to making points that hang out there in... "Yeah... I agree with him... but I don't really want to link my name to what he said" land. That's just how it is for me.

I think Angel is a fantastic witness and I think her heart is in the right place with Jesus. I zoom in on witness specific matters with a hope that the Salt stays salty.

All love and respect to all of you... in Jesus.

- EE

Angel... I'm okay... but I understand the tension very clearly... and I don't retract a single thing I've written here. It has a place and purpose.



Well-known member
These people are Eternally DAMNED... and I would hope you have enough understanding of Revelation to quote such a verse. It is POWERFUL and Final. You are either hiding behind double talk, or misusing scripture.

Is Revelation 9... not final to you... because the group you connected my friends to... bind to Destruction... and if you didn't catch that you were Damning my friends with the idea that they are "Unrepentant"...

As in this...

Which you followed with this... in response to the exact line about my friends... which you specifically quoted.

And... I rightfully blasted you for saying because I suspected it was out of ... this...

I'm far from your accusation. You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth towards me and you are sincerely beginning to reveal a side of you I suspected, but tried to avoid addressing.

[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] is attempting to re-frame your demeanor... but anyone who reads this thread without bias and knowledge of Grace verbiage can see why I am making a point on an OP that I agree with... to the OP author who is out of sorts and hostile towards a fellow grace believer that never condones drugs as positive.


And where, pray tell, is "grace verbiage" in the book of Revelation?

Where is grace, period, in the book of Revelation?

As a Grace believer, why are you looking to the law (WORKS) which is found in the book of Revelation?


Well-known member
One more point... I am enormously articulate and I understand this entire thread from many angles and still think it is fantastic. I'm cool. I would much rather Angel gets reassured than myself. I don't need any defense or support. I'm alright and I'm used to making points that hang out there in... "Yeah... I agree with him... but I don't really want to link my name to what he said" land. That's just how it is for me.

I think Angel is a fantastic witness and I think her heart is in the right place with Jesus. I zoom in on witness specific matters with a hope that the Salt stays salty.

All love and respect to all of you... in Jesus.

- EE

Angel... I'm okay... but I understand the tension very clearly... and I don't retract a single thing I've written here. It has a place and purpose.


GOTTA love this lack of repentance on your part. :chuckle:

Does your salvation rest on your repentance? Mine certainly doesn't.

Why do you think we have so many disagreements with the workers regarding the meaning of repentance? Because it has nothing to do with our works....what we do, but with our belief and unbelief.

That you have over-reacted is fine....we all do it at times, especially when we're defending our friends, but there is no excuse for your not stopping. I've admitted I was wrong before when I realized I had misunderstood where someone was coming from. That's what you have done here.

So lets take some baby steps about the basics of repentance and the book of Revelation. I didn't know you could be so affected by a book in the Bible that is not even speaking to grace believers.



And where, pray tell, is "grace verbiage" in the book of Revelation?

Where is grace, period, in the book of Revelation?

As a Grace believer, why are you looking to the law (WORKS) which is found in the book of Revelation?

GOTTA love this lack of repentance on your part. :chuckle:

Does your salvation rest on your repentance? Mine certainly doesn't.

Why do you think we have so many disagreements with the workers regarding the meaning of repentance? Because it has nothing to do with our works....what we do, but with our belief and unbelief.

That you have over-reacted is fine....we all do it at times, especially when we're defending our friends, but there is no excuse for your not stopping. I've admitted I was wrong before when I realized I had misunderstood where someone was coming from. That's what you have done here.

So lets take some baby steps about the basics of repentance and the book of Revelation. I didn't know you could be so affected by a book in the Bible that is not even speaking to grace believers.


You are officially on the poor reading comprehension list... for this matter alone. You're usually spot on elsewhere.

You even acknowledge that there's NO Grace in Revelation verbiage at the point of Chapter 9 especially.

You're almost there... all... mosttt... there.


Well-known member

You are officially on the poor reading comprehension list... for this matter alone. You're usually spot on elsewhere.

You even acknowledge that there's NO Grace in Revelation verbiage at the point of Chapter 9 especially.

You're almost there... all... mosttt... there.

Well, you aren't even close. :nono:


Well-known member
Hes not hearing, me, lon, you, he is refusing to get it, because he wants to defend the sin. No one at any time equated their sin condition to salvation.

Which is, of course, what we have all been trying to tell him.

God help anyone who is still around for the 5th and 6th seal in Revelation. Your point was a good one. It's too bad Evil Eye had to get his knickers in a knot because he was unable to understand what your point was. I wasn't aware we had to tiptoe through each thread lest we accused of being anti-grace and suddenly switching our long held beliefs.


My PRIDE DETECTION meter has gone off the edge of the scale.

This is the seed of this it is with most.

My BS-O-Meter is pegged too.

I said I had friends that still use... Angel quoted a book you know isn't for the grace age... by your own words.

I just wanted resolution... without the whole blame game. I now know that either Angel had poor judgment when initially responding... or is hiding her initial intentions. I'm cool with you providing a shelter for her to hidey hide behind... but the whole.. EE is missing something or deluded with pride gig is all smoke to ignore that Angel is maintaining the structure of the initial post and refraining from recognizing how inappropriate the direct inferrence of a chapter that you agree with me isn't for the grace age... was.

That could be the end of it... but instead... obfuscation and pointed fingers are avoiding recognition of what happened.

I'm quick to admit error.. but when I smell hidden legalism... I'm not friendly.


Call it what you will and what not... I'm the bad guy. No issues there... my name is specifically as it is to take what comes my way.

I appreciate your perspective.

Peace and Chicken Grease.
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Well-known member
GOTTA love this lack of repentance on your part. :chuckle:

Does your salvation rest on your repentance? Mine certainly doesn't.

Why do you think we have so many disagreements with the workers regarding the meaning of repentance? Because it has nothing to do with our works....what we do, but with our belief and unbelief.

That you have over-reacted is fine....we all do it at times, especially when we're defending our friends, but there is no excuse for your not stopping. I've admitted I was wrong before when I realized I had misunderstood where someone was coming from. That's what you have done here.

So lets take some baby steps about the basics of repentance and the book of Revelation. I didn't know you could be so affected by a book in the Bible that is not even speaking to grace believers.

Thank the Lord, He can close any of those doors we opened in our past. All things are new....

Galatians 1:11-12
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man:
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 1:1
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation 21:4-5
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Paul quotes straight from Revelation 21:4-5 in 2Cor 5:17 because his Gospel comes from the Apocalypse, which Ananias gave to him at Damascus-Kumran when he admonished him to become immersed in the Master who is the Word, (which Paul confesses he did, going into the desert of Arabia, with the Apocalypse in hand no doubt, to immerse in that Word of the Son of Elohim which is written therein and came before Paul himself was converted). This should be no surprise to any true student of the Word because Paul tells all of his readers in Gal 1:12 where his Gospel comes from, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" which is the very same title of the book because it begins with the very same Greek words, (and both passages contain "revelation" which is singular in both cases). So much for the "grace only, gospel of Paul" heresy: those who claim such nonsense have no clue what they speak of and are wholly engaged in "name it and claim it" promises cherry picked from the scripture while discounting and ignoring the work and tribulations which all must endure, ("unto the End"), so as to enter into the kingdom of Elohim, as the scripture teaches.


Well-known member
My BS-O-Meter is pegged too.

I said I had friends that still use... Angel quoted a book you know isn't for the grace age... by your own words.

I've said right here on this forum that I still smoke pot on occasion, and see nothing wrong with it. Angel knows other believers do as well. So, you are not special in having friends who use, and your public tantrum is your own personal one else's. As far as quoting Revelation, we all do it. I quote Revelation quite often for different reasons....depending on the point I want to make. Quoting from Revelation is not a sin. Saying something is a sin is not a sin....even when we recognize that believers are not under the law. We still talk about sin ....any wrong doing or fault. Dear Lord start pointing your finger over that now.

Quoting from the book of Revelation is not unusual. I quote from it quite regularly....just as I do from the Gospels. That doesn't mean I'm preaching the Law as affecting us now.

I just wanted resolution... without the whole blame game.

GOOD LORD, you have to be kidding. You started this ridiculous "blame game" from the get go. How dare you sling fiery darts at Angel for what YOU imagined she meant.

I now know that either Angel had poor judgment when initially responding... or is hiding her initial intentions.

Neither is true. It was your over-reaction from the beginning.

I'm cool with you providing a shelter for her to hidey hide behind... but the whole..

You're not cool. You're being a jerk. She has no reason to hide.

EE is missing something or deluded with pride gig is all smoke to ignore that Angel is maintaining the structure of the initial post and refraining from recognizing how inappropriate the direct inferrence of a chapter that you agree with me isn't for the grace age... was.

Nice try. You didn't get it. That is the simple truth of the matter.

That could be the end of it... but instead... obfuscation and pointed fingers are avoiding recognition of what happened.

I'm quick to admit error.. but when I smell hidden legalism... I'm not friendly.


Call it what you will and what not... I'm the bad guy. No issues there... my name is specifically as it is to take what comes my way.

I appreciate your perspective.

Peace and Chicken Grease.

You need to admit your error, but I don't think you have it in you.

It isn't too late..... :popcorn:


Well-known member
Galatians 1:11-12
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man:
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 1:1
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation 21:4-5
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Paul quotes straight from Revelation 21:4-5 in 2Cor 5:17 because his Gospel comes from the Apocalypse, which Ananias gave to him at Damascus-Kumran when he admonished him to become immersed in the Master who is the Word, (which Paul confesses he did, going into the desert of Arabia, with the Apocalypse in hand no doubt, to immerse in that Word of the Son of Elohim which is written therein and came before Paul himself was converted). This should be no surprise to any true student of the Word because Paul tells all of his readers in Gal 1:12 where his Gospel comes from, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" which is the very same title of the book because it begins with the very same Greek words, (and both passages contain "revelation" which is singular in both cases). So much for the "grace only, gospel of Paul" heresy: those who claim such nonsense have no clue what they speak of and are wholly engaged in "name it and claim it" promises cherry picked from the scripture while discounting and ignoring the work and tribulations which all must endure, ("unto the End"), so as to enter into the kingdom of Elohim, as the scripture teaches.

The entire Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.


I've said right here on this forum that I still smoke pot on occasion, and see nothing wrong with it. Angel knows other believers do as well. So, you are not special in having friends who use, and your public tantrum is your own personal one else's. As far as quoting Revelation, we all do it. I quote Revelation quite often for different reasons....depending on the point I want to make. Quoting from Revelation is not a sin. Saying something is a sin is not a sin....even when we recognize that believers are not under the law. We still talk about sin ....any wrong doing or fault. Dear Lord start pointing your finger over that now.

Quoting from the book of Revelation is not unusual. I quote from it quite regularly....just as I do from the Gospels. That doesn't mean I'm preaching the Law as affecting us now.

GOOD LORD, you have to be kidding. You started this ridiculous "blame game" from the get go. How dare you sling fiery darts at Angel for what YOU imagined she meant.

Neither is true. It was your over-reaction from the beginning.

You're not cool. You're being a jerk. She has no reason to hide.

Nice try. You didn't get it. That is the simple truth of the matter.

You need to admit your error, but I don't think you have it in you.

It isn't too late..... :popcorn:

There is a magic phrase within this post of yours that is hardcore enough to cause even the most secretive of legalists to shrink back in terror.

Because of your honesty and sincerity... I will overlook that your demeanor is "almost" as abrasive as mine.

I admit that I read into Angels words as condemning and crafted an atom bomb of harsh accusation and immediate conclusion. For this... I appoligize to Angel. ... please let her know... as she has me on ignore.

If Angel can stomach what you have written here and like it too... all of my suspicions are off.

Gracefully and sincerely squashing all of my pride... and extending peace in admission of my harsh assumptions. I'm not saying that I don't still have some suspicions... but you have bridged the gap of assumption and bound relevant words to resolution that has to be struck.

Allow me to Specify... I humble myself... by the grace and provision of Jesus... and apologize to @Angel4Truth



Galatians 1:11-12
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man:
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Revelation 1:1
1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

Revelation 21:4-5
4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Paul quotes straight from Revelation 21:4-5 in 2Cor 5:17 because his Gospel comes from the Apocalypse, which Ananias gave to him at Damascus-Kumran when he admonished him to become immersed in the Master who is the Word, (which Paul confesses he did, going into the desert of Arabia, with the Apocalypse in hand no doubt, to immerse in that Word of the Son of Elohim which is written therein and came before Paul himself was converted). This should be no surprise to any true student of the Word because Paul tells all of his readers in Gal 1:12 where his Gospel comes from, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" which is the very same title of the book because it begins with the very same Greek words, (and both passages contain "revelation" which is singular in both cases). So much for the "grace only, gospel of Paul" heresy: those who claim such nonsense have no clue what they speak of and are wholly engaged in "name it and claim it" promises cherry picked from the scripture while discounting and ignoring the work and tribulations which all must endure, ("unto the End"), so as to enter into the kingdom of Elohim, as the scripture teaches.

John 5:39 my good friend... John 5:39


The Catechism of the Catholic Church said:
2291 The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offense. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct co-operation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.
This is what the papacy teaches on the moral matter of illicit drug use. If you'd just accept that the popes today teach the most modern Revelation of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter what you think Revelation means, or what Paul means, if you just believe that something as remarkably durable as the succession of St. Peter as supreme pastor of the one Church that the Lord Himself built upon Peter, came right from the Lord. The Apostles didn't invent the papacy, the Lord Jesus did; it was His idea.