Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake

Jose Fly

New member
They are being discriminated against based on their religious beliefs.
Sure, but so are KKK members who request racist cakes.

That doesn't answer the question of WHY? Why do you believe they need protection? Are they not as smart? Good looking? Talented? Easy on the eyes? Are they mentally incompetent? What makes them so special that they need to receive preferential treatment and special laws to protect them?
I think you misunderstand the point of anti-discrimination laws. For example, it is illegal to discriminate based solely on a person's ethnicity. Does that mean we believe all that stuff you wrote above applies to minorities? Of course not.

They absolutely are ... a patron is just that ... a person who comes in to buy or order something. He/she is in a situation where if the product were not available, they would just go elsewhere. Their life and well being does not depend on patronizing *that* particular business. All they are is a person walking into a business who may may or may not spend a few buck at the business.
"They can just go elsewhere" is a failed legal argument.

OTOH, the business owners business is like their second home. It's their hard work that goes into making their business successful. They are not required to buy from any particular vendor. The perks of ownership should include running a business as the owner sees fit in accordance to their needs and beliefs.
If someone opens a business to the public, they have to abide by the relevant anti-discrimination laws, the same as every other business owner.

No one in their right mind would go out of their way to have something as important as a wedding cake made at a shop that does not wish them well. It's about making a political statement.
No one in their right mind would go out of their way to sit in the front of a bus in a city that does not wish them well.

See how hateful that sounds?


Hall of Fame
Pedophiles, loud people, and racists are not protected classes in any anti-discrimination law. Neither are gay marriage opponents.

So ... if I KNOW someone is a pedophile, loud mouth or racist, I shouldn't be forced to serve them. According to you.

Neither are gay marriage opponents.

Oh, so you are pro-censorship/pro-discrimination. Sometimes. IF you agree with those who are being censored or discriminated against. Got it.

So much for white and black issues. Everything is grey.

Gays OTOH are a protected class, and I think that's the real root issue you are struggling with.

I think we should ALL have an issue when grown, healthy adults receive more protection and consideration from the law than the rest of us.


New member
Hall of Fame
They are being discriminated against based on their religious beliefs.

That doesn't answer the question of WHY? Why do you believe they need protection? Are they not as smart? Good looking? Talented? Easy on the eyes? Are they mentally incompetent? What makes them so special that they need to receive preferential treatment and special laws to protect them?

They absolutely are ... a patron is just that ... a person who comes in to buy or order something. He/she is in a situation where if the product were not available, they would just go elsewhere. Their life and well being does not depend on patronizing *that* particular business. All they are is a person walking into a business who may may or may not spend a few buck at the business.

OTOH, the business owners business is like their second home. It's their hard work that goes into making their business successful. They are not required to buy from any particular vendor. The perks of ownership should include running a business as the owner sees fit in accordance to their needs and beliefs.

No one in their right mind would go out of their way to have something as important as a wedding cake made at a shop that does not wish them well. It's about making a political statement.

And about being a bully and about $$$ because they are specifically targeting certain businesses and they admit it.

They wish to demand that christians believe what THEY want them to believe their message or have no business and pay up, and they openly state it all the time.

They say if you dont like gay marriage dont participate, then they FORCE YOU to participate and agree or have no livelihood and go banktupt paying them. If thats not bullying, i dont know what is.


New member
Hall of Fame
"They can just go elsewhere" is a failed legal argument.

See how hateful that sounds?

If you don't like our naked parades in front of your children, you dont have to look

If i want you to agree, you will or pay me and be fined and go out of business....

Why is what we do your business anyway stay out of our bedroom untill we force you there....



New member
And about being a bully and about $$$ because they are specifically targeting certain businesses and they admit it.

They wish to demand that christians believe what THEY want them to believe their message or have no business and pay up, and they openly state it all the time.

They say if you dont like gay marriage dont participate, then they FORCE YOU to participate and agree or have no livelihood and go banktupt paying them. If thats not bullying, i dont know what is.

you can't see how they felt they had to take it that far to get a result?

what do you think would have happened if the Christians would have just made the first cake and explained it to them as stated in my earlier scenario?

where is the wisdom of the serpent here? the harmlessness of the dove?

it seems the Christians got taken fairly easy.

I am saying this in hopes some will read it and think next time, and realize we do not live in a Christian monarchy/hierarchy in the US but a secular equal right society that has it's own laws for public businesses.

As ridiculous as the Christian cakes and their writing are to me, I think they will win the cases legally.


New member
Hall of Fame
you can't see how they felt they had to take it that far to get a result?

No, discrimination against others who did nothing to you because of perceived discrimination against you, from someone else, is insane and hypocritical.

what do you think would have happened if the Christians would have just made the first cake and explained it to them as stated in my earlier scenario?

Totally irrelevant, if they feel God would have them do no such thing and they are forced to comply with man instead of God on it - then they have been discriminated against for practicing their religion, period.

where is the wisdom of the serpent here? the harmlessness of the dove?
Not being shown by you, God would have a christian choose His ways over mans.

it seems the Christians got taken fairly easy.

Yes, its so easy to lose your business and life savings in fines and payments to those who openly admit they targetted you for discrimination against your beliefs.

I am saying this in hopes some will read it and think next time, and realize we do not live in a Christian monarchy/hierarchy in the US but a secular equal right society that has it's own laws for public businesses.

I am saying choose this day who you will serve, man or God.


New member
False, Christians have a constitutional right to follow their religion.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Can you show me the gay law in the constitution that overrides freedom of religion and speech?

that would be the 14th amendment which says that everyone, even people you choose to hate, have equal rights and equal responsibilities.

Jose Fly

New member
So ... if I KNOW someone is a pedophile, loud mouth or racist, I shouldn't be forced to serve them. According to you.
Depending on the circumstances, you can discriminate.

Oh, so you are pro-censorship/pro-discrimination. Sometimes. IF you agree with those who are being censored or discriminated against. Got it.
It's not about what I agree with, it's about what the law says.

So much for white and black issues. Everything is grey.
Pretty much.

I think we should ALL have an issue when grown, healthy adults receive more protection and consideration from the law than the rest of us.
So you oppose all anti-discriminaton laws?


New member
False, unless you can show me how someone is actually injured because a store wont make them a cake, or print them a tshirt to support what the business owner wont.


Did this actually physically injure anyone?

But you bunch of whining hypocrites keep acting like you dont get it. Its makes you all look nuts because you cannot see your own flagrant hypocrisy. You scream discrimination and think the answer is discriminating against others to even the scale.

the answer is equal access for everyone. You are the one demanding the right to discriminate.


New member
jeremysdemo said:
what do you think would have happened if the Christians would have just made the first cake and explained it to them as stated in my earlier scenario?
Totally irrelevant, if they feel God would have them do no such thing and they are forced to comply with man instead of God on it - then they have been discriminated against for practicing their religion, period.
they can't possibly judge every person equally and know who is a murderer, molester, etc from every one of their customers.
So they ARE selling cakes to people whom disagree with their faith, quite hypocritically even without their knowledge of it, this particular one just happens to be out in the open.

jeremysdemo said:
where is the wisdom of the serpent here? the harmlessness of the dove?
Not being shown by you, God would have a christian choose His ways over mans.
I've never read in the Bible were Jesus turned away anyone for his services, the Samaritan woman comes to mind, the Centurion as well.
Of course we can't all follow his example and some do chose to make their own way....wisdom? yep, he had it!

Yes, its so easy to lose your business and life savings in fines and payments to those who openly admit they targetted you for discrimination against your beliefs.
I wouldn't not allowed such people to steal my biz from me, I've already stated what I could have been done in this scenario to avoid that.

sounds like a battle of flesh and blood rather than spirits.
I am saying choose this day who you will serve, man or God.
And I agree and appreciate your candor,

I don't think serving God means we have to discriminate against men tho, we are free to follow His sons example or not.

do unto others as you would have them comes to mind. :)

In the original Temple designed by God after the priest got their share the rest of the offerings were given to the wanderers, the poor, people that were not even Jews, probably some gays in there back then,,,lol

Now the Temple is within us, how much more glorious should that much more open to offering the best to the world indeed, that they would come to know the Lord.

Jose Fly

New member
If you don't like our naked parades in front of your children, you dont have to look

If i want you to agree, you will or pay me and be fined and go out of business....

Why is what we do your business anyway stay out of our bedroom untill we force you there....

Thus confirming that the real issue here is that you just don't like gays.


Hall of Fame
So you oppose all anti-discriminaton laws?

I think they were initially well intended but are currently abused and misused. Most laws that cater to a specific gender/religion/race/sexual orientation are giving preferential treatment to only a specific few.

A law will not determine my opinion or treatment of another human being. For example, if my best friend in high school asked me to do his wedding cake (he is gay), I would do it in a heart beat, for free even.

If my children's friend's mother came in and tried to patronize my shop, I would tell her to get lost. Not because she is gay, but because I cannot stand the woman.

However, with the second scenario, I would be in a position to be accused of hating gay people and possibly penalized. That's not the issue.

I don't like having people second guess my reasons and intentions for how I react and treat others. It would be hypocritical to not afford others the same courtesy.


New member
jeremysdemo said:
I've never read in the Bible were Jesus turned away anyone for his services
Why do you think hell exists? He will be turning away loads of people for His "services". Seems you need to read your bible again.

that's after you die,

while you are alive there is still hope, and no he doesn't turn anyone alive away thats just silly talk and you know it,

try and remember he saved you while you were still dead in your sins

and all sins are the same in his eyes....if ya'v broken one your guilty of all James 2:10


New member
If my children's friend's mother came in and tried to patronize my shop, I would tell her to get lost. Not because she is gay, but because I cannot stand the woman.

remember that old sign?

"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason!"

oh the good ole

simple solution we talked about in the gay cake thread, go private.