Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake


New member
Thank you Mr. Hitler.

seems science is lost on the simple minded.

this guy would rather watch them suffer their miserable few year existence in excruciating pain with no hope of every having a healthy life,,, than terminate embryonic before they form as human....

nice fellow, welcome to TOL! lol



New member
seems science is lost on the simple minded.
"Simple minded" enough to know better than to murder innocent babies.

this guy would rather watch them suffer their miserable few year existence in excruciating pain with no hope of every having a healthy life,,, than terminate embryonic before they form as human....
I'm sure everyone who knows you has had to suffer a miserable existence their whole life in excruciating pain with no hope.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
In this case I would disagree. I think it is necessary for the Christians to publicly point out the double standard and even go to court over it. If it is "illegal" for a Christian to refuse service to a gay couple for personal convictions then it is equally "illegal" for a Homosexual to refuse to serve Christians for the same reason.

This is what irritates me so much about "social injustice" real or perceived. If I say I am against gay marriage then people say they are offended by that and I lose my right to freedom of expression because it is offensive to somebody. Will, what about the offense I feel when people are saying that gay marriage is perfectly acceptable. I find that offensive yet it is perfectly acceptable to ignore my offense and protect others from being offended. It is a double standard that should not be allowed to exist. There is nothing in the constitution that guarantees freedom from offense.

they can't possibly judge every person equally and know who is a murderer, molester, etc from every one of their customers.
So they ARE selling cakes to people whom disagree with their faith, quite hypocritically even without their knowledge of it, this particular one just happens to be out in the open.
You're an idiot. The issue is not to whom the cakes are being sold, but the purposes of the cakes themselves; the event for which they are meant and/or the message on them.

If a gay man orders a regular birthday cake from a bakery run by Christians then the Christians have no valid reason to refuse whether or not they know he's gay.

I've never read in the Bible were Jesus turned away anyone for his services, the Samaritan woman comes to mind, the Centurion as well.
Of course we can't all follow his example and some do chose to make their own way....wisdom? yep, he had it!
Because those people came to Him in faith and submission. He outright rejected those who tried to entrap Him, such as the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery.

You really are a moron.


New member
"Simple minded" enough to know better than to murder innocent babies.

they are not babies at that point,

in fact they are not even human, any DNA could be introduced and they could form into whatever is coded.

it's not murder until it becomes a human, and if it would be inhumane and quite frankly heartless to allow something to develop to be a human knowing it will have a poor quality of life and be in such pain if even for a short miserable existence.

I don't advocate abortion of babies, it's a shame you are too daft to know the difference.


New member

You're an idiot.
sticking with that old gem I see....when you lose every debate I read! lol

it has served you well, or rather suites you, shows a maturity level both physically and spiritually. :rotfl:

The issue is not to whom the cakes are being sold, but the purposes of the cakes themselves; the event for which they are meant and/or the message on them.

If a gay man orders a regular birthday cake from a bakery run by Christians then the Christians have no valid reason to refuse whether or not they know he's gay.

and they do so hypocritically because they cannot possibly judge every other persons sin that enters the shop.

thank you for helping prove the point in spades here, good assist! lol

Because those people came to Him in faith and submission. He outright rejected those who tried to entrap Him, such as the Pharisees with the woman caught in adultery.

You really are a moron.
one of these days you are actually going to be able to address the issues of a debate, the scriptures presented and points being made,,,

until then we will enjoy these name calling tangents... :D

as we have all these years.....on fine day bro, one fine day indeed. :drum:


New member
Wow I can't beleive I took House of ignore 3 years ago just to read this,

Sozo, welcome back to where you ain't wanted by management,

just like old times people, :)

I think you guys can take it from here!

goodnight :grave:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
sticking with that old gem I see....when you lose every debate I read! lol

it has served you well, or rather suites you, shows a maturity level both physically and spiritually. :rotfl:
The fact that you can't spell weakens your case. And if I lose every debate you read then you aren't reading much of anything. Which is easy to believe as you apparently can't read. You're clearly not reading the Bible.

and they do so hypocritically because they cannot possibly judge every other persons sin that enters the shop.

thank you for helping prove the point in spades here, good assist! lol
You really are stupid.

My entire point was that they need not worry about anyone's sin in the course of doing regular business in which they are not asked to support sin. And in all of these stories they were being asked to support sin.

They're is nothing hypocritical in any of this. You're just an imbecile.

one of these days you are actually going to be able to address the issues of a debate, the scriptures presented and points being made,,,

until then we will enjoy these name calling tangents... :D

as we have all these years.....on fine day bro, one fine day indeed. :drum:[/QUOTE]
How did I not address the issue, twit?

Wow I can't beleive I took House of ignore 3 years ago just to read this,
Are you drunk or was this intended to read as gibberish?


New member
I think they were initially well intended but are currently abused and misused. Most laws that cater to a specific gender/religion/race/sexual orientation are giving preferential treatment to only a specific few.

A law will not determine my opinion or treatment of another human being. For example, if my best friend in high school asked me to do his wedding cake (he is gay), I would do it in a heart beat, for free even.

If my children's friend's mother came in and tried to patronize my shop, I would tell her to get lost. Not because she is gay, but because I cannot stand the woman.

However, with the second scenario, I would be in a position to be accused of hating gay people and possibly penalized. That's not the issue.

I don't like having people second guess my reasons and intentions for how I react and treat others. It would be hypocritical to not afford others the same courtesy.

So, to be clear, you're saying that it should be completely legal for stores to hang "whites only" signs up, and kick out black people, so that if a black person you don't happen to like for entirely non-racial reasons comes into your business, you can kick them out without anyone suspecting that you are breaking the law?


New member
Hall of Fame
I know one could say that even 1 business is too many, but how many Christians have gone bankrupt and lost their business because of getting sued by homosexuals? Reading through this thread you get the impression there are hundreds.

Also, a question to anyone who thinks that making a cake for a gay wedding would be violating a Christian's beliefs, do you think there are cases of taxation causing a similar violation? (not just on homosexuality, but any topic)

The Barbarian

I understand that at least in some cases, Christian bakers where asked to produce a message in writing as offensive to them, as the message this guy asked homosexual bakers to produce.

While baking a cake certainly isn't an endorsement of one POV or the other, it seems like an abuse of one's rights to me, to force them to write something they find morally or religiously wrong.

Extremists on both sides seem unwilling to live and let live: they want to force everyone to agree with them.


like marbles on glass
Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake

Listening to the first call, he didn't ask for a "pro-traditional marriage cake," he asked for one that said "gay marriage is wrong."

Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us. One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian.
Actually, at the end of that call, she said she would make the cookies. And while she said she'd illustrate them in that way because she thought he was bigoted, she didn't say it was because she wanted to insult them just because they were Christian.

A lot of self-serving spin going on there.

We recorded all of this in a video that will stun the American people as to how militant and intolerant the homosexual bakers were. Even after we completed our experiment we got a ton of hate messages saying that we were “hateful” for simply giving them a taste of their own medicine by asking for a cake with the slogan “Gay Marriage Is Wrong” to be written on the cake.
And I remember Christians complaining that the only reason homosexuals were calling Christian bakeries for their orders was so they could target the bakeries for harassment and then share it on social media. How is this any different?


Well-known member
And I remember Christians complaining that the only reason homosexuals were calling Christian bakeries for their orders was so they could target the bakeries for harassment and then share it on social media. How is this any different?

It is the same...

I think that was the point...

They love to dish it out,
But they wont take it...

Then they blame Christians for not taking it either...
And sue them in court...

Here, they are not being sued...
They are just being exposed as hypocrites...

Christians can be hypocrites too...
Creation is fallen, after all...

And we are all created...



like marbles on glass
It is the same...

I think that was the point...

They love to dish it out,
But they wont take it...

Then they blame Christians for not taking it either...
And sue them in court...

Here, they are not being sued...
They are just being exposed as hypocrites...

Christians can be hypocrites too...
Creation is fallen, after all...

And we are all created...


I agree that everyone has the capacity to be hypocritical, whether they realize it or not, or whether it's intentional or not.

But homosexuals have made legitimate requests for service and been denied. And because of that fact, I don't see your comparison as a valid one.

These calls in the OP are specifically motivated by something other than a legitimate need or request for a service.


New member
But homosexuals have made legitimate requests for service and been denied.

Any business, organization, or individual should not only be free to discriminate against homosexuals, but it is the right thing to do. The behavior does not deserve equal rights, but equal justice with those who commit murder, child molestation, adultery, rape, etc.

The entertainment industry and the depraved media might have the biggest voice in this fight, and weak-minded people might follow them like lemmings, but homosexual behavior will always be abhorrent, immoral and unworthy of acceptance in a civilized society.

Jose Fly

New member
Behavior ... treatment. Same criteria.
Right, but not opinion. Governments do regulate many behaviors, but not opinions.

Society and legality do not necessarily determine between right and wrong.
For that society they do. But that's another debate.

I am sure we would both agree that it should be legal for gays to marry, UNLESS they are under age. And yet, it is not.
We agree, and it is becoming legal in more and more places.

What I wouldn't agree with would be forcing a pastor to marry any couple.
I wouldn't agree with that either.

For me, it's not an issue of discrimination but rights and ownership (of property,merchandise and self).
It's also an issue of business that are open to the public, and therefore are subject to laws that govern such establishments.


This all makes me want to call a Gay bakery and ask if they would bake me a Mardi Gras cake to celebrate aCultureWarrior's TOL threads one year anniversary "Why Homosexuality Must be Recriminalized" part I,II and III and see if they would agree to put him in it? White angel food cake with a gooey, hate filled center.