Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake


New member
just like what happened to all those nice Christian business owners in the deep south when their freedoms were abridged by the end of segregation.

I see you are back to slandering people with dark skin by comparing their skin color to homosexuals acting on their depraved sexual perversions.


New member

if i were a gay cake maker I would say tho, "I'll make the cake for ya but I ain't writing that on there! you'll have to write your own hate diatribes for your ceremonies."

Haha, right on jeremy. I mean, that's business, right? You go into business to make money and support your family and self.... provide opportunity for the community. Why limit your customer base by only working with people that you agree with?

Reminds me of that episode of Cake Boss, where a client wanted a cake with edible male strippers or something similar on it. Everyone was fine with it, except for momma who took a rather intense moral objection to it. In the end, I think they compromised and put clothes on the strippers, :chuckle: . There's always a way to compromise on a business deal.


Haha, right on jeremy. I mean, that's business, right? You go into business to make money and support your family and self.... provide opportunity for the community. Why limit your customer base by only working with people that you agree with?

That's how you pagan Libertarians think:

No values, it'all about $$$$.


New member
Haha, right on jeremy. I mean, that's business, right? You go into business to make money and support your family and self.... provide opportunity for the community. Why limit your customer base by only working with people that you agree with?

ya, priorities? guess that's not in the Christian handbook.

I mean more power to them if they are willing to loose it all for their faith, they should count that as a blessing right?

why are we not hearing any praise Gods for the Christian baker that lost their business by sticking to their guns and this whole 'rights' thing? Matthew 5:10, not a peep.

what are the prosperity teachers gonna say!
Reminds me of that episode of Cake Boss, where a client wanted a cake with edible male strippers or something similar on it. Everyone was fine with it, except for momma who took a rather intense moral objection to it. In the end, I think they compromised and put clothes on the strippers, :chuckle: . There's always a way to compromise on a business deal.
I would question a spirit that takes away the livelihood of a family based on some 'right' or moral platitude...wise kings seek council.

Again, they say it's about their 'faith' but they are not practicing some of the tenants, test each spirit, 1 John 4:1.

this whole spirit of "I have the right to do this" is trippin em up, they need to be listening to the Spirit of the One True God won't steer ya wrong, IMHO, the golden rule wouldn't hurt either. ;)


Pagan Libertarians (sorry for being redundant) throwing us Christians verses from Holy Scripture. They never cease to amaze me.


New member
ya, priorities? guess that's not in the Christian handbook.

I mean more power to them if they are willing to loose it all for their faith, they should count that as a blessing right?

why are we not hearing any praise Gods for the Christian baker that lost their business by sticking to their guns and this whole 'rights' thing? Matthew 5:10, not a peep.

what are the prosperity teachers gonna say!

I would question a spirit that takes away the livelihood of a family based on some 'right' or moral platitude...wise kings seek council.

Again, they say it's about their 'faith' but they are not practicing some of the tenants, test each spirit, 1 John 4:1.
In 29 states a person can be fired from their job if their employer finds out they are gay/lesbian.

this whole spirit of "I have the right to do this" is trippin em up, they need to be listening to the Spirit of the One True God won't steer ya wrong, IMHO, the golden rule wouldn't hurt either. ;)

Are you actually trying to use the golden rule to justify prejudice and discrimination?


New member
That's how you pagan Libertarians think:

No values, it'all about $$$$.

No, you just have too many values. You belong somewhere in the commonwealth of William Penn, working as a carriage driver and part time barn raiser. A snobby prude is a snobby prude.


New member
Hall of Fame
I can't find anywhere in the Bible that says it's forbidden to bake cakes for a same-sex wedding.

You clearly haven't read the bible then.

Romans 1:32 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

Creating a wedding cake, is a show of support/approval - a believer can only approve that which God sanctions and thats union between a man and a woman.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
In 29 states a person can be fired from their job if their employer finds out they are gay/lesbian.
According to how the law reads , perhaps. According to reality, that is just not true.
Are you actually trying to use the golden rule to justify prejudice and discrimination?

You confuse discernment with prejudice and discrimination


New member
No, you just have too many values. You belong somewhere in the commonwealth of William Penn, working as a carriage driver and part time barn raiser. A snobby prude is a snobby prude.
don't send em there! not to the Amish and Mennonites!

those are nice God loving people for the most part!

would give you the shirt of their backs even if ya were gay!

would certainly pray for you if you had a nervous condition rather than falsely accuse you of smokin pot! lol

please don't send him there...the last thing we need is his particular brand of koolaid being drank by any of them....:nono:


New member
In 29 states a person can be fired from their job if their employer finds out they are gay/lesbian.

Are you actually trying to use the golden rule to justify prejudice and discrimination?
opposite, I doubt any Christian would want that done unto them, even IF it was a right of someone else to be able to do so....;)

have ya read the rule?

I don't think it can be applied in the manner you suggest. :idunno:


New member
The problem is obvious. Gay bakers don't see a problem with making a heterosexual wedding cake, but some non-gay bakers see a problem with making a wedding cake with two grooms or two brides.

So it's really difficult to pull a goose/gander thing, unless one adds something. Hence, this guy asks for a statement as well as the wedding cake.

It all comes around to a single moral question. "Do we have a moral responsibility to make other people be good?"

If so, then we should applaud the efforts of this guy. If not, then he's just making Christians look foolish.

this really makes no sense

and neither does calling yourself Catholic and yet liberal

As Jesus said You cannot love God AND mammon [emphasis added] You have to CHOOSE



New member
Goose/gander. If you hold yourself out as a public business making cakes or cookies then you can't discriminate. .

but the law can discriminate against the baker who doesn't want to violate his morals?

you liberals always choose the wrong side (in this case, the side of those who have no sexual boundaries)

and then you try to equate the Black rights issue with the sexually deviant rights issue.

Well, guess what? It is not immoral to be Black

So if i were black, i would be VERY offended with this equivilency thing



New member
No, you just have too many values. You belong somewhere in the commonwealth of William Penn, working as a carriage driver and part time barn raiser. A snobby prude is a snobby prude.

right. No one could possibly believe in and follow Jesus, that loser who got himself killed just b/c he wouldn't go along to get along..



New member
this really makes no sense

and neither does calling yourself Catholic and yet liberal

As Jesus said You cannot love God AND mammon [emphasis added] You have to CHOOSE


The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuals "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity." 2358 in the Catechism.


New member
Hall of Fame
The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuals "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity." 2358 in the Catechism.

The next one would be the one that deals with gay weddings, you left it off:

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

So by denying a gay a wedding cake, a catholic is helping them uphold the "virtues of self mastery that teach them inner freedom"


Well-known member
You confuse discernment with prejudice and discrimination

Not only that, I have no problem with not getting a cake because my eyes are brown. I can go across the street and, being as I'm buying a cake, the exercise might do me some good. Or, I could get a blue eye to go buy me one, if they are that good. I've only had one cake in my life, that I would do that for, else I'd go someplace else, and happily. If they were the only place in town, I'd save a few bucks and bake my own.

How can we be so sue-happy as a nation, when the answers are literally, this simple? :idunno:

Suing is like saying "I don't know what to do!" Nobody is that inept (at least in my naïve world).


New member
The Catholic Church teaches that homosexuals "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity." 2358 in the Catechism.

who disputed that?

their behavior, however, is another story. No way is anyone, especially Christian, called to accept THAT

and you know it

(or ought to)