ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
"...eventually, it will start cooling again, same as it always has" ...
it would be foolish to think otherwise
which is the purpose of this thread, to point out the foolishness of those (mostly young) people who believe the sky is falling, who believe the world is ending in twelve years, foolish people like AOC who think we should discard the basis upon which modern human civilization rests in order to save human civilization
Sounds like a flip dismissal to me.
it sounds like a reasonable examination of the facts and data to me
perhaps your hearing is influenced by the fact that you're listening through a filter of alarmist emotion
In the indeterminate meantime do we contribute to the rise, perhaps until we reach a crisis point?
you really should take the time and listen to this guy - he's not a denier, he's easy to listen to (only a very slight accent) and he lays out a logical, thoughtful, reasoned approach to the controversy - I know, that's harder than responding emotionally, but give it a try: