ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
so we'll backtrack from our "chicken little" title? fine.
I get it - you want desperately to cling to the lie that the sky is falling, that the world is coming to an end in 12 years
so we'll backtrack from our "chicken little" title? fine.
I get it - you want desperately to cling to the lie that the sky is falling, that the world is coming to an end in 12 years
There is a lie here. Definitely. I haven't said anything at all in this thread about what I personally think about global warming. so you are lying about my thoughts- of which you know nothing. And teh title of this thread is a lie as well.
it's possible I misunderstood your position.
Do you agree with the individual linked to in post 2 who believes that "Overreacting to climate change is not possible"?
Do you agree with AOC and the other proponents of the New Green Deal, who are willing to risk bankrupting our country, destroying our economy and plunging the world into a global depression?
It is certainly possible to overreact to climate change.
... apocalyptic beliefs (regarding climate change) are common among young people. A recent Scott Rasmussen/HarrisX poll found that 51% of U.S. voters under the age of 35 believe it is “somewhat likely” or “very likely” that the “the earth will become uninhabitable and humanity will be wiped out” in “the next 10–15 years.” |
Of course, it's far too late for a generation of retards who have been raised to believe the sky is falling, like Gret
Apparently "ok doser" sees nothing wrong with the 72 year old President of the world's only superpower...
sending tweets
mocking a 16 year old Swedish girl with Aspergers
- apparently neither he nor his supporters don't think he's crossed the line when he targets minors
(australians) are attributing much of the responsibility (for fires, which never happened before climate change) to climate change!
Every leader in the world, except this President, knows that publicaly mocking a 16 year old girl crosses way over "the line" - for starters it immediately reverses their roles, making Greta the adult and Trump the child!not sure why the ages matter, except to point out that Greta is a child, inexperienced, uneducated, ill-informed, easily manipulated by the same people who latched onto Malala when she was convenient and discarded her when they were done
Those "retarded" Aussies just happen to be American allies - when you assassinate Iran's most prominent general the Trump Administration may find that having deliberately alienated its traditional allies, friends may be hard to come by!... well, they are aussies, citizens of just about the most retarded non-muslim country on the planet![]()
Every leader in the world, except this President, knows that publicaly mocking ...
Those "retarded" Aussies ...
i hear this thrown around a lot - do you have a specific example of his "mocking" her?)
According to the IEA report, given only current carbon policies, which nearly everyone studying climate considers terribly weak, the world is on track for about 3 degrees Celsius of warming by 2100, which could, if existing pledges were implemented, be brought down as low as 2.7 degrees — about one and a half degrees less warming than is suggested by the U.N.’s IPCC reports in what is often referred to as the “business as usual” “RCP8.5” scenario.
You do know that scientists have gotten this subject wrong for over half a century, hysteria about another ice age, hysteria about warming, none of which has ever come to pass, nor have any of their pseudo drop dead dates ever happened. This is a huge scam to get into peoples pockets, & exert control over peoples lives all under the guise of science...more like agenda driven junk science, which has gotten it wrong far more than it has ever gotten anything on the subject right. You keep buying what your masters feed you, and like a good lemming you follow with all the trust that every animal has as it is led to the slaughterhouse.
The Titanic is unsinkable!
A hundred years ago the Titanic sank. It was supposed to be unsinkable. If they were going to make that same cruise again today, thanks to global warming they would not have to worry about icebergs.
- David Letterman
You do know that scientists have gotten this subject wrong for over half a century, hysteria about another ice age, hysteria about warming, none of which has ever come to pass, nor have any of their pseudo drop dead dates ever happened. This is a huge scam to get into peoples pockets, & exert control over peoples lives all under the guise of science...more like agenda driven junk science, which has gotten it wrong far more than it has ever gotten anything on the subject right. You keep buying what your masters feed you, and like a good lemming you follow with all the trust that every animal has as it is led to the slaughterhouse.
Despite the politics of this issue, at its base lies a simple question: is the earth getting warmer over time, or not?
We are being told that the earth is warming and that the "problem" is man-made. The earth has been warming ever since the ice age.
A hundred years ago the Titanic sank. It was supposed to be unsinkable. If they were going to make that same cruise again today, thanks to global warming they would not have to worry about icebergs.
- David Letterman