Despite the politics of this issue, at its base lies a simple question: is the earth getting warmer over time, or not?
It really isn't a simple question or science would have definitive answers, and they do not. What we do know is that the earth goes through many climate iterations both warming & cooling, the fact that politicians want to use it as an issue to tax the citizenry, and grab up liberty with is what makes most of the so called science behind their hysteria is all driven by agenda, not by actual science. For every climatologist that agrees with the hysteria there are just as many scientists saying "not so fast" I believe the real hubris lies with those that push this as if it is settled science...far from it, or that humans have it within their power to change the planetary climate one way or another, nature itself produced more carbon emissions than humans just with the Australian fires alone (not started by humans), volcanic activity, natural methane from plant & animals...cmon man think with your own brain instead of being a mind numbed drone being fed information & lapping it up willingly without question. No, I don't buy the hysteria for the mere fact that scientist don't know, they think they know but, it isn't a settled matter by any means, only the politics of it seems to be settled.