Charley Manson dies


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nothing can justify his actions. i was just pointing out the path he was put on and the fact he never asked to be put on it.
i dont need to read a book, i can see these things with my own eyes. we have the same thng going on here with our teen daughters close friend, she has drug addict parents, dad/step dad and mom all been in jail and out of jail since she was in grade school, she is living with her 5th different guardian.
our teen has a nice home and lots of family that love her. no drugs, alcohol or abuse.
15 years from now when her friend does drugs or drinks or is having her 10th kid with unknown father, im not gonna say its her own fault.
its not an excuse, its a simple common sense fact. manson was going to grow up to be rotten and nothing would have changed that.

Im guessing you don't believe in God?


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Im guessing you don't believe in God?

the Most High i believe in does not punish the innocent.

My guess is all the voodoo and demon worship.

Ethiopia has always been just as poor as any other African country and they have always been Jewish/Christian. Rome, Egypt and Persia were far wealthier than Judea ever was and they were knee deep in the dark belief systems.


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the Most High i believe in does not punish the innocent.
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory, the only innocent was Christ.

Ethiopia has always been just as poor as any other African country and they have always been Jewish/Christian. Rome, Egypt and Persia were far wealthier than Judea ever was and they were knee deep in the dark belief systems.

You said africa, not ethiopia (one country), and voodoo is big in africa as well as spread to haiti (the poorest nation on earth)and many other impoverished areas.

You need to study, start here


New member
All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory, the only innocent was Christ.
and the sons not held accountable for the fathers sins. Ezekiel

You said africa, not ethiopia (one country), and voodoo is big in africa as well as spread to haiti (the poorest nation on earth)and many other impoverished areas.

You need to study, start here

i said Africa in reference to any poor country in Africa that was made poor by an outside influence and Ethiopia is one of them.
Haiti is poor as dirt because its an agri based economy and US agriculture is subsidized about ten billion a year. this way the US can flood those poor 3rd world economies, like Haiti, and now those haitian farmers cant sell their crops. rinse and repeat for any other country you want to wreck.


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and the sons not held accountable for the fathers sins. Ezekiel

Which has nothing at all to do with what was said. You said God doesnt punish the innocent and i said there are none innocent except Christ.

Isaiah 53:10 But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.

Christ bore the iniquitiy of us all, even though He was innocent.

i said Africa in reference to any poor country in Africa that was made poor by an outside influence and Ethiopia is one of them.
Haiti is poor as dirt because its an agri based economy and US agriculture is subsidized about ten billion a year. this way the US can flood those poor 3rd world economies, like Haiti, and now those haitian farmers cant sell their crops. rinse and repeat for any other country you want to wreck.

Again, refusing the Lord has a lot to do with it and the worship of demons.


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Which has nothing at all to do with what was said. You said God doesnt punish the innocent and i said there are none innocent except Christ.

Isaiah 53:10 But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand.

Christ bore the iniquitiy of us all, even though He was innocent.

it sounds like your trying to advocate an original sin argument, a doctrine that never existed until 400 years after Jesus. if there truly were none innocent then why write something in scripture that is completely arbitrary.

Again, refusing the Lord has a lot to do with it and the worship of demons.

there is a big difference between a belief system you dont understand and one that openly rejects Jesus. the Haitian belief would be a matter of opinion. is it a dark system, it could be, im not an expert on voodoo. i judge a belief sytem by the fruits it produces, i look at Haiti and i dont see them as destroyers of other cultures or a threat to anyone. whats the belief system of the ones that oppress the people of Haiti, those being the USA, if i went to a public school and handed out bibles i could be arrested and thrown in jail, this same government bulldozes monuments of the 10 commandments, erects Egyptian obelisk in the center of our capital city (do obelisks glorify the Father or Osirus?) and decorate our government buildings with roman gods. and this country does in fact destroy other cultures.

i would love to judge these poor people like so many others but i have a giant plank in my eye and im going to judge that first.


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his life refutes the claim, im guessing this is a story of someone that persevered against all the odds. sure its possible, i never said it wasnt. what the book wont tell you is the millions and millions and millions that tried to do exactly that and were prevented from doing so.

why are the people of africa so underdeveloped and impoverished? did they get that way on their own, you dont thnk they have tried to dig themselves out, underdevelopment was something that was imposed on them.
same thing with native americans, 500 yrs back they were living rich lives, today poor as dirt. how did that happen?

Do you believe that being poor and growing up under less than desirable circumstances gives people THE excuse to commit murder?


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"He also wanted race wars really bad, like todays liberals also do ". Angel 4 Truth , what have you been smoking ? Do you really believe this ? If so, you need to see a psychiatrist badly ! Sheesh almighty ! Huh ? Am I merely hallucinating or did I actually read this claim here, which is beyond ludicrous ?

Obeying his orders, his followers used a fork to carve "WAR" on Folger's stomach.


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do you believe being rich and powerful entitles you to stomp down the poor?

I believe that all are or should be equal under the law, that if you break a law, no matter how rich or poor, strong or weak, smart or dumb, how you grew up or what you have planned, you are punished for it appropriately.


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Of course not ... which has absolutely nothing to do with the question I asked you.

Insofar as Manson ... cry me a river.

it has everything to do with it but you would never see it in a million years because you really believe poor people chose to be poor.

mansson is an extreme case as most people like him just get involved in drugs, alcohol,theft and spend most their lives in jail.

manson deserved what he got, he should have been put to death for it many years back. but i do think about things like that, i believe one can be pushed to the point they snap. had i been born into mansons life i may very wel be in jail for drugs, theft or whatever. i dont feel right saying he knew better being as i was raised by a good family, loved, and taught right and wrong. manson never had that.


Hall of Fame
it has everything to do with it but you would never see it in a million years because you really believe poor people chose to be poor..

Nope ... nor do I believe rich people chose to be rich. What I DO believe is that what a person does has to do with who they *are* ... otherwise, explain the Menendez brothers.[h=1][/h]


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it has everything to do with it but you would never see it in a million years because you really believe poor people chose to be poor.

mansson is an extreme case as most people like him just get involved in drugs, alcohol,theft and spend most their lives in jail.

Had he been punished properly early on, he might not have gone down the path that he did.

manson deserved what he got,

Agreed, but he didn't get what he deserved.

he should have been put to death for it many years back.


but i do think about things like that, i believe one can be pushed to the point they snap.

How so?

had i been born into mansons life i may very wel be in jail for drugs, theft or whatever.

Drug dealers should be executed, thieves should be forced to pay restitution.

i dont feel right saying he knew better being as i was raised by a good family, loved, and taught right and wrong. manson never had that.

He had the law written on his heart, and even the Mafia has their own criminal code, and then you realize that regardless of the way he was brought up, he was still under the law of the land, in which murder and many other things that he did were and are crimes.


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Had he been punished properly early on, he might not have gone down the path that he did.
i agree

why is one kid born with every opportunity, and another born with no opportunity. its unfair yet our scriptures tell us the Most High is a G-D of justice. i dont think our Lord is cruel, all things that happen here happen for a reason.
Drug dealers should be executed, thieves should be forced to pay restitution.

i agree on drug dealers, not so much on thieves. one that steals for money should be punished, one that steals for food shouldnt. many Irish were sent to Australia for stealing food. they stole food because they were starving, they were starving because British landlords exported 90% of the food grown.