Canada bans 1500 kinds of military style weapons.


Well-known member
How does that make sense to you?

How totally retarded do you have to be to believe that?

Stand in front of these young men excercising their Constitutional rights and tell them they're cowards

Ha! So you think they would kill a person for speaking their mind?
They would probably explain themselves.
It's folks like you that I would doubt...


Well-known member
More cowards

Dear oh dear..... won't anybody come out to play with you?
So you splatter posts at me?

It's no good you shreiking stuff at me out of context, doser.
The folks in the pic aren't strutting their stuff out in public spaces, so it is different.
And it's no good..... you've already shown that you are a racial bigot on an adjacent thread with your 'what blacks/whites are doing today' ........ yes?
That you used pics of white folks in both your scenarios is just very strange. Very odd indeed...

Some of your previous pics, three decades out of date, or those showing idiots playing at 'Militia Make Believe' just show the mess that has become of 'guns awash America', I'm afraid to say. Untrained, disorganized groups of nutters who were probably turned down for the well trained, organised and respected National Guard. A bit like the way that you shoot your own rifle........

I must get on......... lots to do today...... go play with someone else.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Dear oh dear..... won't anybody come out to play with you?
So you splatter posts at me?

It's no good you shreiking stuff at me out of context, doser.
The folks in the pic aren't strutting their stuff out in public spaces, so it is different.
And it's no good..... you've already shown that you are a racial bigot on an adjacent thread with your 'what blacks/whites are doing today' ........ yes?
That you used pics of white folks in both your scenarios is just very strange. Very odd indeed...

Some of your previous pics, three decades out of date, or those showing idiots playing at 'Militia Make Believe' just show the mess that has become of 'guns awash America', I'm afraid to say. Untrained, disorganized groups of nutters who were probably turned down for the well trained, organised and respected National Guard. A bit like the way that you shoot your own rifle........

I must get on......... lots to do today...... go play with someone else.

Oh dear, another retarded response from i-durrr

quelle surprise


What's the matter? Why do you want to run away from the socialist nations I have listed? They have gone full on socialism. And the rest of the nations experimenting with it will find that they, likewise, will either abandon socialism or go full-on dictatorial as the forms of government that allow freedom cannot last under economic socialism.

There is no such thing as democratic socialism. It's a con game for economic socialism must get rid of all forms of liberty in it's economic system to survive long term. It has to be a limited number of people making decisions that all agree on policy and direction. That means that all the political parties, political structure, the way of governing by committees made up of different ideologies have to go and only one side can rule. That is a requirement and if you don't understand that, you have no idea as to what you're speaking about. You can't have an opposing set of ideas wrangling at the government level or everything economic stops happening. There can only be one set of ideas and one set of people at the top. Outsiders need not apply. And that is totalitarianism. There is nothing even close to democratic about it.

Other than having access to assault rifles, just what are those rights and freedoms that Americans enjoy that "democratic socialists" in Canada don't?

If universal healthcare in Canada reduces citizens to serfs in their own country, why hasn't Trump started building a northern wall along the 5260 miles of common borders to prevent the Canadian "hordes" from attempting to enter the US?


Freedom of speech

World Press Freedom Index 2020

The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published by Reporters Without Borders based upon the organisation's own assessment of the countries' press freedom records in the previous year. It intends to reflect the degree of freedom that journalists, news organisations, and citizens have in each country, and the efforts made by authorities to respect this freedom. Reporters Without Borders is careful to note that the index only deals with press freedom and does not measure the quality of journalism nor does it look at human rights violations in general.

1. Norway 7.84

2. Finland 7.93

3. Denmark 8.13

4. Sweden 9.25

5. Netherlands 9.96

6. Jamaica 10.51

7. Costa Rica 10.53

8. Switzerland 10.62

9. New Zealand 10.69

10. Portugal 11.83

11. Germany 12.16

12. Belgium 12.57

13. Ireland 12.60

14. Estonia 12.61

15. Iceland 15.12

16. Canada 15.29

17. Luxembourg 15.46

18. Austria 15.78

19. Uruguay 15.79

20. Suriname 17.50

21. Samoa 18.25

22. Latvia 18.56

23. Namibia 19.25

24. Liechtenstein 19.52

25. Cabo Verde 20.15

26. Australia 20.21

27. Cyprus 20.45

28. Lithuania 21.1

29; Spain 22.16

30. Ghana 22.26

31. South Africa 22.41

32. Slovenia 22.64

33. Slovakia 22.67

34. France 22.92

35. United Kingdom 22.93

36. Trinidad and Tobago 23.22

37. Andorra 23.23

38. Burkina Faso 23.47

39. Botswana 23.56

40. Czech Republic 23.57

41. Italy 23.69

42. South Korea 23.70

43. Taiwan 23.76

44. OECS 23.7

45. United States 23.85
************************************************** ************************************************** **************************************************

Trump-era Hostility Toward Press Persists

Press freedom in the United States continued to suffer during President Donald Trump’s third year in office.

Arrests, physical assaults, public denigration and the harassment of journalists continued in 2019, though the numbers of journalists arrested and assaulted were slightly lower than the year prior.

Much of that ire has come from President Trump and his associates in the federal government, who have demonstrated the United States is no longer a champion of press freedom at home or abroad.

This dangerous anti-press sentiment has trickled down to local governments, institutions and the American public.

In March 2019, a leaked document revealed the US government was using a secret database tracking journalists, activists and others who border authorities believed should be stopped for questioning when crossing certain checkpoints along the US-Mexico border.

A couple months later, the Justice Department charged Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange with 17 counts of the WWI-era Espionage Act.

If he is convicted, this would set a dangerous precedent for journalists who publish classified US government information of public interest moving forward.

Under President Trump, the White House has strategically replaced traditional forms of press access with those that limit the ability of journalists to ask questions of the administration.

The last daily, televised White House press briefing led by a press secretary took place in March 2019, and since then the federal government has made multiple attempts to deny specific journalists and news outlets access to other opportunities for press engagement.
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