Canada bans 1500 kinds of military style weapons.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
We don't have 300+ million guns awash in our country.
Per capita to equal the guns in America you'd have like 80 million civilian owned guns. I honestly don't remember well the latest data on what you all actually own . . . I think though it'd be around 15 million. That's probably close enough to make the point that whatever it is in the UK, multiply it by 4-5 and that's what we've got over here. And even then you might think that you'd see guns almost everywhere with that many, but typically we see zero civilian owned guns each day. I live near a very gun-friendly region (states VT, NH, and ME) and spend time in this region but even there I'll see one maybe once every 20 days there, tops.
And we don't have an NRA which is creaking at the seams with corruption at the top....... or so we hear.
If you British had 4-5 times more guns you might have a chapter of the NRA over there too. In American regions where the people are more British-style in their gun /arms control (like NY /NJ or CA or IL), the NRA doesn't have much presence.


Well-known member
Why that's not presumptuous at all!
That's presumption.
I did no such thing. Because we live in a country with like 400 million civilian owned guns lots of us have spent long hours thinking through all sorts of scenarios where we'd be armed and the situation might require that we use our arms to defend either our own lives /limbs, or someone else's, like our families, or neighbors. We do it all the time, and have been doing it all the time for decades. All the time, Eider. I know that you over across the pond don't do that and that's because I'm guessing, first blush, because you don't have 120 guns per every 100 of yous over there. If we have a gun here, it's possible that we'll consider different scenarios that might occur---might (unlikely but possible)---and how we would respond.
Right. Totally fine thing to wonder.
Presumption again.

Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.
So you spend 'long hours' dreaming of how you would behave in any safety or security situation?
In which case I found it surprising that it took you several days to think of any answer to my 'scenario'.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hey, if you don't want engagement in what passes in your world for "debate" then don't bother quoting me you dimwit. My post was obviously sarcastic to anyone with an IQ above a decimal point.

And stop projecting as well.

Yes, that's nice

Stagger along now, drunky


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.
Would you please use details when you try to communicate Eider? People can't read your mind, we only know what you're trying to communicate in reading the actual real explicit words that you use, and here and in many other interactions with you you leave out words, you just presume that we know what you're thinking, and then when it becomes clear to any charitable person that we did not guess right, what you were thinking, you accuse us of twisting your ideas on purpose, when the fact is if we did not guess at what you're talking about, we couldn't interact with you in any way because of the inherent ambiguity that your style of communication has. i o w you're bluffing, and I call. What exactly is it that I "had already shown" you "so much" of? You can answer this question flatly since you underscored your certitude with the phrase "no need for me to guess". So tell me, tell me all of the things particularly and explicitly that you all meant by "you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess". Please do this for the sake of demonstrating that you are a reasonable user here and not a troll, who constantly bluffs like this on purpose and deliberately, because you're just playing whatever ego-stroking troll-game that this is, that you and other trolls do just for your own amusement at best, and more likely and worse, because you're just a very shallow, some might accuse you of being developmentally delayed, man or woman.
So you spend 'long hours' dreaming of how you would behave in any safety or security situation?
Cumulatively, absolutely. You? You ever think about your life being demanded of you? Your life being required? The parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man's life was required of him. Do you ever think about your life being required of you? The idea is that you're passive in the whole thing. You don't require your life, it is required of you, you are faced with demand for your life, and in the parable Jesus doesn't indicate that the man could have resisted even if he was prepared, that's one way that we can go, all of us, we can go in such a way that no matter how we resist and fight, we still will not survive the requirement of our life. And then there's the other way, it's when you can resist and avoid the demand of your life, if you are prepared, if you are lucky, if you make the right choice, and any combination and any weighting of those things. If your life is required of you and you can do something to thwart that attempt on your life, that is what I have thought about, and that is what many other American gun owners have thought about, because it's one of the natural ideas to have if you own a gun and if you're a thoughtful person. It's also natural if you live in America, to think about, even if you don't own a gun. This is why so many new American gun owners this year. These aren't gun owners who've thought about their life being required of them and them being able to resist that demand, these are the non-gun owners who've thought this idea, and they have felt very fortunate that they live in America, and not in England, for just ONE example, and that they can go get a gun.
In which case I found it surprising that it took you several days to think of any answer to my 'scenario'.
That's presumption because you've imagined that my response to your scenario (remember Eider that me and very many other American gun owners do this habitually) required any effort. If you really wanted to challenge or stump me or anyone in my identity group, you would have had to have added more details to distinguish it from a run-of-the-mill, "someone's trying to murder you; whatdya do?" scenario like the one you posed. The answer to all of these such scenarios is you shoot first ask questions later, because otherwise it appears that you're going to be murdered if you do nothing or if you do almost anything other than shoot first ask questions later. The best we can do as civilians is minimize mistakes, and that's why shouting is very important, that in fact practicing shouting is part of practicing defensive shooting, because your best chance is when you can establish a vocal domination over the attempted murderer, before they actually commit violence you really hope that they will stop and you can help by giving them sharp and very loud commands. You also in so doing give them fair warning. You remove ambiguity. If they don't stop then you're going to shoot at them, fair warning.

There are other kinds of scenarios where for example someone's trying to murder someone else, in such case, what do you do? You're a civilian, not l e o, so what do you do? You're not defending yourself, you won't be able to claim self-defense. But in such a case where he (it's almost always a man) appears to be about to attempt to murder someone else, the answer again is shoot first ask questions later. Such as the beginning of a mass shooting event. Someone appears to be about to attempt to murder someone. They're carrying the gun, finger on trigger, and they raise it to aim at people. That's enough. Probably none of us would be quick enough to stop him at that late point, but we ought to be able to stop him by at maximum 5-10 rounds, unless it's a machine gun, it might take us 60 or more rounds before we can respond if he or she's got a machine gun on the crowd. But we have to notice him or her first, with the weapon, perhaps having lost his or her cool, perhaps not, but finger on trigger, and muzzle raised to aim at people, that is already assault, menacing, brandishing, criminal threatening right there. They're already a criminal right before your eyes. Now, you need to know if this is an obvious attempt to murder, or if it's not, and through the objective commission of the aforementioned crimes, the difficulty in assessment is minimized.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Wanted to let you know that somebody's reading your responses and enjoying them, if not eider.

Reminds me of all the preparedness training we did with the boy scouts - Be Prepared was a motto we took seriously
'Appreciate it. The right to bear arms is basically the right to be prepared, all filled in. You never know where savages are going to strike, they look just like us, we can't just racially profile ourselves to salvation from the savages, they're of every race. Also there could be inadvertent savagery, committed in the heat of the moment, committed when not in full control of their senses or instincts, not exactly, not 100.00% control. Sometimes that happens too.

Rule one have gun. Next rule is if you're likely going to get murdered if you do nothing, then you shoot first and ask questions later, rule two.

Violating the right to prepare, like doing the same to free speech, doesn't leave any marks. But all the rights are indivisible, which means equal, such that violating any of them is as serious as violating the others. It doesn't depend upon harm done or loss, if it did the freedom of speech would have been abandoned, because we all know that free speech can lead to mayhem and indiscriminate violence (confer Marxist savages Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc.).


The irony is that American society becomes fixated on threats from the past, oblivious to the fact that history rarely repeats itself - meanwhile governments, in thir infinite wisdom, dismantle the defenses for those threats just before they come over the horizon!

This President sold the nation "a bill of goods" that a wall along its southern border would protect them from the great unwashed brown hordes, but remained in a state of denial for months when a much greater but unanticipated threat arrived aboard international flights from Asia and Europe!


Well-known member
Would you please use details when you try to communicate Eider? People can't read your mind, we only know what you're trying to communicate in reading the actual real explicit words that you use, and here and in many other interactions with you you leave out words, you just presume that we know what you're thinking, and then when it becomes clear to any charitable person that we did not guess right, what you were thinking, you accuse us of twisting your ideas on purpose, when the fact is if we did not guess at what you're talking about, we couldn't interact with you in any way because of the inherent ambiguity that your style of communication has. i o w you're bluffing, and I call. What exactly is it that I "had already shown" you "so much" of? You can answer this question flatly since you underscored your certitude with the phrase "no need for me to guess". So tell me, tell me all of the things particularly and explicitly that you all meant by "you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess". Please do this for the sake of demonstrating that you are a reasonable user here and not a troll, who constantly bluffs like this on purpose and deliberately, because you're just playing whatever ego-stroking troll-game that this is, that you and other trolls do just for your own amusement at best, and more likely and worse, because you're just a very shallow, some might accuse you of being developmentally delayed, man or woman.
Cumulatively, absolutely. You? You ever think about your life being demanded of you? Your life being required? The parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man's life was required of him. Do you ever think about your life being required of you? The idea is that you're passive in the whole thing. You don't require your life, it is required of you, you are faced with demand for your life, and in the parable Jesus doesn't indicate that the man could have resisted even if he was prepared, that's one way that we can go, all of us, we can go in such a way that no matter how we resist and fight, we still will not survive the requirement of our life. And then there's the other way, it's when you can resist and avoid the demand of your life, if you are prepared, if you are lucky, if you make the right choice, and any combination and any weighting of those things. If your life is required of you and you can do something to thwart that attempt on your life, that is what I have thought about, and that is what many other American gun owners have thought about, because it's one of the natural ideas to have if you own a gun and if you're a thoughtful person. It's also natural if you live in America, to think about, even if you don't own a gun. This is why so many new American gun owners this year. These aren't gun owners who've thought about their life being required of them and them being able to resist that demand, these are the non-gun owners who've thought this idea, and they have felt very fortunate that they live in America, and not in England, for just ONE example, and that they can go get a gun.
That's presumption because you've imagined that my response to your scenario (remember Eider that me and very many other American gun owners do this habitually) required any effort. If you really wanted to challenge or stump me or anyone in my identity group, you would have had to have added more details to distinguish it from a run-of-the-mill, "someone's trying to murder you; whatdya do?" scenario like the one you posed. The answer to all of these such scenarios is you shoot first ask questions later, because otherwise it appears that you're going to be murdered if you do nothing or if you do almost anything other than shoot first ask questions later. The best we can do as civilians is minimize mistakes, and that's why shouting is very important, that in fact practicing shouting is part of practicing defensive shooting, because your best chance is when you can establish a vocal domination over the attempted murderer, before they actually commit violence you really hope that they will stop and you can help by giving them sharp and very loud commands. You also in so doing give them fair warning. You remove ambiguity. If they don't stop then you're going to shoot at them, fair warning.
This was your answer to my short sentence...... : 'Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.' :yawn:

Actually, truly, I guessed right. But you have now written it in a sentence, hidden in a huge load of drivvel......... here it is:-
The answer to all of these such scenarios is you shoot first ask questions later

Does this mean that your original answer was just bull dust and that you'd be shooting first.......... ? Oh.... that's a question, Idolater...... no presumption in a question. OK?

There are other kinds of scenarios where for example someone's trying to murder someone else, in such case, what do you do? You're a civilian, not l e o, so what do you do? You're not defending yourself, you won't be able to claim self-defense. But in such a case where he (it's almost always a man) appears to be about to attempt to murder someone else, the answer again is shoot first ask questions later. Such as the beginning of a mass shooting event. Someone appears to be about to attempt to murder someone. They're carrying the gun, finger on trigger, and they raise it to aim at people. That's enough. Probably none of us would be quick enough to stop him at that late point, but we ought to be able to stop him by at maximum 5-10 rounds, unless it's a machine gun, it might take us 60 or more rounds before we can respond if he or she's got a machine gun on the crowd. But we have to notice him or her first, with the weapon, perhaps having lost his or her cool, perhaps not, but finger on trigger, and muzzle raised to aim at people, that is already assault, menacing, brandishing, criminal threatening right there. They're already a criminal right before your eyes. Now, you need to know if this is an obvious attempt to murder, or if it's not, and through the objective commission of the aforementioned crimes, the difficulty in assessment is minimized.
That's all very dangerous, Idolater.
Again, you write to us all....:
the answer again is shoot first ask questions later.

Shocking...... quite shocking....... and you actually give us a situation where you would do the above...:
But in such a case where he (it's almost always a man) appears to be about to attempt to murder someone else, the answer again is shoot first ask questions later

When you write long passages like the above, there's more chance for you to give yourself away.

......'appears to be....'


Well-known member
Rule one have gun. Next rule is if you're likely going to get murdered if you do nothing, then you shoot first and ask questions later, rule two.

Questions about the above feelings should be asked on gun licence applications.
You answers would at least flag up to the authorities for further questions.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Please do this for the sake of demonstrating that you are a reasonable user here and not a troll, who constantly bluffs like this on purpose and deliberately, because you're just playing whatever ego-stroking troll-game that this is, that you and other trolls do just for your own amusement at best, and more likely and worse, because you're just a very shallow, some might accuse you of being developmentally delayed, man or woman.

This was your answer to my short sentence...... : 'Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.' :yawn:

Actually, truly, I guessed right. But you have now written it in a sentence, hidden in a huge load of drivvel......... here it is:-

Does this mean that your original answer was just bull dust and that you'd be shooting first.......... ? Oh.... that's a question, Idolater...... no presumption in a question. OK?

That's all very dangerous, Idolater.
Again, you write to us all....:

Shocking...... quite shocking....... and you actually give us a situation where you would do the above...:

When you write long passages like the above, there's more chance for you to give yourself away.

......'appears to be....'


And there's your answer :sigh:

i was hoping he might actually rise to the occasion here, having encountered his retarded trolling in the past, but no - he's created an image of you in his mind and isn't really interested in discussion, merely browbeating


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
This was your answer to my short sentence...... : 'Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.' :yawn:

Actually, truly, I guessed right. But you have now written it in a sentence, hidden in a huge load of drivvel......... here it is:-

Does this mean that your original answer was just bull dust and that you'd be shooting first.......... ? Oh.... that's a question, Idolater...... no presumption in a question. OK?

That's all very dangerous, Idolater.
Again, you write to us all....:

Shocking...... quite shocking....... and you actually give us a situation where you would do the above...:

When you write long passages like the above, there's more chance for you to give yourself away.

......'appears to be....'
I repeat.
What exactly is it that I "had already shown" you "so much" of? You can answer this question flatly since you underscored your certitude with the phrase "no need for me to guess". So tell me, tell me all of the things particularly and explicitly that you all meant by "you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess". Please do this for the sake of demonstrating that you are a reasonable user here and not a troll, who constantly bluffs like this on purpose and deliberately, because you're just playing whatever ego-stroking troll-game that this is, that you and other trolls do just for your own amusement at best, and more likely and worse, because you're just a very shallow, some might accuse you of being developmentally delayed, man or woman.


Well-known member
I repeat.

I think that your very very slow response, long winded explanation and more showed that you would probably be better off staying at home, inside your secure home and being with your family. It would be better if you just protected home and family..... inside.

I've filmed and written scenarios for training courses for over twenty years so I do know something about that technique, and I don't think it's for you, going outside with firearms......... you just don't have that in you. I've tried this before with other members and they didn't do any better, if that's any consolation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What exactly is it that I "had already shown" you "so much" of? You can answer this question flatly since you underscored your certitude with the phrase "no need for me to guess". So tell me, tell me all of the things particularly and explicitly that you all meant by "you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess".

I think that your very very slow response, long winded explanation and more showed that you would probably be better off staying at home, inside your secure home and being with your family. It would be better if you just protected home and family..... inside.

I've filmed and written scenarios for training courses for over twenty years so I do know something about that technique, and I don't think it's for you, going outside with firearms......... you just don't have that in you. I've tried this before with other members and they didn't do any better, if that's any consolation.
:plain: Presumptuous and arrogant? My lucky day.

Man, I'll give you to the social media count of three, to put up or shut up (as a troll). Right now you're way behind and need to catch up, and explain how a non-troll could possibly have thought to write what you just wrote here, but that's not your priority---you immediately need to show you're not just another troll. You have patently doubled down on being a troll in this post, so I'm for whatever reason---patience? gluttony for punishment?---giving you one more chance.

Some ideas that you can address. What on earth kind of "training courses" are you talking about? Fill in details, who is the intended audience? what is the content? not to mention what kind of training? Be specific (you're on the clock). Where is this occurring? You might also want to explain how my response to your scenario was "long winded" rather than simply stating my ideas and the reasons for them (which is what I thought it was). Also you could tackle how on earth you can ascertain someone's readiness and demeanor w r t having a riotous scenario occur in his or her presence, from reading a few social media posts?

I'm like 99% sure you're full of it Eider. "This is your last chance."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I asked this of eider and never got a response:
Considering the long bloody history of Europe and the conflicts that rage around its edges, do you believe that the peace that currently exists is enduring?

Or do you see it, as I do, as a temporary lull in what is otherwise a normal state of conflict, traditionally resolved through armed struggle?


Well-known member

:plain: Presumptuous and arrogant? My lucky day.

Man, I'll give you to the social media count of three, to put up or shut up (as a troll). Right now you're way behind and need to catch up, and explain how a non-troll could possibly have thought to write what you just wrote here, but that's not your priority---you immediately need to show you're not just another troll. You have patently doubled down on being a troll in this post, so I'm for whatever reason---patience? gluttony for punishment?---giving you one more chance.
Which part of 'You needed many days to figure out a plan' don't you get?
And your description of your actions seemed strange to me.

Some ideas that you can address. What on earth kind of "training courses" are you talking about? Fill in details, who is the intended audience? what is the content? not to mention what kind of training? Be specific (you're on the clock). Where is this occurring?
I've told you quite enough about what I did for work........ you don't get to receive any more details.
I see that you have been able to read another 'what to do' scenario of mine from a previous thread.
People's answers show so much, is all.
I also made many 'what to do' training films for very big companies, Idolater. Still have copies of all....... And 'No', you don't get to see 'em here; many are still used and they are the property of the companies that paid for them.

You might also want to explain how my response to your scenario was "long winded" rather than simply stating my ideas and the reasons for them (which is what I thought it was). Also you could tackle how on earth you can ascertain someone's readiness and demeanor w r t having a riotous scenario occur in his or her presence, from reading a few social media posts?

I'm like 99% sure you're full of it Eider. "This is your last chance."

Then stick with your opinion, Idolater. I'll forego that 'last chance'......