Idolater.......... Presumption is guessing........... but you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess.
Would you please use details when you try to communicate Eider? People can't read your mind, we only know what you're trying to communicate in reading the actual real explicit words that you use, and here and in many other interactions with you you leave out words, you just presume that we know what you're thinking, and then when it becomes clear to any charitable person that we did not guess right, what you were thinking, you accuse us of twisting your ideas on purpose, when the fact is if we did not guess at what you're talking about, we couldn't interact with you in any way because of the inherent ambiguity that your style of communication has. i o w you're bluffing, and I call. What exactly is it that I "had already shown" you "so much" of? You can answer this question flatly since you underscored your certitude with the phrase "no need for me to guess". So tell me, tell me all of the things particularly and explicitly that you all meant by "you had already shown me so much, and no need for me to guess". Please do this for the sake of demonstrating that you are a reasonable user here and not a troll, who constantly bluffs like this on purpose and deliberately, because you're just playing whatever ego-stroking troll-game that this is, that you and other trolls do just for your own amusement at best, and more likely and worse, because you're just a very shallow, some might accuse you of being developmentally delayed, man or woman.
So you spend 'long hours' dreaming of how you would behave in any safety or security situation?
Cumulatively, absolutely. You? You ever think about your life being demanded of you? Your life being required? The parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man's life was required of him. Do you ever think about your life being required of you? The idea is that you're passive in the whole thing. You don't require your life, it is required of you, you are faced with demand for your life, and in the parable Jesus doesn't indicate that the man could have resisted even if he was prepared, that's one way that we can go, all of us, we can go in such a way that no matter how we resist and fight, we still will not survive the requirement of our life. And then there's the other way, it's when you can resist and avoid the demand of your life, if you are prepared, if you are lucky, if you make the right choice, and any combination and any weighting of those things. If your life is required of you and you can do something to thwart that attempt on your life, that is what I have thought about, and that is what many other American gun owners have thought about, because it's one of the natural ideas to have if you own a gun and if you're a thoughtful person. It's also natural if you live in America, to think about, even if you don't own a gun. This is why so many new American gun owners this year. These aren't gun owners who've thought about their life being required of them and them being able to resist that demand, these are the non-gun owners who've thought this idea, and they have felt very fortunate that they live in America, and not in England, for just ONE example, and that they can go get a gun.
In which case I found it surprising that it took you several days to think of any answer to my 'scenario'.
That's presumption because you've imagined that my response to your scenario (remember Eider that me and very many other American gun owners do this habitually) required any effort. If you really wanted to challenge or stump me or anyone in my identity group, you would have had to have added more details to distinguish it from a run-of-the-mill, "someone's trying to murder you; whatdya do?" scenario like the one you posed. The answer to all of these such scenarios is you shoot first ask questions later, because otherwise it appears that you're going to be murdered if you do nothing or if you do almost anything other than shoot first ask questions later. The best we can do as civilians is minimize mistakes, and that's why shouting is very important, that in fact practicing shouting is part of practicing defensive shooting, because your best chance is when you can establish a vocal domination over the attempted murderer, before they actually commit violence you really hope that they will stop and you can help by giving them sharp and very loud commands. You also in so doing give them fair warning. You remove ambiguity. If they don't stop then you're going to shoot at them, fair warning.
There are other kinds of scenarios where for example someone's trying to murder someone else, in such case, what do you do? You're a civilian, not l e o, so what do you do? You're not defending yourself, you won't be able to claim self-defense. But in such a case where he (it's almost always a man) appears to be about to attempt to murder someone else, the answer again is shoot first ask questions later. Such as the beginning of a mass shooting event. Someone appears to be about to attempt to murder someone. They're carrying the gun, finger on trigger, and they raise it to aim at people. That's enough. Probably none of us would be quick enough to stop him at that late point, but we ought to be able to stop him by at maximum 5-10 rounds, unless it's a machine gun, it might take us 60 or more rounds before we can respond if he or she's got a machine gun on the crowd. But we have to notice him or her first, with the weapon, perhaps having lost his or her cool, perhaps not, but finger on trigger, and muzzle raised to aim at people, that is already assault, menacing, brandishing, criminal threatening right there. They're already a criminal right before your eyes. Now, you need to know if this is an obvious attempt to murder, or if it's not, and through the objective commission of the aforementioned crimes, the difficulty in assessment is minimized.