Canada bans 1500 kinds of military style weapons.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Nothing, but I'll bet just knowing that makes you feel, well, manly. Especially with a really big gun and a snappy uniform.
I lug around a spare mag every day with me, on my person. It'd be a lot easier to leave that at home and just go with the mag that's already in my gun, but I take that spare fully loaded magazine with me every day anyway, because I know, that if ever I'm justified to shoot my weapon, and somehow things go in a way that I empty my magazine but I'm still in danger (or, i.e., I haven't got to my rifle yet), or my family's still in danger, or my neighbor's still in danger, that's when I'm going to be SO GLAD that I carry that back-up mag with me, every single day, even though I haven't had to discharge my gun even once---and I really hope that I don't ever have to.

Do you carry? Are you armed? Are you allowed to carry a gun?


Well-known member
The militia is not government, it is not military. I am a civilian.

OK....... can we talk some more about the militia, please?
Although this thread is about Canada, this subject is interesting to me. Just correct each sentence where you need to, please.

You and all other 17-15 yr men (and some women) are in the militia.
You do not have any 'militia' training.
You can be called up for militia service.
What body can call you up for service? In what circumstances....... a threat?
What kind of threat might exist for you to be called up.?
If you are called up who would you obey, directly and ultimately?
You've all got guns, I guess, so if you were called up, who might you need to shoot with them?
Is this like the Brit 'Home Guard' during WWII, which was mostly manned by young men and not old men? If so, our Dad's army had training, so I'm confused.
During the war our Home Guard made some very sad mistakes at times, if you make a very sad mistake (shoot a nice person :) ) who is reponsible?
Are you all insured for Public Liability indemnity in the militia?

So far all I've got is a town (all of 'em!) where everybody has a gun and can be called up by somebody. :)


Well-known member

Do you know why these lawful armed men were standing outside their businesses with their guns? They don't look very well prepared for a real emergency or threat. Maybe they've heard they are going to get robbed? Do you know what was happening?
I wouldn't know who was safe and who was a danger if I saw a bunch of folks with guns.......... I certainly would not continue to travel towards them if I saw them here where I live.


Well-known member
Idolater hello again......... I don't mean to deluge you with stuff, but since it might be a while before you see these posts I wonder if I could put you in a scenario to see what you might do..... ok?

One morning as you have your breakfast you answer the 'phone and your mayor or a police chief tells you that you (and other neighbours) have to attend the militia and go to the West entrance of your street to protect all your neighbors. You are told that a group of maniacs have entered a nearby town and killed many people in the streets. Thet were shouting slogansa and all wearing blavcknwhite clothing. That's all you know.
You obey, and at 10.35am as you stand with one other neighbour at the West end you both see three big men wearing blacknwhite clothes running towards you about 100 yards off. They are closing quickly and shouting. They are all carrying machetes.
Now........ you don't know it yet (ok?) but no matter what you do they are going to keep coming, shouting etc...... you don't know that yet! ./....... but all I want you to do is to tell me, step by step, what you will do over the next five minutes. OK? There is one initial problem for you.......... your neighbour loses his nerve and runs away, shouting something about only being a bus driver or something ( :) ) so it's you, mate. !! :)


Well-known member

Those protesting people have all got guns as well, it's the USA you dope, only they left them at home. They went out with diddely....
And if your kind went out on to the streets with your guns the whole world would see your cowardice.

I've often read people here explaining that they would need their guns to defend from a bad 'gubmunt' or however you say it. It seems that these protesters are campaigning against some bad police......... I can't see much difference, only these people don't all grab up their guns quite so quick, it seems.

EDIT: And look at the bottom pic........ nearly all the protesters are white people who seek justice to be brought to Mr Floyd's killer....... and those who supported him.


Well-known member

Ha ha! That bloke has got five fingers in his right hand with a dodgy thump, six in all..... the whole hand has been badly photo-shopped.. Like most other stuff you chuck on here, yet another fake.

He'd best stay in his home and turn the lights off, because if he shoots that AK he's putting any family he's got in to severe danger...... from the police, probably. He'd be bound to point it at the wrong person......

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ha ha! That bloke has got five fingers in his right hand with a dodgy thump, six in all..... the whole hand has been badly photo-shopped.. Like most other stuff you chuck on here, yet another fake.

He'd best stay in his home and turn the lights off, because if he shoots that AK he's putting any family he's got in to severe danger...... from the police, probably. He'd be bound to point it at the wrong person......

You're an amusingly retarded fellow, so very predictable in your responses :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And if your kind went out on to the streets with your guns the whole world would see your cowardice.

How does that make sense to you?

How totally retarded do you have to be to believe that?

Stand in front of these young men excercising their Constitutional rights and tell them they're cowards
