Can Anyone Explain 'Why gay marriage?'


Well-known member
Why do you argue like a Protestant? You stink at it.

Because Eider is not Catholic. You seem to harbor hostility toward me. Why?

You're Catholic, born into a Catholic family, would you please show some pride? You don't have to sully yourself in these stupid arguments.

Pride? Not humility?

Why should I not speak with other Christians about "ancillary" matters?

You're a member of the family that Jesus started, born into it.

You are Catholic, right?


Quote the Catechism. The "Protestant" case for the Catholic Church is far easier to make than any of these ancillary matters!

You may be right.

Perhaps you are better equipped than I. Go ahead. Show me how it's done.


Because Eider is not Catholic. You seem to harbor hostility toward me. Why?

Pride? Not humility?

Why should I not speak with other Christians about "ancillary" matters?


You may be right.

Perhaps you are better equipped than I. Go ahead. Show me how it's done.
I've already done so, with Eider, on this very matter. Ask Eider.


A link to the discussion would be helpful.
It doesn't matter. Eider already likes the Catholic teaching on the matter, because it's loving, and accepting, even in it's uncompromising position that it's immoral. We wouldn't expect anything less from Jesus' own Church! :)


Well-known member
It doesn't matter. Eider already likes the Catholic teaching on the matter, because it's loving, and accepting, even in it's uncompromising position that it's immoral. We wouldn't expect anything less from Jesus' own Church! :)

I am not so sure. He believes the Catholic teaching on homosexuality is in error - in disagreement with the "true" teachings of Christ.


Well-known member
What are you talking about?

The NT forbids homosexuality. Case closed.

The NT forbids homosexuality. Case closed.

Philosophy supports homosexuality? Bringing out the broad brush, I see.

You can sing the high praises of homosexuality all day long, but don't go on pretending it's the "Christian" thing to do.

There you go again..... debating like a Protestant....! :chuckle:


Well-known member
What does that mean?

It's called ..... humour.
That's what a joke looks like, Glassjester.
It was meant in .... fun.

.... is all.

Loosen up a bit. :D

When you get to Heaven and find yourself surrounded by folks who (in life) had all manner of sexualities, backgrounds, creeds, colours, nationalities, races, genders, abilities, disabilities and so forth... you're going to need to be able to loosen up a bit. Or Heaven for you will be ....... well, who knows?


Well-known member
I've already done so, with Eider, on this very matter. Ask Eider.

Indeed, although your Church has a doctrine hammered into stone (Cephas) and although it will never be able to undertake or support Gay marriage, or Gay clergy (?) your Pope has shown beyond any doubt that hatred towards Gays is way out of Order, and He would not accept any victimisation of, nor harrassment towards Gays.... at all.

If any would compare that spirit to those of some Christian Creeds and Hatreds out there, it has to be highly respected.


I am not so sure. He believes the Catholic teaching on homosexuality is in error - in disagreement with the "true" teachings of Christ.
And that's just one of any number of Protestant views. Who censored cares what Protestants think that Jesus taught? There's only one college of people whose view is of any more significance than the livestock's, and that's the Magisterium's view, as you already know! Why are you sloshing around in the muck with people who don't believe that the Lord Jesus was kind enough to ensure that His flock would be shepherded consistently from His Ascension until His Second Coming? There is a level beyond which, they're just not walking with you anymore, and you're on your own as a Catholic who believes that the papacy and the bishops in communion with the pope, are the One Church's true teaching office. They want to cling to their own opinions and clever spins on Sacred Scripture; they don't want to know the truth, and they don't care what you say, and you're selling your faith short in stooping to their level.

They're simply wrong, and they simply won't hear that they're wrong. That's not an option for them; that they're wrong. You're so much better than they are.

So pulverize their thinking. Grind it into pulp. They are so arrogant as to think that the Lord wasn't capable of maintaining His "visible" Church much past (fill in the blank here, everybody acknowledges that the Acts Church was legit, different Protestant-types say that it went wrong before the end of the first century, some with Constantine, some with the East-West Schism of 1054, some with the Reformation, etc.) some point in history, and from then on, His Church either became "invisible," or else some other "visible" ecclesial community grabbed the baton.

Funny that it's never Peter's baton. Not a single one of these other candidates for the Lord's Church that He actually built (as He said He'd build) makes Peter prominent like the Catholic Church, even though there's that verse, where Jesus promises that His Church will be built upon Peter! And hundreds of millions of Christians fall for it! "You are Peter and upon [you] I will build My Church," He said!

So they don't believe the Bible either. They'll swear up and down that they treat the Bible as Catholics treat the moral and doctrinal authority of the Magisterium, but they don't really. They just believe whatever they want. So don't bother going down the rabbit trails, just argue who you are, where you come from, because they're not going to change their mind anyway. And the biblical case for the Catholic Church is far stronger than any other case on any other matter of faith and morals that you could make.

"I will build My Church upon this Peter." "This Peter" means "pope(s)."


Well-known member
So pulverize their thinking. Grind it into pulp. They are so arrogant as to think that the Lord wasn't capable of maintaining His "visible" Church much past (fill in the blank here, everybody acknowledges that the Acts Church was legit, different Protestant-types say that it went wrong before the end of the first century, some with Constantine, some with the East-West Schism of 1054, some with the Reformation, etc.) some point in history, and from then on, His Church either became "invisible," or else some other "visible" ecclesial community grabbed the baton.

You're right, of course. That was Cruciform's approach, remember?

And while factually correct and relentlessly logical, unfortunately, I don't remember it being all that fruitful here.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its followers are indwelt with the HS?

Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its leaders are indwelt with the HS?

Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its popes have been indwelt with the HS?


Well-known member
Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its followers are indwelt with the HS?

Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its leaders are indwelt with the HS?

Does the Catholic Church believe that all of its popes have been indwelt with the HS?

Yes. From the Catechism:

1265 - Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes the neophyte "a new creature," an adopted son of God, who has become a "partaker of the divine nature," member of Christ and co-heir with him, and a temple of the Holy Spirit.

1266 - The Most Holy Trinity gives the baptized sanctifying grace, the grace of justification:
- enabling them to believe in God, to hope in him, and to love him through the theological virtues;
- giving them the power to live and act under the prompting of the Holy Spirit through the gifts of the Holy Spirit;
- allowing them to grow in goodness through the moral virtues.
Thus the whole organism of the Christian's supernatural life has its roots in Baptism.

Of course, sanctifying grace can be lost through mortal sin. It can be regained through the sacrament of penance and reconciliation.